Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2020, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (9): 31-41.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2020.0175

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Comparison of  Phenotypic Traits of Foxtail Millet  Germplasm Resources in Different Ecological Regions

XIANG Jishan1, ZHANG Hengru2, LIU Han1, SUO Liangxi2, JIA Shujing1, ZHANG Ying1, SHI Jingqi1, HU Lizhe1, CAI Yining1   

  1. 1.Key Laboratory of Regional Ecological Protection & Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Development, College of Chemistry and Life Sciences,Chifeng University, Inner Mongolia Chifeng 024000, China; 2.Agricultural Technical Service Center of Aohan, Inner Mongolia Chifeng 024300, China
  • Received:2020-03-05 Online:2020-09-15 Published:2020-07-21



  1. 1.赤峰学院化学与生命科学学院, 区域生态保护与农牧业发展实验室, 内蒙古 赤峰 024000;2.敖汉旗农业技术服务中心, 内蒙古 赤峰 024300
  • 作者简介:相吉山 E-mail:
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: In order to identify the phenotype of foxtail millet germplasm resources from different ecological regions, 435 varieties were introduced from early-maturing spring-sowing region, middle-maturing spring-sowing region and late-maturing spring-sowing region, and their phenotypic identification and comparative analysis were carried out in Chifeng area. The results showed that there were significant differences in growth period, agronomic characters and yield characters among the three eco-regions (P<0.05). The average growth period of varieties in early-maturing spring-sowing region was (98.35±13.00) d, with many tillers, short plant, thick main stem, short flag leaf, small main panicle, high grain weight and milled millet percentage, medium yield, and low genetic diversity of phenotypic traits. The average growth period of varieties in-middle-maturing spring-sowing region was (113.07±8.63) d, with few tillers, high plant height, long peduncle, thin main stem, short flag leaf, large main panicle, high grain weight and milled millet percentage, low yield, and high genetic diversity of yield traits. The average growth period of varieties in late-maturing spring-sowing region was (125.80±6.76) d,with short peduncle, thick main stem, long flag leaf, big main panicle, light weight of grain, low milled millet percentage, high yield, and the high genetic diversity of agronomic traits. By cluster analysis of 16 phenotypes after standardized, the varieties could be divided into 4 groups,varieties of groupⅠhadmedium maturity, large biomass, high milled millet percentage and yield, varieties of groupⅡhadlate maturity, small biomass, low milled millet percentage and yield, varieties of groupⅢhad early maturity, small biomass and high yield, groupⅣvarieties had medium late maturity, large biomass and high yield.

Key words: foxtail millet, germplasmresources, ecological region, diversity index, cluster analysis

摘要: 为明确不同生态区谷子种质资源的表型,从春播特早熟区、春播中熟区、春播晚熟区引进435个谷子品种,在赤峰地区进行表型鉴定及比较分析。结果表明,3个生态区谷子品种的生育期、农艺性状、产量性状差异显著。春播特早熟区谷子品种生育期平均值为(98.35±13.00)d,分蘖多、植株矮、主茎粗、旗叶短、主穗小、穗粒重、出谷率高、产量中等,表型性状遗传多样性整体较低;春播中熟区谷子品种生育期平均值为(11307±8.63)d,分蘖少、植株高、穗下节长、主茎细、旗叶短、主穗大、穗粒重、出谷率高、产量较低,产量性状遗传多样性整体较高;春播晚熟区谷子品种生育期平均值为(125.80±6.76) d;穗下节短、主茎粗、旗叶长、主穗大、穗粒轻、出谷率低、产量较高,农艺性状遗传多样性整体较高。利用标准化处理后的16个表型进行聚类分析,可将参试品种划分为4大类群,类群Ⅰ品种中熟、生物量大、出谷率和产量较高,类群Ⅱ品种晚熟、生物量小、出谷率和产量较低,类群Ⅲ品种早熟、生物量小、产量较高,类群Ⅳ品种中晚熟、生物量大、产量较高。

关键词: 谷子, 种质资源, 生态区, 多样性指数, 聚类分析