Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2022, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (5): 189-201.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2021.0119
Liangxiang DAI(), Guanchu ZHANG, Hong DING, Yang XU, Zhimeng ZHANG(
Zhimeng ZHANG
CLC Number:
Liangxiang DAI, Guanchu ZHANG, Hong DING, Yang XU, Zhimeng ZHANG. Effects of Organic Fertilizer and Calcium Fertilizer on Peanut Rhizosphere Bacterial Community Structure in Saline-alkali Soil[J]. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2022, 24(5): 189-201.
戴良香, 张冠初, 丁红, 徐扬, 张智猛. 有机肥和钙肥对盐碱土花生根际细菌群落结构的影响[J]. 中国农业科技导报, 2022, 24(5): 189-201.
采样地点 Sampling site | 含盐量 Salt content/(g·kg-1) | 有机质含量 Organic matter/ (g·kg-1) | 全氮 Total nitrogen/(g·kg-1) | 碱解氮 Available nitrogen/ (mg·kg-1) | 速效磷 Available phosphorus/(mg·kg-1) | 速效钾 Available potasium/ (mg·kg-1) | pH |
利津毛坨 Maotuo of Lijin County | 5.17 | 6.45 | 0.612 | 54.35 | 9.82 | 115.17 | 8.6 |
垦利青坨 Qingtuo of Kenli County | 3.91 | 11.40 | 0.892 | 69.06 | 14.08 | 89.76 | 8.4 |
Table 1 Characteristics of soil samples for test
采样地点 Sampling site | 含盐量 Salt content/(g·kg-1) | 有机质含量 Organic matter/ (g·kg-1) | 全氮 Total nitrogen/(g·kg-1) | 碱解氮 Available nitrogen/ (mg·kg-1) | 速效磷 Available phosphorus/(mg·kg-1) | 速效钾 Available potasium/ (mg·kg-1) | pH |
利津毛坨 Maotuo of Lijin County | 5.17 | 6.45 | 0.612 | 54.35 | 9.82 | 115.17 | 8.6 |
垦利青坨 Qingtuo of Kenli County | 3.91 | 11.40 | 0.892 | 69.06 | 14.08 | 89.76 | 8.4 |
处理 Treatment | 丰富度 Community richness | 多样性 Community diversity | 覆盖度 Coverage | |||
Sobs | Chao | Ace | Shannon | Simpson | ||
CK1 | 3 216.5 | 3 508.856 | 3 459.115 | 7.253 0 | 0.001 34 | 0.991 11 |
C1 | 3 271.0 | 3 513.107 | 3 453.484 | 6.792 7 | 0.005 44 | 0.995 60 |
M1 | 3 400.5 | 3 626.337 | 3 578.135 | 7.247 3 | 0.001 50 | 0.993 79 |
MC1 | 3 211.5 | 3 484.869 | 3 442.857 | 7.171 5 | 0.001 62 | 0.991 75 |
CK2 | 3 142.5 | 3 466.744 | 3 414.230 | 7.120 0 | 0.001 84 | 0.989 75 |
C2 | 3 292.0 | 3 585.756 | 3 524.607 | 6.996 1 | 0.003 06 | 0.993 03 |
M2 | 3 163.5 | 3 405.369 | 3 350.942 | 6.822 0 | 0.003 65 | 0.995 00 |
MC2 | 3 227.5 | 3 497.223 | 3 448.287 | 6.745 6 | 0.006 47 | 0.993 16 |
Table 2 Alpha diversity index of rhizosphere soil samples in each treatment
处理 Treatment | 丰富度 Community richness | 多样性 Community diversity | 覆盖度 Coverage | |||
Sobs | Chao | Ace | Shannon | Simpson | ||
CK1 | 3 216.5 | 3 508.856 | 3 459.115 | 7.253 0 | 0.001 34 | 0.991 11 |
C1 | 3 271.0 | 3 513.107 | 3 453.484 | 6.792 7 | 0.005 44 | 0.995 60 |
M1 | 3 400.5 | 3 626.337 | 3 578.135 | 7.247 3 | 0.001 50 | 0.993 79 |
MC1 | 3 211.5 | 3 484.869 | 3 442.857 | 7.171 5 | 0.001 62 | 0.991 75 |
CK2 | 3 142.5 | 3 466.744 | 3 414.230 | 7.120 0 | 0.001 84 | 0.989 75 |
C2 | 3 292.0 | 3 585.756 | 3 524.607 | 6.996 1 | 0.003 06 | 0.993 03 |
M2 | 3 163.5 | 3 405.369 | 3 350.942 | 6.822 0 | 0.003 65 | 0.995 00 |
MC2 | 3 227.5 | 3 497.223 | 3 448.287 | 6.745 6 | 0.006 47 | 0.993 16 |
Fig. 2 Diversity index of rhizosphere soil microorganism in different treatmentsNote: * and ** indicate significant differences among treatments at P<0.05 and P<0.01 levels, respectively.
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