Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (9): 147-156.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2022.0294
• BIO-MANUFACTURING & RESOURCE AND ECOLOGY • Previous Articles Next Articles
Huijun LI1(), Weijian ZHANG1, Weijian WU1, Gaoyang LI1, Yijie CHEN1, Fengcheng HUANG1, Yongxiang HUANG1, Zhong LIN2, Zhen ZHEN1(
李慧君1(), 张伟健1, 吴伟健1, 李高洋1, 陈艺杰1, 黄枫城1, 黄永相1, 蔺中2, 甄珍1(
CLC Number:
Huijun LI, Weijian ZHANG, Weijian WU, Gaoyang LI, Yijie CHEN, Fengcheng HUANG, Yongxiang HUANG, Zhong LIN, Zhen ZHEN. Effects of Sea Rice on Soil Chemical Properties and Microbial Community Structure in Coastal Solonchaks[J]. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2023, 25(9): 147-156.
李慧君, 张伟健, 吴伟健, 李高洋, 陈艺杰, 黄枫城, 黄永相, 蔺中, 甄珍. 种植海水稻对滨海盐土化学性质和微生物群落影响[J]. 中国农业科技导报, 2023, 25(9): 147-156.
Fig. 1 Chemical properties of soil under different treatmentsNote: Different lowercase letters in same period indicate significant differences between different treatments at P<0.05 level.
Fig. 2 Microbial amount and bioactivity of soil under different treatmentsNote: Different lowercase letters in same period indicate significant differences between different treatments at P<0.05 level.
样本 Sample | Richness指数 Richness index | Chao1指数 Chao 1 index | Shannon指数 Shannon index | Simpson指数 Simpson index |
CK1 | 3 660±37 c | 3 661.0±29.5 c | 8.44±0.48 a | 0.012 9±0.001 7 d |
CK2 | 3 077±12 d | 3 078.1±22.9 d | 7.50±0.48 b | 0.075 3±0.010 1 c |
S1 | 3 947±14 a | 3 947.8±26.6 a | 9.01±0.44 a | 0.594 0±0.016 2 a |
S2 | 3 837±29 b | 3 837.8±4.70 b | 8.97±0.31 a | 0.275 0±0.019 8 b |
Table 1 Alpha diversity index of soil microbial abundance and diversity under sea rice cultivation
样本 Sample | Richness指数 Richness index | Chao1指数 Chao 1 index | Shannon指数 Shannon index | Simpson指数 Simpson index |
CK1 | 3 660±37 c | 3 661.0±29.5 c | 8.44±0.48 a | 0.012 9±0.001 7 d |
CK2 | 3 077±12 d | 3 078.1±22.9 d | 7.50±0.48 b | 0.075 3±0.010 1 c |
S1 | 3 947±14 a | 3 947.8±26.6 a | 9.01±0.44 a | 0.594 0±0.016 2 a |
S2 | 3 837±29 b | 3 837.8±4.70 b | 8.97±0.31 a | 0.275 0±0.019 8 b |
Fig. 5 Correlation analysis between soil chemical factors and dominant bacteria at family levelNote: ** indicates significant correlation at P<0.01 level.
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