Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2016, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (1): 1-6.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2015.319

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Establishment and Application of High Efficient Breeding Technology System of Oat in China

REN Chang-zhong*, CUI Lin*, YANG Cai, TIAN Chang-ye, FU Xiao-feng, LIU Yan-ming, ZHAO Gui-qin, GUO Lai-chun   

  1. (National Research and Development Center of Oat Buckwheat Industry, Baicheng Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jilin Baicheng 137000, China)
  • Received:2015-06-04 Revised:2015-07-16 Online:2016-02-15 Published:2016-02-15



  1. (白城市农业科学院, 国家燕麦荞麦产业技术研发中心, 吉林 白城 137000)
  • 通讯作者: 任长忠,研究员,博士,主要从事燕麦荞麦遗传育种研究。E-mail:; 崔林,研究员,主要从事燕麦荞麦遗传育种研究。E-mail:
  • 作者简介:任长忠|研究员|博士|主要从事燕麦荞麦遗传育种研究。。
  • 基金资助:



In order to solve the problems existing in oat breeding, technical innovative studies on its core breeding links were carried out. The first side is to introduce and utilize foreign germplasm resources. On the basis of 300 accessions introduced from Canada, over 9 000 accessions of China-Canada hybrids oats have been breeded. The second side is to innovate a Chinese oat breeding method and establish a high effective breeding technology system in China. Using the dominant and recessive male sterile germplasm resources monopolized by our country, the sterility in tetraploid-hexapod hybrid was solved, the barrier in haploid breeding techniques of naked oat was broken, and the awn marker traits were selected. Difficult problems such as slow hybrid homozygosity, superior germplasm shortage, low excellent gene integration, narrow disease-resistant gene base, and discrimination of super marker traits have been overcome. Now, 48 new naked-oat cultivars and 12 covered-oat cultivars have been developed, including 6 national approved ones. The oat varieties are no longer of single type with high yield, but have developed into multiple types, which could meet the multi-requirements in oat growth and processing under complicated ecological environments in China.

Key words: oat, breeding technology system, establishment, application


为解决我国燕麦育种面临的“育种技术单一、方法陈旧、周期长、优良品种少”问题,围绕燕麦育种核心环节进行技术创新研究。一方面,引进与利用国外燕麦资源。在引进300份加拿大种质资源基础上,培育了中加燕麦杂交后代材料9 000多份;另一方面,创新我国燕麦育种方法,创建高效育种技术体系。利用我国独有的显性和隐性核不育资源,解决燕麦四六倍体杂交不育难题,攻克裸燕麦花药单倍体育种技术屏障,创新带芒标记性状集成优选等4项关键技术,破解了燕麦杂交聚合慢、异源优质基因库缺乏、优良基因整合效率不高、抗病优质基因狭窄和优良标记性状难辩别等难题。目前我国燕麦荞麦研究团队成员育成省级以上审(认)定裸燕麦新品种48个、皮燕麦新品种12个,其中国审新品种6个,由过去单一的高产类型,发展形成了满足我国复杂种植生态环境对燕麦品种多元化和加工品种多样化需求。

关键词: 燕麦, 育种技术体系, 创建, 应用

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