Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2022, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (1): 106-118.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2021.0530
• FOOD QUALITY & PROCESSING AND STORAGE • Previous Articles Next Articles
Bing HU(), Haonan SHI, Benlun HU, Siming ZHAO, Ru LIU, Caihua JIA(
Caihua JIA
胡冰(), 时浩楠, 胡本伦, 赵思明, 刘茹, 贾才华(
CLC Number:
Bing HU, Haonan SHI, Benlun HU, Siming ZHAO, Ru LIU, Caihua JIA. Progress on the Aflatoxin Determination Method in Food[J]. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2022, 24(1): 106-118.
胡冰, 时浩楠, 胡本伦, 赵思明, 刘茹, 贾才华. 食品中黄曲霉毒素检测方法研究进展[J]. 中国农业科技导报, 2022, 24(1): 106-118.
国家、组织或地区 State, organization or region | 食品名称 Food name | 毒素种类 Toxin type | 限量 Limit /(μg·kg-1) | 参考文献Reference |
中国 China | 玉米及其制品 Corn and its products | AFB1 | 20 | [ |
稻谷、糙米、大米 Unhusked rice, brown rice, rice | 10 | |||
小麦、大麦、其他谷物 Wheat, barley, other grains | 5.0 | |||
小麦粉、麦片、其他去壳谷物 Wheat flour, oatmeal, other husked cereals | 5.0 | |||
发酵豆制品 Fermented bean products | 5.0 | |||
花生及其制品 Peanut and its products | 20 | |||
其他熟制坚果及籽类 Other cooked nuts and seeds | 5.0 | |||
植物油脂(花生油、玉米油除外) Vegetable oil(except peanut oil and corn oil) | 10 | |||
花生油、玉米油 Peanut oil and corn oil | 20 | |||
酱油、醋、酿造酱 Soy sauce, vinegar, brewing sauce | 5.0 | |||
乳及乳制品 Milk and dairy products | AFM1 | 0.5 | ||
特殊膳食用食品 Special dietary food | AFB1、AFM1 | 0.5 | ||
美国 USA | 所有食品(除牛奶) All foods (except milk) | AFB1+AFB2+AFG1+ AFG2 | 20 | [ |
牛奶 Milk | AFM1 | 0.5 | ||
食品法典委员会 CAC | 花生 Peanut | AFB1+AFB2+AFG1+ AFG2 | 15 | [ |
奶 Milk | AFM1 | 0.5 | ||
日本 Japan | 所有食品 All foods | AFB1、AFB2、AFG1、 AFG2、AFM1 | 不得检出 Not be detected | [ |
欧盟 European union | 未经清选或物理处理的稻谷,香料 Rice without cleaning or physical treatment, spice | AFB1 | 5 | [ |
直接食用的花生、果仁、加工干果制品 Edible peanuts, nutlet, dried fruit | 2 | |||
谷物加工食品、婴幼儿食品 Grain processed food, infant food | 0.1 | |||
牛奶(原奶、奶制品) Milk(raw milk, dairy products) | AFM1 | 0.05 | ||
婴幼儿配方奶制品,婴幼儿医用食品 Infant formula milk products, infant medical food | 0.025 |
Table 1 Comparison of aflatoxin limits in food at home and abroad
国家、组织或地区 State, organization or region | 食品名称 Food name | 毒素种类 Toxin type | 限量 Limit /(μg·kg-1) | 参考文献Reference |
中国 China | 玉米及其制品 Corn and its products | AFB1 | 20 | [ |
稻谷、糙米、大米 Unhusked rice, brown rice, rice | 10 | |||
小麦、大麦、其他谷物 Wheat, barley, other grains | 5.0 | |||
小麦粉、麦片、其他去壳谷物 Wheat flour, oatmeal, other husked cereals | 5.0 | |||
发酵豆制品 Fermented bean products | 5.0 | |||
花生及其制品 Peanut and its products | 20 | |||
其他熟制坚果及籽类 Other cooked nuts and seeds | 5.0 | |||
植物油脂(花生油、玉米油除外) Vegetable oil(except peanut oil and corn oil) | 10 | |||
花生油、玉米油 Peanut oil and corn oil | 20 | |||
酱油、醋、酿造酱 Soy sauce, vinegar, brewing sauce | 5.0 | |||
乳及乳制品 Milk and dairy products | AFM1 | 0.5 | ||
特殊膳食用食品 Special dietary food | AFB1、AFM1 | 0.5 | ||
美国 USA | 所有食品(除牛奶) All foods (except milk) | AFB1+AFB2+AFG1+ AFG2 | 20 | [ |
牛奶 Milk | AFM1 | 0.5 | ||
食品法典委员会 CAC | 花生 Peanut | AFB1+AFB2+AFG1+ AFG2 | 15 | [ |
奶 Milk | AFM1 | 0.5 | ||
日本 Japan | 所有食品 All foods | AFB1、AFB2、AFG1、 AFG2、AFM1 | 不得检出 Not be detected | [ |
欧盟 European union | 未经清选或物理处理的稻谷,香料 Rice without cleaning or physical treatment, spice | AFB1 | 5 | [ |
直接食用的花生、果仁、加工干果制品 Edible peanuts, nutlet, dried fruit | 2 | |||
谷物加工食品、婴幼儿食品 Grain processed food, infant food | 0.1 | |||
牛奶(原奶、奶制品) Milk(raw milk, dairy products) | AFM1 | 0.05 | ||
婴幼儿配方奶制品,婴幼儿医用食品 Infant formula milk products, infant medical food | 0.025 |
检测方法 Detection method | 前处理 Pretreatment | 检测优势 Advantage | 检出限 LOD | 定量限 LOQ | 样品基质 Sample matrix | 参考文献 Reference |
HPLC | 免疫亲和柱净化 IAC purification | 有机溶剂消耗少、基质干扰少 Low consumption of organic solvents and low matrix interference | 5.6×10-4 μg·kg-1 | — | 麦麸 Wheat bran | [ |
固相萃取 Solid phase extraction | 灵敏、痕量检测 Sensitive and trace detection | 0.012 ng·mL-1 | 0.039 ng·mL-1 | 饮用水 Drinking water | [ | |
固相萃取 Solid phase extraction | 适用于复杂样品基质 Suitable for complex sample matrix | 0.2 ng·L-1 | 0.5 ng·L-1 | 牛乳 Milk | [ | |
LC-MS | 有机溶剂提取 Organic solvent extraction | 灵敏、经济、快速 Sensitive, economical and fast | 0.1~2 μg·kg-1 | 0.3~5 μg·kg-1 | 海产品 Seafood | [ |
有机溶剂提取 Organic solvent extraction | 多种毒素同时检测 Simultaneous detection of multiple toxins | — | 0.02~161 μg·kg-1 | 小麦 Wheat | [ | |
QuEChERS法提取 QuEChERS extraction | 有机溶剂消耗少、多种毒素 同时检测、灵敏 Low consumption of organic solvents, simultaneous detection of multiple toxins and high sensitivity | — | 15 μg·L-1 | 饮料 Drink | [ | |
QuEChERS法提取 QuEChERS extraction | 有机溶剂消耗少、快速、易操作 Low consumption of organic solvent, fast and easy to operate | 0.11~0.36 μg·kg-1 | 0.36~1.19 μg·kg-1 | 玉米 Corn | [ |
Table 2 Determination of aflatoxin in food by instrumental analysis
检测方法 Detection method | 前处理 Pretreatment | 检测优势 Advantage | 检出限 LOD | 定量限 LOQ | 样品基质 Sample matrix | 参考文献 Reference |
HPLC | 免疫亲和柱净化 IAC purification | 有机溶剂消耗少、基质干扰少 Low consumption of organic solvents and low matrix interference | 5.6×10-4 μg·kg-1 | — | 麦麸 Wheat bran | [ |
固相萃取 Solid phase extraction | 灵敏、痕量检测 Sensitive and trace detection | 0.012 ng·mL-1 | 0.039 ng·mL-1 | 饮用水 Drinking water | [ | |
固相萃取 Solid phase extraction | 适用于复杂样品基质 Suitable for complex sample matrix | 0.2 ng·L-1 | 0.5 ng·L-1 | 牛乳 Milk | [ | |
LC-MS | 有机溶剂提取 Organic solvent extraction | 灵敏、经济、快速 Sensitive, economical and fast | 0.1~2 μg·kg-1 | 0.3~5 μg·kg-1 | 海产品 Seafood | [ |
有机溶剂提取 Organic solvent extraction | 多种毒素同时检测 Simultaneous detection of multiple toxins | — | 0.02~161 μg·kg-1 | 小麦 Wheat | [ | |
QuEChERS法提取 QuEChERS extraction | 有机溶剂消耗少、多种毒素 同时检测、灵敏 Low consumption of organic solvents, simultaneous detection of multiple toxins and high sensitivity | — | 15 μg·L-1 | 饮料 Drink | [ | |
QuEChERS法提取 QuEChERS extraction | 有机溶剂消耗少、快速、易操作 Low consumption of organic solvent, fast and easy to operate | 0.11~0.36 μg·kg-1 | 0.36~1.19 μg·kg-1 | 玉米 Corn | [ |
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