Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (9): 97-104.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2022.0162

• BIOTECHNOLOGY & LIFE SCIENCE • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Phenolic Composition and Antioxidant Activity of Pear Species During Fruit Development Comparison

Dengyang LU1(), Xin WANG1, Zhanghu TANG2, Cuiyun WU1(), Yunfeng PU3, Min YAN1, Jingkai BAO1, Xi JIANG1()   

  1. 1.National Local Joint Engineering Laboratory for High-Efficiency and High-Quality Cultivation and Deep Processing Technology of Fruit Trees with Special Characteristics in South Xinjiang,College of Horticulture and Forestry,Tarim University,Xinjiang Alar 843300,China
    2.Fruits Germplasm Resources Garden of Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Luntai,Xinjiang Bayingol 841600,China
    3.College of Life Science,Tarim University,Xinjiang Alar 843300,China
  • Received:2022-03-03 Accepted:2022-06-10 Online:2023-09-15 Published:2023-09-28
  • Contact: Cuiyun WU,Xi JIANG


卢登洋1(), 王鑫1, 唐章虎2, 吴翠云1(), 蒲云峰3, 闫敏1, 鲍荆凯1, 姜喜1()   

  1. 1.塔里木大学园艺与林学学院,南疆特色果树高效优质栽培与深加工技术国家地方联合工程实验室,新疆 阿拉尔 843300
    2.新疆农业科学院轮台果树资源圃,新疆 巴音郭楞 841600
    3.塔里木大学生命科学学院,新疆 阿拉尔 843300
  • 通讯作者: 吴翠云,姜喜
  • 作者简介:卢登洋
  • 基金资助:


In order to study the dynamic changes of phenolic substances and antioxidant activities during the development of different pear varieties, the total flavonoids, total phenols, phenolic substances, 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazylradical (DPPH) and 2, 2’-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)(ABTS+) free radical scavenging abilityin the fruits of Kuche Amute, Dangshan pear and Ma pear at different developmental stages wereanalyzed and determined. The results showed that the contents of total flavonoids and total phenols in the three kinds of pear fruits were basically the same during the development process, the content was higher in young fruit stage, and gradually decreased with fruit development. A total of 13 phenolic substances were detected in the three types of pear fruits by high performance liquid chromatography, and the content of arbutin was the highest, with an average of 3 353.43 μg·g-1 DW, accounting for 51.88% of the total components; orthoic acid was the second with an average content of 2 350.29 μg·g-1 DW, accounting for 36.34% of the total components; the content of other phenolic components was low, distributed between 8.09~150.65 μg·g-1 DW, only 0.13%~2.33% of the total phenolic content. The antioxidant activity detection showed that the free radical scavenging power of DPPH and ABTS+ was Dangshan pear > Kuqa Amute > Ma pear. Correlation analysis showed that the total flavonoids, total phenols, arbutin, catechin, chlorogenic acid, epicatechin and other substances in pear fruit had a very significant positive correlation with DPPH free radical scavenging ability (P<0.01). The results provided the basis for in-depth research and development of natural antioxidant health drugs and functional foods.

Key words: pear, phenols, antioxidant activity, fruit development


为研究不同品种梨果实发育过程中酚类物质和抗氧化活性的动态变化,对不同发育阶段的库车阿木特、砀山酥梨和麻梨果实中的总黄酮、总酚、酚类物质组成以及1,1-二苯基-2-苦肼(DPPH)、2,2’-联氮-双-3-乙基苯并噻唑啉-6-磺酸(ABTS+)自由基清除能力进行分析测定。结果表明,3种梨果实中的总黄酮和总酚含量在发育过程中变化基本一致,幼果期含量较高,随果实发育而逐渐降低。高效液相色谱检测发现,3种类型梨果实中共检测到13种酚类物质,均以熊果苷含量最高,平均为3 353.43 μg·g-1 DW,占总组分的51.88%;其次是绿原酸,平均含量为2 350.29 μg·g-1 DW,占总组分的36.34%;其他酚类组分含量较低,分布在8.09~150.65 μg·g-1 DW之间,仅占总酚含量的0.13%~2.33%。抗氧化活性检测发现,DPPH和ABTS+自由基清除力依次为砀山酥梨>库车阿木特>麻梨。相关性分析显示,梨果实中总黄酮、总酚、熊果苷、儿茶素、绿原酸、表儿茶素等物质与DPPH自由基清除能力均存在极显著正相关关系(P<0.01)。研究结果为天然抗氧化保健药物以及功能性食品的深度研究与开发提供依据。

关键词: 梨, 多酚物质, 抗氧化活性, 果实发育

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