Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (11): 132-142.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2023.0680


Amino Acid Content Analysis of Different Fresh Corn Varieties at Suitable Harvest Time

Baishan LU(), Hui DONG(), Jiuran ZHAO, Li XU, Yanli FAN, Yaxing SHI(), Ronghuan WANG()   

  1. Beijing Key Laboratory of Maize DNA Fingerprinting and Molecular Breeding,Maize Research Institute,Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,Beijing 100097,China
  • Received:2023-09-13 Accepted:2023-10-19 Online:2023-11-15 Published:2023-11-20
  • Contact: Yaxing SHI,Ronghuan WANG


卢柏山(), 董会(), 赵久然, 徐丽, 樊艳丽, 史亚兴(), 王荣焕()   

  1. 北京市农林科学院玉米研究所,玉米DNA指纹及分子育种北京市重点实验室,北京 100097
  • 通讯作者: 史亚兴,王荣焕
  • 作者简介:卢柏山 E-mail:
    董会 E-mail: donghui2013@163.com第一联系人:卢柏山和董会为共同第一作者。
  • 基金资助:


The amino acid content of 26 different fresh corn varieties was analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and the similarity between different types of fresh corn and WHO/FAO standard amino acid model value was compared, and the amino acid content was analyzed by amino acid ratio coefficient method. The results showed that,the total amino acid content of the tested fresh corn varieties ranged from 6.85 to 16.66 mg·g-1, and Jingketian 533 (16.66 mg·g-1), Jingkenuo 623 (12.01 mg·g-1) and Nongkenuo 336 (14.44 mg·g-1) was higher than other varieties of sweet, waxy, sweet+waxy type, respectively. Essential amino acids accounted for 10.38%~22.43%, and Jingketian 816 (17.39%), Jingkenuo 656 (22.43%) and Nongkeyu 368 (18.16%) was higher than other varieties of sweet, waxy, sweet+waxy type, respectively. Analysis of flavor amino acids showed the content of fresh and sweet amino acids of Jingketian 533 and Nongkenuo 336 were higher than that of other varieties. The content of methionine+cysteine was higher than that of WHO/FAO standard mode, while the content of other amino acids were lower than the standard amino acid model value, belonging to the relative lack of amino acids. There were 6 varieties with amino acid ratio coefficient score (SRC) more than 50, including sweet corn varieties Jingketian 183 (58.17), Jingketian 608 (57.79), Jingketian 533 (53.32) and Jingketian 816 (53.03), sweet+waxy corn varieties Nongkeyu 368(51.05) and Nongkenuo 336 (50.63), indicating that their protein nutritional value was balanced and easy to be absorbed and utilized by the human body.

Key words: fresh corn, HPLC, amino acids, nutritional evaluation


以26个不同鲜食玉米品种为研究材料,采用高效液相色谱法对其氨基酸含量进行测定,比较不同类型品种与WHO/FAO标准氨基酸模式值的贴近度,并结合氨基酸比值系数对鲜食玉米氨基酸含量进行分析。结果表明,参试鲜食玉米品种总氨基酸含量变幅为6.85~16.66 mg·g-1,甜、糯和甜加糯类型分别以京科甜533(16.66 mg·g-1)、京科糯623(12.01 mg·g-1)和农科糯336(14.44 mg·g-1)的含量相对较高。必需氨基酸占比变幅在10.38%~22.43%之间,甜、糯和甜加糯类型分别以京科甜816(17.39%)、京科糯656(22.43%)和农科玉368(18.16%)的含量相对较高。呈味氨基酸分析可知,京科甜533和农科糯336的鲜味、甜味氨基酸含量较高。蛋氨酸+半胱氨酸含量高于WHO/FAO标准模式含量,而其余各类氨基酸均低于标准氨基酸模式值,属于相对缺乏的氨基酸。氨基酸比值系数得分(SRC)大于50的品种有6个,其中甜玉米分别为京科甜183(58.17)、京科甜608(57.79)、京科甜533(53.32)和京科甜816(53.03),甜加糯玉米分别为农科玉368(51.05)和农科糯336(50.63),说明其蛋白质营养价值均衡,易被人体吸收利用。

关键词: 鲜食玉米, 高效液相色谱, 氨基酸, 营养评价

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