Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2020, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (10): 38-48.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2020.0517
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CHEN Jibao
Abstract: Agronomic traits (number of branches per plant, pod per plant, and so on) and seed traits (seed length, seed width, and so on) are closely correlated with yield of mung bean. In this study, RIL populations, constructed by hybriding between a foreign germplasm parent VC2917 and a China economic variety parent Yinggelyu, were planted for 3 a in filed to evaluate 12 yield-associated traits. The correlation analysis indicated that yield per plant had a stronger correlation with pod per plant (0.837) and weight per 100 seed (0.294), 100-seed weight had a significant correlation with seed length (0.512), seed width (0.340), seed perimeter (0.492), seed diameter (0441), and plant height had a significant correlation with number of branches per plant (0.406). QTL analysis showed that a total of 20 QTLs were detected on 10 chromosomes except the 8th chromosome in 2017 with the PVE of 4.61%~23.76%; a total of 16 QTLs were detected on 10 chromosomes except the 8th chromosome in 2018 with the PVE of 4.65%~2037%; a total of 20 QTLs were detected on 7 chromosomes except the 1st, 3th, 8th, 9th chromosome in 2019 with the PVE of 4.97%~16.66%. Stability QTLs for the 12 traits were detected in this study. Among them, six groups of QTLs were detected on the same marker interval in three years, including plant high QTLs (PH1a, PH1b and PH1c), pod per plant QTLs(PPP1a, PPP1b and PPP1c), pod length QTLs (PL4a, PL4b and PL4c.1), seed diameter QTLs (SD10a, SD10b and SD10c), seed perimeter QTLs (SP6a, SP6b and SP6c) and weight per 100 seed QTLs (HSW7a, HSW7b and HSW7c). Molecular marker assisting for mung bean high yield breeding can be developed in these regions, or genes related to these traits could be cloned in these regions in future.
Key words: mung bean, yield-associated trait, QTL mapping
摘要: 绿豆单株荚数、单荚粒数等农艺性状和粒长、粒宽等籽粒性状与绿豆产量密切相关。以“VC2917/鹦哥绿”RIL群体为材料,通过连续3年田间实验,对12个与绿豆产量相关性状进行评价和QTL定位。相关性分析表明,单株产量与单株荚数(0.837)、百粒重(0.294)的相关性最强,百粒重与粒长(0.512)、粒宽(0.340)、籽粒直径(0.492)、籽粒周长(0.441)的相关性最强,株高与单株分枝数之间呈极显著正相关(0.406)。2017年检测到20个QTLs,分布在除第8染色体外的10条染色体上,遗传贡献率在4.61%~23.76%;2018年检测到16个QTLs,分布在除第8染色体外的10条染色体上,遗传贡献率在4.97%~16.66%之间;2019年检测到20个QTLs,分布在除第1、3、8、9染色体外的7条染色体上,遗传贡献率在和4.65%~20.37%之间。12个性状均发现稳定QTLs,其中株高PH1a、PH1b和PH1c位点,单株分枝数PPP1a、PPP1b和PPP1c位点,荚宽PW10a.1、PW10b和PW10c.1位点,籽粒直径SD10a、SD10b和SD10c位点,籽粒周长SP6a、SP6b和SP6c位点,百粒重HSW7a、HSW7b和HSW7c位点连续3年在相同位点稳定检测到,说明这些位点存在相关性状基因,是今后利用分子标记辅助选择培育高产绿豆新品种或克隆相关基因优先考虑关键区域。
关键词: 绿豆, 产量性状, QTL定位
CHEN Jibao. QTL Mapping of Yield-Associated Trait in Mung Bean[J]. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2020, 22(10): 38-48.
陈吉宝. 绿豆产量性状的QTL定位[J]. 中国农业科技导报, 2020, 22(10): 38-48.
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