Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (1): 153-165.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2021.0906
Feng LI1(), Congpei YIN2(
), Ran YIN3, Fan WANG2, Yongliang HAN4, Zhimin YANG1(
), Jiancheng LIU1(
Zhimin YANG,Jiancheng LIU
李峰1(), 殷丛培2(
), 殷冉3, 王凡2, 韩永亮4, 杨志敏1(
), 刘建成1(
李峰 E-mail:20234350@qq.com基金资助:
CLC Number:
Feng LI, Congpei YIN, Ran YIN, Fan WANG, Yongliang HAN, Zhimin YANG, Jiancheng LIU. Response of Rhizosphere Soil Bacterial Community Diversity to Salt Stress in Oat (Avena sativa L.)[J]. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2023, 25(1): 153-165.
李峰, 殷丛培, 殷冉, 王凡, 韩永亮, 杨志敏, 刘建成. 燕麦根际土壤细菌多样性对盐胁迫的响应[J]. 中国农业科技导报, 2023, 25(1): 153-165.
样本编号 Sample ID | 有效序列数 Seq num | 碱基数 Base num | 序列平均长度 Mean length/bp | 最短序列长度 Min length/bp | 最长序列长度 Max length/bp |
S-Y0 | 162 093 | 67 727 026 | 417.82 | 252.00 | 506.33 |
S-Y1 | 160 893 | 67 266 875 | 418.08 | 244.33 | 491.67 |
S-Y2 | 195 869 | 81 822 543 | 417.74 | 214.00 | 475.33 |
S-Y3 | 172 634 | 72 184 160 | 418.14 | 247.67 | 486.33 |
E-Y0 | 155 935 | 65 237 362 | 418.36 | 241.33 | 482.00 |
E-Y1 | 146 417 | 61 178 315 | 417.80 | 250.67 | 499.00 |
E-Y2 | 176 735 | 73 796 761 | 417.56 | 257.67 | 476.33 |
E-Y3 | 176 596 | 73 524 218 | 416.35 | 240.67 | 488.67 |
Table 1 Sequencing quality of rhizosphere bacteria in oat
样本编号 Sample ID | 有效序列数 Seq num | 碱基数 Base num | 序列平均长度 Mean length/bp | 最短序列长度 Min length/bp | 最长序列长度 Max length/bp |
S-Y0 | 162 093 | 67 727 026 | 417.82 | 252.00 | 506.33 |
S-Y1 | 160 893 | 67 266 875 | 418.08 | 244.33 | 491.67 |
S-Y2 | 195 869 | 81 822 543 | 417.74 | 214.00 | 475.33 |
S-Y3 | 172 634 | 72 184 160 | 418.14 | 247.67 | 486.33 |
E-Y0 | 155 935 | 65 237 362 | 418.36 | 241.33 | 482.00 |
E-Y1 | 146 417 | 61 178 315 | 417.80 | 250.67 | 499.00 |
E-Y2 | 176 735 | 73 796 761 | 417.56 | 257.67 | 476.33 |
E-Y3 | 176 596 | 73 524 218 | 416.35 | 240.67 | 488.67 |
Fig. 1 Bacterial composition of oats rhizosphere soil samples under different salt stressA: Sparse curves; B: Sobs indices of oat rhizosphere soil; C: Flower plot analysis for bacterial species (OTUs) of different samples; *** represents significant differences at P<0.001 level.
Fig. 3 Beta diversity of bacterial in oats rhizosphere soil under different salt stressA: NMDS on OTU level; B: PCoA on genus level; C: Groups of different varieties; D: Groups of different treatment
Fig. 5 Relative abundance (genera level) of bacteria in rhizosphere soil of two oat varieties under different salt treatmentsA: Y0;B: Y1;C: Y2;D: Y3; corrected P-values are calculated by the fdr false discovery rate approach (P<0.05).
Fig. 6 Evolutionary relationship and function prediction in rhizosphere soil bacterial of oatsA: Evolutionary relationship in rhizosphere soil of oats; B: Function prediction of oat rhizosphere bacterial COG analysis in level 1 and 2
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