Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (10): 12-21.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2023.0280
• AGRICULTURAL INNOVATION FORUM • Previous Articles Next Articles
Jing HE
CLC Number:
Wei ZHAO, Jing HE. Study on Risk Assessment of China’s Pelagic Fisheries Industry Under Global Climate Change[J]. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2023, 25(10): 12-21.
赵薇, 何静. 全球气候变化下我国远洋渔业产业风险评估研究[J]. 中国农业科技导报, 2023, 25(10): 12-21.
目标层 Target layer | 准则层A Criterion layer A | 准则层B Criterion layer B | 指标层 Indicator layer | 指标含义或算法 Indicator meaning or algorithm | 正(逆) Positive (inverse) | 文献 Literature |
远洋渔业产业风险 Pelagic fishing industry risks | P:压力 Pressure | D1:海洋气候变化 Ocean climate change | P1:海表面平均温度变动 Mean sea surface temperature variation | 全球海表面平均温度距平值 Global mean sea surface temperature distance level /°C | + | [ |
P2:全球平均海平面上升 Global mean sea level rise | 剔除季节性因素的全球平均海平面增量 Global mean sea level increment excluding seasonality /mm | + | [ | |||
D2:海洋极端灾害 Marine extreme hazards | P3:厄尔尼诺与拉尼娜现象 El Niño and La Niña | 固定纬度连续3个月平均海面温度异常超过±0.5 ℃的次数 Number of consecutive three-month average sea surface temperature anomalies exceeding ± 0.5 ℃ at fixed latitude | + | [ | ||
P4:风暴潮致灾次数 Number of disaster caused by storm surge | 我国风暴潮造成灾害次数 Number of disasters caused by storm surges in China | + | [ | |||
S:状态 State | D3:远洋渔业依赖度 Dependence on pelagic fisheries | S1:经济产值依赖度 Economic output dependence | 远洋渔业产值/渔业总产值 Pelagic fishery output value/total fishery output value/% | + | [ | |
D4:远洋渔业加工能力 Processing capacity of pelagic fisheries | S2:水产品加工能力 Fish processing capacity | 水产品加工能力 Aquatic products processing capacity/(t·a-1) | + | [ | ||
D5:远洋渔业基础设施 Pelagic fishing infrastructure | S3:远洋渔船拥有量 Number of pelagic fishing vessels owned | 远洋渔船年末拥有量 Number of pelagic fishing vessels owned at the end of the year | + | [ | ||
R:响应 Response | D6:远洋渔业经济发展 Economic development of pelagic fisheries | R1:产值状况 Production value state | 远洋渔业产值增长率 Growth rate of pelagic fishery output value/% | + | [ | |
R2:捕捞效率 Fishing efficiency | 远洋渔业总产量/远洋渔船总数 Total pelagic fishery production/total number of pelagic vessels (t·v-1) | + | [ | |||
D7:远洋渔业科技投入 Scientific and technological input in pelagic fisheries | R3:水产技术推广机构经费 Aquatic technology extension agency funding | 水产技术推广机构经费 Aquatic technology extension agency funding /(104 yuan) | + | [ | ||
R4:渔业科研活动人员投入 Fishery research activities personnel input | 渔业科研机构科技活动人员/渔业从业人员总数 Fishery institutions scientific and technical activities of personnel / total number of fishery employees /% | + | [ | |||
D8:远洋渔业管理水平 Management level of pelagic fisheries | R5:渔政管理机构 Fishery management agencies | 渔政管理机构数量 Number of fisheries management agencies | + | [ |
Table 1 Risk assessment index system for China’s pelagic fishery industry under global climate change
目标层 Target layer | 准则层A Criterion layer A | 准则层B Criterion layer B | 指标层 Indicator layer | 指标含义或算法 Indicator meaning or algorithm | 正(逆) Positive (inverse) | 文献 Literature |
远洋渔业产业风险 Pelagic fishing industry risks | P:压力 Pressure | D1:海洋气候变化 Ocean climate change | P1:海表面平均温度变动 Mean sea surface temperature variation | 全球海表面平均温度距平值 Global mean sea surface temperature distance level /°C | + | [ |
P2:全球平均海平面上升 Global mean sea level rise | 剔除季节性因素的全球平均海平面增量 Global mean sea level increment excluding seasonality /mm | + | [ | |||
D2:海洋极端灾害 Marine extreme hazards | P3:厄尔尼诺与拉尼娜现象 El Niño and La Niña | 固定纬度连续3个月平均海面温度异常超过±0.5 ℃的次数 Number of consecutive three-month average sea surface temperature anomalies exceeding ± 0.5 ℃ at fixed latitude | + | [ | ||
P4:风暴潮致灾次数 Number of disaster caused by storm surge | 我国风暴潮造成灾害次数 Number of disasters caused by storm surges in China | + | [ | |||
S:状态 State | D3:远洋渔业依赖度 Dependence on pelagic fisheries | S1:经济产值依赖度 Economic output dependence | 远洋渔业产值/渔业总产值 Pelagic fishery output value/total fishery output value/% | + | [ | |
D4:远洋渔业加工能力 Processing capacity of pelagic fisheries | S2:水产品加工能力 Fish processing capacity | 水产品加工能力 Aquatic products processing capacity/(t·a-1) | + | [ | ||
D5:远洋渔业基础设施 Pelagic fishing infrastructure | S3:远洋渔船拥有量 Number of pelagic fishing vessels owned | 远洋渔船年末拥有量 Number of pelagic fishing vessels owned at the end of the year | + | [ | ||
R:响应 Response | D6:远洋渔业经济发展 Economic development of pelagic fisheries | R1:产值状况 Production value state | 远洋渔业产值增长率 Growth rate of pelagic fishery output value/% | + | [ | |
R2:捕捞效率 Fishing efficiency | 远洋渔业总产量/远洋渔船总数 Total pelagic fishery production/total number of pelagic vessels (t·v-1) | + | [ | |||
D7:远洋渔业科技投入 Scientific and technological input in pelagic fisheries | R3:水产技术推广机构经费 Aquatic technology extension agency funding | 水产技术推广机构经费 Aquatic technology extension agency funding /(104 yuan) | + | [ | ||
R4:渔业科研活动人员投入 Fishery research activities personnel input | 渔业科研机构科技活动人员/渔业从业人员总数 Fishery institutions scientific and technical activities of personnel / total number of fishery employees /% | + | [ | |||
D8:远洋渔业管理水平 Management level of pelagic fisheries | R5:渔政管理机构 Fishery management agencies | 渔政管理机构数量 Number of fisheries management agencies | + | [ |
目标层 Target layer | 准则层A Criterion layer A | 准则层B Criterion layer B | 指标层 Indicator layer | 熵值法权重 Entropy method weight | 变异系数法权重 Coefficient of variation method weight | 综合权重 Combined weight |
远洋渔业产业风险 Pelagic fishing industry risks | P=0.336 2 | D1=0.112 7 | P1 | 0.060 9 | 0.071 4 | 0.050 0 |
P2 | 0.067 6 | 0.080 7 | 0.062 7 | |||
D2=0.223 5 | P3 | 0.137 6 | 0.101 9 | 0.161 1 | ||
P4 | 0.067 3 | 0.080 6 | 0.062 4 | |||
S=0.167 2 | D3=0.077 9 | S1 | 0.081 3 | 0.083 4 | 0.077 9 | |
D4=0.029 1 | S2 | 0.044 7 | 0.056 6 | 0.029 1 | ||
D5=0.060 2 | S3 | 0.071 4 | 0.073 3 | 0.060 2 | ||
R=0.496 6 | D6=0.175 0 | R1 | 0.106 4 | 0.100 3 | 0.122 7 | |
R2 | 0.063 4 | 0.071 8 | 0.052 3 | |||
D7=0.210 1 | R3 | 0.093 6 | 0.089 6 | 0.096 5 | ||
R4 | 0.102 3 | 0.096 7 | 0.113 7 | |||
D8=0.111 4 | R5 | 0.103 4 | 0.093 7 | 0.111 4 |
Table 2 Index weights at all levels of China’s pelagic fishery industry risk under global climate change
目标层 Target layer | 准则层A Criterion layer A | 准则层B Criterion layer B | 指标层 Indicator layer | 熵值法权重 Entropy method weight | 变异系数法权重 Coefficient of variation method weight | 综合权重 Combined weight |
远洋渔业产业风险 Pelagic fishing industry risks | P=0.336 2 | D1=0.112 7 | P1 | 0.060 9 | 0.071 4 | 0.050 0 |
P2 | 0.067 6 | 0.080 7 | 0.062 7 | |||
D2=0.223 5 | P3 | 0.137 6 | 0.101 9 | 0.161 1 | ||
P4 | 0.067 3 | 0.080 6 | 0.062 4 | |||
S=0.167 2 | D3=0.077 9 | S1 | 0.081 3 | 0.083 4 | 0.077 9 | |
D4=0.029 1 | S2 | 0.044 7 | 0.056 6 | 0.029 1 | ||
D5=0.060 2 | S3 | 0.071 4 | 0.073 3 | 0.060 2 | ||
R=0.496 6 | D6=0.175 0 | R1 | 0.106 4 | 0.100 3 | 0.122 7 | |
R2 | 0.063 4 | 0.071 8 | 0.052 3 | |||
D7=0.210 1 | R3 | 0.093 6 | 0.089 6 | 0.096 5 | ||
R4 | 0.102 3 | 0.096 7 | 0.113 7 | |||
D8=0.111 4 | R5 | 0.103 4 | 0.093 7 | 0.111 4 |
年份 Year | 压力风险指数 Pressure risk index | 状态风险指数 State risk index | 响应风险指数 Response risk index | 总风险指数 Total risk index |
2009 | 0.216 5 | 0.017 4 | 0.073 1 | 0.307 0 |
2010 | 0.213 9 | 0.063 0 | 0.220 1 | 0.497 0 |
2011 | 0.114 4 | 0.045 1 | 0.151 2 | 0.310 7 |
2012 | 0.100 5 | 0.041 9 | 0.169 1 | 0.311 5 |
2013 | 0.087 4 | 0.055 7 | 0.194 2 | 0.337 3 |
2014 | 0.068 5 | 0.115 7 | 0.319 9 | 0.504 1 |
2015 | 0.278 4 | 0.131 2 | 0.301 7 | 0.711 3 |
2016 | 0.168 4 | 0.108 4 | 0.190 6 | 0.467 4 |
2017 | 0.084 8 | 0.139 0 | 0.269 1 | 0.493 0 |
2018 | 0.199 6 | 0.163 4 | 0.259 3 | 0.622 3 |
2019 | 0.193 7 | 0.139 1 | 0.194 7 | 0.527 5 |
2020 | 0.135 2 | 0.122 7 | 0.243 8 | 0.501 7 |
2021 | 0.195 3 | 0.086 6 | 0.282 6 | 0.564 6 |
Table 3 China’s pelagic fishing industry risk index score from 2009 to 2021
年份 Year | 压力风险指数 Pressure risk index | 状态风险指数 State risk index | 响应风险指数 Response risk index | 总风险指数 Total risk index |
2009 | 0.216 5 | 0.017 4 | 0.073 1 | 0.307 0 |
2010 | 0.213 9 | 0.063 0 | 0.220 1 | 0.497 0 |
2011 | 0.114 4 | 0.045 1 | 0.151 2 | 0.310 7 |
2012 | 0.100 5 | 0.041 9 | 0.169 1 | 0.311 5 |
2013 | 0.087 4 | 0.055 7 | 0.194 2 | 0.337 3 |
2014 | 0.068 5 | 0.115 7 | 0.319 9 | 0.504 1 |
2015 | 0.278 4 | 0.131 2 | 0.301 7 | 0.711 3 |
2016 | 0.168 4 | 0.108 4 | 0.190 6 | 0.467 4 |
2017 | 0.084 8 | 0.139 0 | 0.269 1 | 0.493 0 |
2018 | 0.199 6 | 0.163 4 | 0.259 3 | 0.622 3 |
2019 | 0.193 7 | 0.139 1 | 0.194 7 | 0.527 5 |
2020 | 0.135 2 | 0.122 7 | 0.243 8 | 0.501 7 |
2021 | 0.195 3 | 0.086 6 | 0.282 6 | 0.564 6 |
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