Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (8): 176-185.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2022.0068


Environmental Impact Analysis of Anoectochilus roxburghii Imitated Wild Cultivated Under Fir Trees

Xiaoyun HUANG1(), Xiusheng HUANG1(), Yuanquan CHEN2(), Xiaohong LIN3, Haidong HAN1, Deqing FENG1, Tao LUO1   

  1. 1.Fujian Engineering and Technology Research Center for Recycling Agriculture in Hilly Areas,Agriculture Ecology Research Institute,Fujian Academy of Agriculture Science,Fuzhou 350013,China
    2.College of Agronomy and Biotechnology,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100193,China
    3.Datian Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Fujian Province,Fujian Sanming 366100,China
  • Received:2022-01-26 Accepted:2022-04-17 Online:2023-08-20 Published:2023-09-07
  • Contact: Xiusheng HUANG,Yuanquan CHEN


黄小云1(), 黄秀声1(), 陈源泉2(), 林晓红3, 韩海东1, 冯德庆1, 罗涛1   

  1. 1.福建省农业科学院农业生态研究所, 福建省丘陵地区循环农业工程技术研究中心, 福州 350013
    2.中国农业大学农学院, 北京 100193
    3.福建省大田县农业农村局, 福建 三明 366100
  • 通讯作者: 黄秀声,陈源泉
  • 作者简介:黄小云
  • 基金资助:


In order to comprehensively evaluate the eco-environmental influence on characteristic imitation wild cultivation of Anoectochilus roxburghii under forest in Southern China, the life cycle assessment method was applied to quantitatively assess the environmental impact of this model. The results showed that life cycle environmental impacts of 1 kg of A. roxburghii cultivated under forest were 16 702.27 MJ of primary energy demand, 0.58 m2 of land use, and 13.45 t of water use, respectively, this model made full use of the open space under the forest and occupied less land resources. However, this model also brought great potential environmental impact, the aggregate life cycle environmental impact index was 0.327 6, and the potential impact of water toxicity and eutrophication was large. For 1 kg A. roxburghii life cycle environmental impacts of this model were 2 405.83 kg CO2-eq of global warming potential, 4.99 kg SO2-eq of acidification potential, 1.43 kg PO4-eq of eutrophication potential, 1.32, 5.31,1.09 kg 1,4-DCB-eq of human toxicity, water toxicity and soil toxicity, respectively. The potential negative impact on the environment was mainly based on the agricultural material system, and the production of tissue culture seedlings accounted for the highest proportion. Therefore, making improvements in tissue culture seedling production, pesticide application, etc. were the key ways to control the environmental impacts of A. roxburghii production under forest.

Key words: life cycle assessment, imitation wild cultivation, Anoectochilusroxburghii, environmental impacts


为综合评估南方特色林下仿野生模式栽培金线莲的生态环境效应,应用生命周期评价方法,定量评估该模式所产生的环境影响。结果表明,林下套种模式生产1 kg金线莲耗用的不可再生资源、土地、水资源分别为16 702.27 MJ、0.58 m2和13.45 t,该模式充分利用林下空地,占用较少的土地资源。但该模式也带来较大的潜在环境影响,生态环境综合影响值为0.327 6,且以水体毒性和富营养化的潜在影响较大。每生产1 kg金线莲,全球变暖、环境酸化、富营养化、人体毒性、水体毒性、土壤毒性分别为2 405.83 kg CO2-eq、4.99 kg SO2-eq、1.43 kg PO4-eq、1.32 kg 1,4-DCB-eq、5.31 kg 1,4-DCB-eq和1.09 kg 1,4-DCB-eq;对环境的潜在负面影响以来源于农资系统为主,且以组培苗生产占比最高。林下生产金线莲需要在组培苗生产、农药施用等方面加以改进,以控制其产生的潜在环境影响。

关键词: 生命周期评价, 林下仿野生栽培, 金线莲, 环境影响

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