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    15 September 2020, Volume 22 Issue 9
    International Cooperation Strategic Analysis of China Seed Industry Technology
    LUO Ju1, ZHANG Zhao2, ZHANG Huijie3*
    2020, 22(9):  1-10.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2020.0458
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    The rapid development of Chinas seed industry technology has played a vital role in ensuring Chinas food security. Globalization is an inevitable trend of world economic development. The proposal of the “Belt and Road” initiative has provided unprecedented development opportunities for Chinas seed industry science and technology cooperation with countries along the “Belt and Road”. The seed industry science and technology cooperation can push forward a immense influence on the improvement of seed industry technology and food security in these countries. It has become the core support of China’s agricultural science and technology cooperation. This paper reviewed the research and development status of Chinas seed industry technology and dissected the existed main problems in international cooperation of Chinas seed industry technology. In order to strengthen international cooperation of Chinas seed industry technology, this paper suggested to formulate medium-and long-term cooperation plan based on the need of target countries, improve the policies and procedures of import and export of germplasm resources, and strengthen the cooperation platforms construction and talent team building.
    Visualization Analysis of Research Progress of International Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Based on Bibliometrics
    HUANG Jiazhang1, LU Shijun1, YAO Yuan2, WU Ming3, SUN Junmao1*
    2020, 22(9):  11-21.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0642
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    In order to solve the global nutrition problem, nutrition-sensitive agriculture (NSA) has gradually become an important subject to explore the relationship between agriculture, nutrition and health. As a large agricultural country in the world, it is of great significance for China to develop NSA  suitable for the national conditions to promote the high-quality development of agriculture. To reveal the current status and trend of global NSA research and provide specific suggestions and references for policy formulation and research practice, this paper analyzed the research status and frontier of NSA through the visualization knowledge maps by using bibliometrics method. The results showed that the research on NSA had become a hot spot in 2013, and showed a stepwise increase. Developed countries had more papers and higher influence, especially the United States was in a leading position in the research field of NSA. As for category and keywords, the research field covered multiple disciplines in the field of agriculture, food, nutrition and health, and presents dynamic changes. The most  cited literatures and citation bursted in the last 3~4 a mainly focus on the assessment of the impact of interventions such as agricultural production diversity and womens empowerment on the dietary diversity of smallholder farmers and maternal and child nutrition, suggesting that the related topics may continue to be hotspot in the future. Chinas NSA development should have a global perspective, learn from the existing experience, and enhance its influence through international cooperation. It required coordination among multiple departments, interdisciplinary integration, focused on key and hot issues, took measures according to local conditions, and attached importance to the evaluation of results.
    Grain Filling Characteristics of the Rice Cultivar with High Yield and High Nitrogen Use Efficiency
    LI Min, LUO Deqiang, JIANG Xuehai, JIANG Mingjin, LI Shuxing, JI Guangmei, LI Lijiang, ZHOU Weijia*
    2020, 22(9):  22-30.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.1091
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    In order to clarify the grain filling characteristics of indica rice varieties with high yield and high N use efficiency  and their relationship with yield and nitrogen utilization, field experiments were conducted in 2014 and 2015, and hybrid Indica rice varieties with high yield and high nitrogen efficiency (HYHNE), high yield and medium nitrogen efficiency (HYMNE) and low yield and low nitrogen efficiency (LYLNE) were grown separately under their respective optimum N application amount to achieve maximum attainable yields. The differences of grain filling characteristics of rice cultivars in different types were investigated. The results showed that there were significant differences in grain filling characteristics among different cultivars and different grain positions. As for the superior grains, maximum grain-filling rate (GRmax), weight of a kernel at the time of maximum grain-filling rate (Wmax) and the average grain filling rate (GRmean) were all ranked in HYHNE > HYMNE > LYLNE; initial growth (R0), active grain-filling period (D) and effective filling time (T99) were all performed as HYHNE < HYMNE < LYLNE. However different tendency was found in inferior grains, their characteristics of GRmax, Wmax and GRmean were all performed as HYHNE > LYLNE > HYMNE, characteristics of R0, D and T99 were all performed as HYHNE < LYLNE < HYMNE. It was suggested that the cultivar of HYHNE had the characteristics of earlier grain filling initiation, faster filling rate and shorter effective filling time, regardless of grain position. The superior grains of cultivar of HYMNE filled well, but the inferior grains had the latest grain filling initiation, the slowest filling rate and the longest effective filling time. The filling characteristics of inferior grains might be the important reason limiting the further improvement of nitrogen efficiency in HYMNE cultivars.
    Comparison of  Phenotypic Traits of Foxtail Millet  Germplasm Resources in Different Ecological Regions
    XIANG Jishan1, ZHANG Hengru2, LIU Han1, SUO Liangxi2, JIA Shujing1, ZHANG Ying1, SHI Jingqi1, HU Lizhe1, CAI Yining1
    2020, 22(9):  31-41.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2020.0175
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    In order to identify the phenotype of foxtail millet germplasm resources from different ecological regions, 435 varieties were introduced from early-maturing spring-sowing region, middle-maturing spring-sowing region and late-maturing spring-sowing region, and their phenotypic identification and comparative analysis were carried out in Chifeng area. The results showed that there were significant differences in growth period, agronomic characters and yield characters among the three eco-regions (P<0.05). The average growth period of varieties in early-maturing spring-sowing region was (98.35±13.00) d, with many tillers, short plant, thick main stem, short flag leaf, small main panicle, high grain weight and milled millet percentage, medium yield, and low genetic diversity of phenotypic traits. The average growth period of varieties in-middle-maturing spring-sowing region was (113.07±8.63) d, with few tillers, high plant height, long peduncle, thin main stem, short flag leaf, large main panicle, high grain weight and milled millet percentage, low yield, and high genetic diversity of yield traits. The average growth period of varieties in late-maturing spring-sowing region was (125.80±6.76) d,with short peduncle, thick main stem, long flag leaf, big main panicle, light weight of grain, low milled millet percentage, high yield, and the high genetic diversity of agronomic traits. By cluster analysis of 16 phenotypes after standardized, the varieties could be divided into 4 groups,varieties of groupⅠhadmedium maturity, large biomass, high milled millet percentage and yield, varieties of groupⅡhadlate maturity, small biomass, low milled millet percentage and yield, varieties of groupⅢhad early maturity, small biomass and high yield, groupⅣvarieties had medium late maturity, large biomass and high yield.
    Effects of Temperature and NaCl on Seed Germination and Seedling Antioxidant Enzyme Activities of Sweet Sorghum
    WANG Zhiheng, HUANG Siqi, ZOU Fang, YANG Xiuliu, WEI Yuqing*
    2020, 22(9):  42-51.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0190
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    In order to investigate the effects of temperature, salt stress and their interaction on seed germination and seedling growth of sweet sorghum, ‘Liaotian 1’ was selected as material; treatments of five variable temperature including 15/5, 20/10, 25/15, 30/20 and 35/25 ℃, and five NaCl concentrations including 0, 50, 100, 200 and 300 mmol·L-1 were set up; the seed germination indexes, early growth and antioxidant enzyme activities of sweet sorghum seedlings under different treatments were investigated. The results showed that under the same temperature, high concentration of NaCl significantly inhibited seed germination of sweet sorghum. The residual dry weight of seeds increased with the increase of NaCl concentration, while the other germination indexes and seedling transformation indexes generally decreased with the increase of NaCl concentration. Under treatments with the same NaCl concentration, temperature had a significant effect on the seed germination and seedling growth of sweet sorghum. The seed germination indexes and seedling transformation indexes (except for seed residual dry weight) of sweet sorghum increased first and then decreased with the increase of temperature. Under the condition of low temperature (≤20/10 ℃), the antioxidant enzymes activity showed a decrease trend with the increase of NaCl concentration. However under the condition of high temperature (>25/15 ℃), the enzyme activities showed a trend of rise first and then decrease with the increase of NaCl concentration. Two-factor ANOVA analysis show that salinity, temperature and their interaction all significantly influence the sweet sorghum seed germination, seedling growth and seedling antioxidant enzyme activity. Comparatively, the influences of salt on seed germination rate, vigor index, seedling transformation index (except for seed residual dry weight), superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), catalase(CAT) activity were more than those of temperature, however the influence of temperature on germination potential, germination index, seed residual dry weight, ascorbate peroxidase activity were much more than those of salt. It was suggested that the optimal temperature for sweet sorghum seed germination was 30/20 ℃ under NaCl stress.
    Evaluation of Different Chenopodium quinoa Resources and Effects of Osmotic Regulators on Their Drought Resistance
    YANG Ruiping1, LIU Ruixiang1, MA Yingmei1*, Guo Zhanbin2, ZHANG Hongwu2, BAI Yu1, ZHAO Xinyu1
    2020, 22(9):  52-60.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0853
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    In order to evaluate the drought resistance of Chenopodium quinoa resources and study the effects of osmotic regulators on drought resistance of quinoa seedlings, the seedlings of black quinoa, white quinoa, red quinoa and mongolian quinoa were treated with drought stress (DS) and watering (CK) to study the effects of drought stress on the morphological and physiological indexes of quinoa seedlings. Meanwhile, after pretreatment of quinoa seeds with water, 5% sucrose and 1% phosphoric acid, their seedlings were subjected to drought stress and watering treatments, and the effects of osmotic adjustment on the drought resistance indexes of seedlings were studied. Finally, the drought resistance of different quinoa resources was comprehensively evaluated. The results showed that: ① with the prolongation of drought stress time, the relative water content of quinoa leaves decreased gradually, the growth of quinoa seedlings was inhibited, the biomass accumulation decreased gradually, and the chlorophyll content increased first and then decreased. ② the drought resistance of quinoa seedlings from seeds treated with 5% sucrose was significantly higher by 22.22% than that of seedlings treated with water. However, the drought resistance of seedlings treated with 1% phosphoric acid was significantly lower than that of seedlings treated with water. It was indicated that 5% sucrose could improve the drought resistance of quinoa seedlings, while 1% phosphoric acid did not. ③ the membership function method drought resistance of four quinoa resources was comprehensively evaluated by, and the drought resistance performance was red quinoa > white quinoa > mongolian quinoa > black quinoa. To sum up, Red quinoa and White quinoa should be  planted in arid and semi-arid areas, and 5% sucrose could be used as osmotic regulator to improve the drought resistance of C. quinoa, which provided theoretical basis for the development of C. quinoa industry in arid and semi-arid areas of Northern China.
    Agronomic Characteristics and Yield Formation of 23 Welsh-onion Resources Under Plateau Ecological Conditions
    TIAN Jie1,2§, TIE Yuanyu1§, LI Jiang1, ZHONG Qiwen1,2*
    2020, 22(9):  61-68.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2020.0262
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    In order to reasonably select excellent welsh-onion high-yield traits under plateau ecological conditions, in this study, 23 welsh-onion resources introduced to Qinghai were used as materials to carry out multiple analyses of statistically determined agronomic characters. The results showed that the variation of phenotypic diversity in welsh-onion were abundant. Among 13 qualitative traits, the Shannon-Wiener diversity index ranged from 0.18~1.03. Among 9 quantitative traits, the variation coefficient ranged from 9.07%~260.09%. Through correlation analysis, the yield and leaf number per plant were significantly negative correlation, but a positive correlation with plant height, pseudostem length, leaf width and plant width. By principal component analysis, three principal components were extracted, including principal component 1: morphological factors of low-yielding varieties (leaf number per plant, leaf length and tillers per plant), principal component 2: high-yielding pseudostem factors (pseudostem width and pseudostem length) and principal component 3: high-yield control factors (yield and plant height). Path analysis results showed that the yield would be influenced by leaf number per plant negative directly, by plant height positive directly, and by tillers per plant negative indirectly. The results of regression analysis indicated that leaf number per plant and plant height were determined as the main factors affecting the yield of welsh-onion, which could be used as important indicators for high-yield breeding of welsh-onion in Qinghai Plateau.
    Effects of Potassium Content of Leaf and Fruit on Single Fruit Weight and Sugar and Acid Components in Sweet Persimmon
    SHEN Tao, MA Le, WANG Keyao, REN Yu, ZHANG Min, WEI Jun*
    2020, 22(9):  69-77.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0292
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    This paper analyzed the effects  potassium content of leaf and fruits on single fruit weight and sugar acid metabolism by using the sweet persimmon cultivar ‘Taishuu’ as test materials. The results showed that: potassium content in leaf had a significant effect on single fruit weight, while the potassium content in fruit considerably affected the content of sugar and acid components. The single fruit weight was significantly linearly related to the potassium content in leaf, and the potassium in leaf was one of the sources of potassium required for fruit enlargement. During fruit mature period, the potassium content of leaf in the range of 6.4 to 9.6 mg·g-1 could promote the increasing of single fruit weight. The potassium content of fruit in the range of 4.6 to 4.8 mg·g-1 could promote synthesis of glucose and fructose in fruit, and the potassium content of fruit in the range of 4.4 to 4.6 mg·g-1 was conducive to inhibit the accumulation of organic acids. After comprehensive consideration, the appropriate ranges of potassium content in leaf and fruit were 6.4 to 9.6 mg·g-1 and 4.6 to 4.8 mg·g-1 respectively during fruit mature period.
    Influences of Exogenous Melatonin on Physiological Properties of Tobacco Seedlings Under Low Temperature Stress
    ZHANG Jiawen, LU Shaohao, ZHAO Zhe, ZHAO Mingqin*
    2020, 22(9):  78-86.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0578
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    In order to study the effect of exogenous melatonin (MT) on physiological response of tobacco seedlings to low temperature stress, taking tobacco variety  ‘Yunyan 87’ as test material, setting up 5 treatments, including 0, 50, 100, 150, 200 μmol·L-1 MT, this paper studied the effects of different treatments on active oxygen metabolism, osmotic substances contents, antioxidant enzymes activities of tobacco seedlings under low temperature stress. The results showed that the growth of tobacco seedlings was inhibited under low temperature stress. The superoxide anion (O-2) production rate, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) content and malondialdehyde (MDA) content of tobacco leaves were significantly decreased under exogenous MT treatments, but the contents of proline, soluble protein and soluble sugar were increased, as well the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and peroxidase (POD). The treatment with 100 μmol·L-1 MT was the best. It was illustrated that exogenous MT could inhibit reactive oxygen species production, decrease the membrane lipid peroxidation, raise antioxidative enzyme activities, and then improve the resistance of seedlings to low temperature stress.
    Three-dimension Reconstruction Method Based on Silhouette for Pot Rice
    WU Dan1, YE Junli1, WANG Kang1, GENG Zedong1, FU Jingbo1, LIU Lingbo2, YANG Wanneng1*
    2020, 22(9):  87-95.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0191
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    In recent years, great progress has been achieved in the domain of image-based high-throughput rice phenotype. However, only a few researches considered 3D plant models. Generally, more comprehensive information can be extracted from 3D models than images. The reconstruction of 3D models is the foundation of 3D crop phenotyping. This paper proposed a method to reconstruct 3D point clouds for pot rice plants. In this method, a series of rice images were taken by a camera in fixed place, then the point cloud representations of reconstructed visual hulls of rice plants were acquired by shape from silhouette according to camera parameters and binary rice silhouette images. Finally, the reconstructed models were colored by back projection method. The experiment results showed that this method was well suitable for rice plants of different types and stages.
    Confirmation of Rice Origin Based on Hyper-spectral and OS-ELM
    WANG Jinghui1, CAO Wei1, LENG Quanyang1, CHENG Jiaojiao1, WANG Yanhui2, SHEN Haiou3, CHEN Lei4, WANG Zhaohui5*
    2020, 22(9):  96-103.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0144
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    To meet the demand on rapid and damage-free rice origin confirmation, hyper-spectral images(400~1 000 nm) of a total number of 990 rice samples from primary rice production regions of Meihekou city, Jilin province, as well as other rice producing regions such as Songyuan, Daan and Huinan, were collected as the object of study, and the spectra were preprocessed by multiplicative scatter correction (MSC) handling method. With the adoption of multilayer perceptro (MLP), extreme learning machine (ELM) and online sequence extreme learning machine (OS-ELM) algorithms, the origin confirmation model was established on the basis of the full-band hyperspectral data and the data undergoing dimensionality reduction by the multidimensional scaling (MDS) method. The results indicated that the OS-ELM model based on full-band hyperspectral data had the best classification performance with an accuracy rate of 98.3%. After the MDS processing, the input data variables were reduced by 96.6%, while the accuracy rate of the MDS-OS-ELM model was stable at 97.4%. The comparative analysis was performed against the training time among three models, and it was concluded that the training time of OS-ELM was significantly more than that of MLP, and the training time on data acquisition in batches was more than ELM, which provided an efficient, accurate and stable method for rice origin confirmation.
    Three-dimensional Spatial Localization of Overlapping Citrus Based on Binocular Stereo Vision
    LIU Yu1, LIU Sa1, YANG Changhui1,2, WANG Kai 1, XIE Ni1
    2020, 22(9):  104-112.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0272
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    Accurate identification and localization of fruit in the natural environment is one of the challenges faced by intelligent picking. Based on binocular stereo vision, this paper proposed a three-dimensional spatial positioning method for outdoor overlapping citrus. Firstly, the contours of overlapping citrus fruits from the left  and right camera  were extracted and Gaussian smoothing was performed. Through the curvature analysis, the abnormal contour pixel points were found. Secondly, the adjacent two abnormal pixel points were connected in turn, and the distance from the pixel points on the line segment to the citrus outline was analyzed, the overlapping citrus contour segmentation was completed at the intersection of two adjacent normal line segments, and the corresponding non-citrus contour pixels were eliminated by searching for the abnormal line segments. Thirdly, the least squares ellipse fitting method was used to reconstruct the contour of the citrus target and obtain the center of the citrus. Finally, according to the binocular line constraint and image similarity, the overlapping citrus center points were matched, and the depth value and three-dimensional space coordinates of the citrus center were calculated based on the parallax principle, and the occlusion relationship of overlapping citrus was obtained by combining the depth values. The results of outdoor experiments showed that the positioning error of this method was 6.38 mm, which met the positioning accuracy requirements of outdoor picking operations of citrus picking robots.
    Cutting Performance of Side Cutter Head of Orchard Mower Based on Virtual Orthogonal Test
    LI Xuejun1, WANG Pengfei1, DING Shunrong2, YANG Xin1*, LI Jianping1, LIU Hongjie1, YUAN Changwei1, PEI Xiaokang1, MAO Lei1
    2020, 22(9):  113-121.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0273
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    In order to solve the problem of difficult handling of ridge grass in the management of the acacia planting orchard, this paper established a three-dimensional solid model of the side dish of the orchard lawn mower by three-dimensional design software and carries forward speed, cutter speed and blade, and  optimized simulation experiment of the influence on the number and the length of the edge line on the rate of the cutting rate. The dynamic analysis software ADAMS was used to obtain the blade motion trajectory and calculate the repeat cutting area. The four-factor and three-level virtual orthogonal test was carried out on the model, and the response surface analysis method was used to make significant analysis. The results showed that the best values were the forward speed A=2 m·s-1, the cutter speed B=2 500 rad·min-1, the number of blades C=2. When the blade length D was 55 mm, the minimum cutting rate was 16.6%. The field simulation test verified that the model simulation design meet the technical requirements of the orchard mower, and the research results provided reference for the structural design and parameter optimization of the orchard mower lawn mower.
    Study on the Optimal Nitrogen Application Rate for Transplanted Cotton following Wheat Harvest in Jianghan Plain
    TAN Jinghong, WU Qixia*, ZHU Jianqiang, KE Xinyao, MA Hongyu
    2020, 22(9):  122-131.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2020.0181
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    In order to find out the optimal nitrogen application rate for transplanted cotton following wheat harvest mode in Jianghan Plain using cotton CCRI 63, this paper carried out the field plot test for six N application rate treatments(0, 90, 180, 270, 360 and 450 kg·hm-2) during 2018 and 2019 and studied the effects of nitrogen rate on the growth, yield and nitrogen use efficiency of cotton transplanted after wheat. The results showed that the SPAD value increased with the increase of nitrogen application rate and had a univariate quadratic relationship with nitrogen application at flowering and boll-forming stage. The seed cotton accounted for a larger proportion of the whole plant when the nitrogen application rate was 270~360 kg·hm-2. The rate of nitrogen transfer to the reproductive organs was the highest. The yield, apparent nitrogen use efficiency and nitrogen fertilizer contribution rate were the highest under  360 kg·hm-2 nitrogen treatment. A linear plus platform model was used to fit the optimal economic nitrogen application rates that was 318.75 kg·hm-2 (2018) and 310.64 kg·hm-2 (2019) for transplanted cotton following wheat harvest in the Jianghan Plain. The  potential yield was 4 463.58 kg·hm-2(2018) and 4 662.53 kg·hm-2(2019) respectively. Based on the results of cotton growth, yield and nitrogen migration and utilization, it was suggested that the suitable nitrogen application rate was 310.64~318.75 kg·hm-2 for post-wheat transplanted cotton in the Jianghan Plain.
    Effects of Different Ratios of Inorganic-N Substituted by Manure on Rice Yield, Nitrogen Absorption and Nitrogen Loss Risk
    TANG Li, XIE Yong, RONG Xiangmin*, YANG Wei, HUANG Jiayi, HE Shifu, ZHANG Lian
    2020, 22(9):  132-142.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0187
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    The combination of organic and inorganic fertilizer is an important agricultural mode for increasing crop production, reducing the application of chemical fertilizer and protecting environment. In order to explore the optimal ratio of organic fertilizer-N instead of chemical fertilizer-N, a field plot experiment was conducted to study the effects of different ratios of organic fertilizer-N replacing chemical fertilizer-N on rice yield, nitrogen utilization and nitrogen loss risk, and six consecutive alternative proportional gradients(0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%)were set in this paper. The results showed that: Compared with common urea treatment, a 20% substitution ratio of organic fertilizer-N significantly increased the effective panicle number of early-rice by 5.8%, and significantly increased the yield components of late-rice (i.e. panicle length increased by 16.1%, effective panicle number increased by 7.4%, grain number increased by 11.8%, 1 000-grain weight increased by 11.1%, seed setting rate increased by 4.5%). And a 20% substitution ratio treated early- and late-rice significantly increased yield by 13.9% and 18.6%, respectively, while simultaneously significantly increased nitrogen fertilizer utilization rate by 4.7% and 4.9% respectively. The fitting equation between substitution ratio and yield of early- and late-rice showed that the best substitution ratio of yield was 21%. The greater the ratio of organic fertilizer nitrogen application, the lower the water and nitrogen concentration in the field, reducing the risk of nitrogen loss. Therefore, it could not only increase rice yield potential, but also reduce the risk of nitrogen loss in paddy fields and appropriately reduce the amount of chemical nitrogen fertilizer applied in paddy fields when the ratio of organic fertilizer to fertilizer nitrogen was 20% in early- and late-rice cropping system. It was worthy of popularization and application.
    Impacts of Fertilization on Yield and Water-fertilizer Use Efficiency of Tartary Buckwheat  with Whole Field Soil-plastic Mulching in Semiarid Area
    FANG Yanjie, ZHANG Xucheng*, YU Xianfeng, HOU Huizhi, WANG Hongli, MA Yifan
    2020, 22(9):  143-152.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0838
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    To explore the effects of different rates of N, P2O5, and K2O fertilizers on yields and water-fertilizer use efficiency, taking a tartary buckwheat \[Fagopyrum tataricum (L.) Gaertn.\] cultivar Yunqiao 2 as experimental materials, this paper investigated the changes of tartary buckwheat biomass, yield, harvest index (HI), soil water storage in 0~300 cm soil layers, water consumption, water use efficiency (WUE), fertilizer use efficiency and fallow efficiency, and analyzed the effects of fertilizer application rates on the yield  water and fertilizer efficiency. The results showed that: yield and biomass were highest at low fertilizer rate (LF), with an  increase of yield by 1.1%~30.5%, and an  increase of biomass by 1.1%~19.4%. In 2015 and 2016, the order of the precipitation use efficiency (PUE) in the growth period, the PUE in the fallow period and the annual precipitation use efficiency were as follows: low fertilizer rate (LF)> no fertilization (CK) > medium fertilizer rate (MF) > and high fertilizer rate(HF), but  LF> MF>CK>HF during 2017, respectively. WUE was highest with LF treatment compared to the other treatments in 2015 and 2017. In the three consecutive years, the order of fertilizer agronomic efficiency (AE), and partial factor productivity was LF>MF>HF. Overall, under the current experimental condition, LF treatment increased tartary buckwheat yield, biomass, WUE, as well as HI. At the meantime, AE and PFP were significantly increased by LF, compared to MF and HF, respectively. Also, LF was able to regulate soil water storage in fallow periods according to different precipitation years and water consumption, enhance soil moisture recovery in fallow periods, and improve fallow efficiency, as well as PUE. The results provided a theoretical basis for reasonable fertilizer rates in the cultivation of hole-sown tartary buckwheat with whole film mulching in semiarid area.
    Effect of Different Ridging Height on Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Lycium ruthenicum Murr.
    ZHANG Chen, HAN Ting, MA Jie, YANG Juan, LIU Genhong, ZHENG Guoqi*
    2020, 22(9):  153-161.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2020.0158
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    In order to explore the rational utilization mode of low-lying saline-alkali land, Lycium ruthenicum Murr. was used as test material,and three treatments of different ridging height, including 0 cm (non-ridging, H1), 20 cm ridging (H2) and 40 cm ridging (H3), were set up. The effects of different treatments on growth indexes, stress-resistance physiological indexes of L. ruthenicum were investigated. The results showed that the soil total salt content of ridging treatments was significantly higher than that of non-ridging treatment. The branch length and leaf area of ridging treatments were significantly higher than those of non-ridging treatment, and the leaf chlorophyll content of ridging treatments was significantly higher than that of the control in the later stage, except that in August. Soluble sugar content didn’t changed during different periods, while the content of proline increased significantly in the later stage, and the proline content of H2 treatment was significantly higher than that of the control. K+ content of leaves in ridging treatments was significantly higher than that of the control in August, but showed the opposite trend in October; while Na+ content of leaves during all periods showed a trend  that Na+ content of ridging treatments was significantly lower than that of the control. It was suggested that ridging treatments had more advantages in plant growth of L. ruthenicum. Although soil salt content was increased in ridging treatments, its effect on plant growth of L. ruthenicum was ignored; while the relatively reduced buried depth of groundwater table had a greater effect on the growth of L. ruthenicum. The present research have a certain theoretical guiding significance for standardized cultivation of L. ruthenicum in low-lying saline-alkali land.
    Influences of Different Feeding Frequencies on Vermicomposting
    HU Hongwen, XIA Yunhong, ZHA Lin, LIU Guiping, LI Qingliang
    2020, 22(9):  162-168.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0197
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    To explore the optimum feeding frequencies on vermicomposting, the effects of seven kinds of feeding frequencies on earthworm growth and substrate nutrient were studied by vermicomposting experiment. The results showed that: the maximum earthworm weight was obtained in the treatment group with feeding frequency of 7 d once, and the average weight  reaching 0.138 7 g per worm. At the same time, the content of total organic carbon was the lowest, and the content of total nitrogen, total phosphorus, available phosphorus and ammonium nitrogen was the highest. Therefore, feeding with the different frequencies could affect the growth rate of earthworms and the efficiency of vermicompost processing, and the optimal feeding frequency was 7 d once.
    Evaluation of Uncertainty in Determination of Plant Growth Regulators in Water-soluble Fertilizers by HPLC
    DUAN Lulu1,2, HUANG Jing1,2*, WANG Kaiyue1,2
    2020, 22(9):  169-178.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0777
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    In order to ensure the accuracy and reliability of laboratory analysis and reduce laboratory errors, the contents of abscisic acid, 1-naphthylacetic acid, chlorfenuron and uniconazole in water-soluble fertilizer were determined by HPLC. By analyzing the uncertainty sources of test methods, standard materials, instruments and equipment, sample pretreatment and measurement process, the uncertainty was evaluated from five aspects: human, machine, material, method and environment, and the HPLC method was established to determine the uncertainty evaluation model of plant growth regulators in water-soluble fertilizer. The results showed that the content of abscisic acid in water-soluble fertilizers was expressed as  w±(-5.232 5w + 0.158 5) (confidence interval 95%, k=2), the content of 1-naphthylacetic acid was w±(-1.633 4w +0.101 3) (confidence interval 95%, k=2), the content of forchlorfenuron was w±(-0.262 7w +0.034 4) (confidence interval 95%, k=2), and the content of uniconazole was w±(-0.144 5w +0.034 3) (confidence interval 95%, k=2). The main sources of uncertainty affecting the results of abscisic acid, 1-naphthylacetic acid, forchlorfenuron and uniconazole in water-soluble fertilizers were the fitting of standard curve and repeated determination of samples, while the uncertainty introduced by referrence substance purity, sample weighing and sample pretreatment had no significant influence on the uncertainty of final synthesis. The expanded uncertainty of abscisic acid, 1-naphthylacetic acid, forchlorfenuron and uniconazole content changed linearly with the increase of content, and decreased with the increase of content. The research results provided technical support for the healthy development of water-soluble fertilizer industry.
    Transformation System of Aspergillus niger Using amdS as a Dominant Selective Marker
    SUN Jing1, REN Wenqi1, XU Qinhu2, CAO Wei1*, LIU Hao1*
    2020, 22(9):  179-187.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0159
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    Aspergillus niger is an important fermentation industrial microorganism and also a model microorganism for the study of the growth, development, metabolism, and gene function of filamentous fungi.  amdS of Aspergillus nidulans was heterologously expressed in A. niger, and the transformants of A. niger were obtained. By phenotypic analysis, amdS made A. niger grow on medium with acetamide as the sole nitrogen source, whereas wild-type strains growed weakly. A knockout vector with amdS as a selective marker was then constructed. Finally, the oxaloacetate hydrolase gene oahA knockout plasmid was constructed by ligation of the upstream and downstream homologous sequences, and the oahA knockout strain was successfully screened after transformation into A. niger. Oxalic acid production of ΔoahA strain was significantly decreased. The results showed that amdS  could be well applied to the genetic manipulation of A. niger as a nutrient screening marker.