Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2022, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (2): 77-85.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2020.0703

• BIOTECHNOLOGY & LIFE SCIENCE • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Molecular Characterizations of Stacked Transgenic Maize BBHTL8-1 with Insect Resistance, Glyphosate Tolerance and Improved Quality

Junjie ZOU1,2(), Miaoyun XU1,2, Lan ZHANG1, Yanzhong LUO1, Yuan LIU1,2, Hongyan ZHENG1, Lei WANG1,2()   

  1. 1.Key Laboratory of Agricultural Genomics (Beijing),Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs; Biotechnology Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
    2.National Nanfan Research Institute (Sanya),CAAS,Hainan Sanya 572000,China
  • Received:2020-07-10 Accepted:2020-08-14 Online:2022-02-15 Published:2022-02-22
  • Contact: Lei WANG


邹俊杰1,2(), 徐妙云1,2, 张兰1, 罗彦忠1, 刘源1,2, 郑红艳1, 王磊1,2()   

  1. 1.中国农业科学院生物技术研究所, 农业农村部农业基因组学重点实验室(北京), 北京 100081
    2.三亚中国农业科学院国家南繁研究院, 海南 三亚 572000
  • 通讯作者: 王磊
  • 作者简介:邹俊杰
  • 基金资助:


With the development of genetically modified crops, transgenic plants containing stacked traits become more and more popular. Transgenic maize plants with stacked traits are usually insect resistance and herbicide tolerance. Here, BBHTL8-1 transgenic maize line containing Cry1AbCry3Bbcp4epspsZmHPT and ZmTMT expressing cassettes was obtained to confer transgenic maize plants with insect resistance, glyphosate tolerance and improved α-tocopherol content traits. In BBHTL8-1 transgenic line, all 5 genes were integrated in the maize genome and could be identified in different generations. Whole genome sequencing and flanking sequence analysis showed that the insertion fragment was located in the intergenic region of chromosome 4, with 31 bp deletion in the 3’ flank sequence. Cry1AbCry3Bb and cp4epsps showed relatively stable expression levels in different development stages of root, stem and leaf, and had lower expression levels in the seeds, whereas ZmHPT and ZmTMT had higher expression levels in the seeds. Evaluations of insect resistance and glyphosate tolerance revealed that BBHTL8-1 plants were highly resistant to Asian corn borer, and were highly tolerant to glyphosate. The α-tocopherol content in BBHTL8-1 seeds was significantly higher than in non-transgenic plants Zheng 58. There were no significant differences between BBHTL8-1 and Zheng 58 on agronomic traits under normal growth condition. Above results obtained a new transgenic maize line with stacked traits on insect resistance, herbicide tolerance and nutritional quality improvement, which might be developed for transgenic breeding.

Key words: transgenic maize, stacked trait, insect resistance, herbicide tolerance, α-tocopherol, molecular characterization


随着转基因作物的发展和推广,具有复合性状的转基因作物种植面积逐年增加。传统的转基因复合性状作物具有抗虫和耐除草剂性能,聚合其他性状的转基因作物培育逐渐受到重视。转基因玉米株系BBHTL8-1含有Cry1AbCry3Bbcp4epspsZmHPTZmTMT共5个基因表达框,外源插入片段位于玉米基因组第4染色体,插入基因区间,在3’侧翼序列有31 bp缺失。在BBHTL8-1中,这5个基因能够稳定遗传,在转录水平和蛋白水平上表达具有稳定性。BBHTL8-1高抗玉米螟,对草甘膦除草剂具有较高耐受性。BBHTL8-1籽粒中α-生育酚含量比非转基因对照郑58显著增加。BBHTL8-1与非转基因对照郑58在田间农艺性状方面无显著差异。因此,BBHTL8-1为转基因抗虫、耐除草剂和种子具有高α-生育酚含量的转基因新材料。

关键词: 转基因玉米, 复合性状, 抗虫, 耐除草剂, α-生育酚, 分子特征

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