Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2021, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (7): 145-152.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2020.0747

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Identification and Biological Characteristics of the Pathogen Causing Pink Disease of Chestnut

ZHANG Nana1§, LI Shuangmin2§, WEN Xiaolei1,3, FENG Lina1, WANG Junfeng1, YANG Wenjie1, HUO Jiahuan1, LAN Shuhui1, SUN Weiming1*, QI Huixia1*   

  1. 1.College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, Hebei Normal University of Science & Technology, Hebei Qinhuangdao 066600, China;  2.Vocational Education Center of Changli County, Hebei Qinhuangdao 066600, China;  3.College of Plant Protection, Hebei Agricultural University, Hebei Baoding 071001, China
  • Received:2020-08-26 Accepted:2020-12-03 Online:2021-07-15 Published:2021-07-15



  1. 1.河北科技师范学院农学与生物科技学院, 河北 秦皇岛 066600;  2.河北省昌黎县职业技术教育中心, 河北 秦皇岛 066600;  3.河北农业大学植物保护学院, 河北 保定 071002
  • 通讯作者: 孙伟明;齐慧霞
  • 作者简介:§张娜娜与李双民为本文共同第一作者。张娜娜;李双民
  • 基金资助:


    国家重点研发计划项目 (2020YFD1000702)

Abstract: In order to clarify the pathogen and biological characteristics of chestnut pink disease, tissue isolation method was used to isolate and purify the pathogen; Koch′s rules, morphological characteristics and molecular biotechnology were used to identify the pathogen; and the effects of different temperature, humidity, medium, carbon and nitrogen sources, light and pH on the growth and sporulation of the pathogen were studied. On PDA medium,the mycelium of the pathogen was white at the initial stage of growth, while at the late stage,the central part of mycelium was orange pink, and the edge was light white with concentric annulation. The conidia were colorless and transparent, single cell, pear shape, smooth surface, with 0~1 diaphragma, without mediastinum, and constricted at the septum. The sequence similarity between its sequence of the pathogen and that of Trichoderma roseum (MN882763) was 100%. According to the morphological characteristics and molecular biotechnology, the pathogen of chestnut pink disease was Trichothecium roseum. The optimum growth conditions was gum acacia powder as carbon source, peptone as nitrogen source was, pH 8,temperature 25 ℃, PDA medium and 12 h light and dark alternate. The optimum conditions for sporulation was lactose as carbon source, peptone as nitrogen source, pH 7, temperature 25 ℃, beef extract peptone medium and 12 h light and dark alternate. Above results provided scientific basis for the control of the disease.

Key words: chestnut, Trichothecium roseum, pathogen identification, biological characteristics

摘要: 为明确板栗红粉病的病原及其生物学特性,采用组织分离法分离纯化病原菌,通过柯赫氏法则、形态学特征及分子生物学技术对病原菌进行鉴定,研究了温度、湿度、培养基、碳氮源、光照及pH对病原菌生长和产孢的影响。PDA培养基上病原菌菌丝生长初期为白色,后期菌丝中央橘粉色、边缘浅白色、具同心轮纹,分生孢子无色透明、单胞、梨形、表面光滑,有横膈膜0~1个,不具有纵膈膜,隔膜处缢缩。该病原菌ITS序列与粉红单端孢菌(Trichothecium roseum MN882763)的序列相似性为100%,结合形态学特征及分子生物学技术,板栗红粉病的致病菌为粉红单端孢菌(Trichothecium roseum)。该菌菌丝生长最适的碳源为阿拉伯树胶粉,氮源为蛋白胨,pH 8,温度为25 ℃,培养基为PDA培养基,光照条件为12 h光暗交替;产孢最适碳源为α-乳糖,氮源为蛋白胨,pH 7,温度为25 ℃,培养基为牛肉膏蛋白胨培养基,光照条件为12 h光暗交替,为该病的防治提供了科学依据。

关键词: 板栗, 粉红单端孢菌, 病原菌鉴定, 生物学特性

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