Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2025, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (1): 147-154.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2023.0546
• ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH • Previous Articles
Mengting JI1(), Ling ZHU2, Xiaohua LUO3, Yuting ZHENG1, Shun XIAO1, Fangping HU1, Xueqing CAI1(
Xueqing CAI
季梦婷1(), 朱玲2, 罗晓华3, 郑钰婷1, 肖顺1, 胡方平1, 蔡学清1(
CLC Number:
Mengting JI, Ling ZHU, Xiaohua LUO, Yuting ZHENG, Shun XIAO, Fangping HU, Xueqing CAI. Symptoms and Pathogen Identification of Ficus carica Bacterial Leaf Spot Disease in Fujian[J]. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2025, 27(1): 147-154.
季梦婷, 朱玲, 罗晓华, 郑钰婷, 肖顺, 胡方平, 蔡学清. 福建无花果细菌性叶斑病的症状及病原菌鉴定[J]. 中国农业科技导报, 2025, 27(1): 147-154.
Fig. 1 Symptoms of bacterial leaf spot disease on Ficus carica in the fieldA: Symptom of whole plant; B: Early symptom; C: Middle symptom (yellow halo); D: Late symptom
Fig. 2 Front and back of fig leaf inoculated with bacterial strain W10 and uninoculated bacterial strainA: Front of leaf inoculated with W10; B: Back of leaf inoculated with W10; C: Front of leaf inoculated with water; D: Back of leaf inoculated with water
Fig. 3 Colony morphology characteristics of test strain on NA medium after culture 24 h and the flagellum under electron microscopyA: Plate colony; B: Single colony; C: Flagellum
Fig. 5 PCR amplification results of specific primer Hrp1a/Hrp2a of the test strainsNote:M—DL2000 marker;1~10—Strain W1~W10;11—Strain 5707; 12—strain Pc-GD-1.
项目Item | 供试菌株(W1~W10) Test strain(W1~W10) | 菌株 5707 | 项目Item | 供试菌株(W1~W10) Test strains(W1~W10) | 菌株 5707 |
KB荧光 Produce fluorescence on KB | + | + | 丙二酸纳 sodium malonate | + | + |
革兰氏染色 Gram stain | - | - | 麦芽糖 Maltose | - | - |
精氨酸双水解 Arginine hydrolysis | - | - | 纤维二糖 Cellobiose | - | - |
过氧化氢反应 Reaction with hydrogen peroxide | + | + | 蔗糖 Sucrose | - | - |
氧化酶反应Oxidase test | + | + | 阿拉伯糖 L-arabinose | - | - |
硝酸钾还原反应 Reduction of potassium nitrate | - | - | 鼠李糖 L-rhamnose monohydrate | - | - |
吲哚的产生 Indole production | - | - | 海藻糖 D-trehalose anhydrous | - | - |
溶解果胶活性 Hydrolysis of pectinase | - | - | 棉籽糖 Raffinose | - | - |
果聚糖的产生 Fructan production | - | - | 山梨醇 Sorbitol | - | - |
淀粉水解 Starch hydrolysis | + | + | 酒石酸钠 Sodium tartaric | - | - |
甲基红试验 Methyl red test | - | - | 甜醇 Dulcitol | - | - |
V-P试验 V-P test | - | - | 丙三醇 Glycerol | + | + |
葡萄糖 Glucose | + | + | 香叶醇 Geraniol | - | - |
柠檬酸钠 Trisodium citrate dihydrate | - | - | 甘露醇 Mannitol | + | + |
Table 1 Results of physiological and biochemical characteristics of the test strains
项目Item | 供试菌株(W1~W10) Test strain(W1~W10) | 菌株 5707 | 项目Item | 供试菌株(W1~W10) Test strains(W1~W10) | 菌株 5707 |
KB荧光 Produce fluorescence on KB | + | + | 丙二酸纳 sodium malonate | + | + |
革兰氏染色 Gram stain | - | - | 麦芽糖 Maltose | - | - |
精氨酸双水解 Arginine hydrolysis | - | - | 纤维二糖 Cellobiose | - | - |
过氧化氢反应 Reaction with hydrogen peroxide | + | + | 蔗糖 Sucrose | - | - |
氧化酶反应Oxidase test | + | + | 阿拉伯糖 L-arabinose | - | - |
硝酸钾还原反应 Reduction of potassium nitrate | - | - | 鼠李糖 L-rhamnose monohydrate | - | - |
吲哚的产生 Indole production | - | - | 海藻糖 D-trehalose anhydrous | - | - |
溶解果胶活性 Hydrolysis of pectinase | - | - | 棉籽糖 Raffinose | - | - |
果聚糖的产生 Fructan production | - | - | 山梨醇 Sorbitol | - | - |
淀粉水解 Starch hydrolysis | + | + | 酒石酸钠 Sodium tartaric | - | - |
甲基红试验 Methyl red test | - | - | 甜醇 Dulcitol | - | - |
V-P试验 V-P test | - | - | 丙三醇 Glycerol | + | + |
葡萄糖 Glucose | + | + | 香叶醇 Geraniol | - | - |
柠檬酸钠 Trisodium citrate dihydrate | - | - | 甘露醇 Mannitol | + | + |
菌株编号 Strain number | 最佳匹配种类 Best match species | 可能性 Probability | 相似性 Similarity | 位距值 Bit distance value |
W1 | P. cichorii | 0.970 | 0.801 | 2.432 |
W2 | P. cichorii | 0.963 | 0.800 | 2.393 |
W3 | P. cichorii | 0.961 | 0.786 | 2.611 |
W5 | P. cichorii | 0.960 | 0793 | 2.394 |
W10 | P. cichorii | 0.907 | 0.721 | 2.969 |
Table 2 Biolog test results of the test bacterial strain
菌株编号 Strain number | 最佳匹配种类 Best match species | 可能性 Probability | 相似性 Similarity | 位距值 Bit distance value |
W1 | P. cichorii | 0.970 | 0.801 | 2.432 |
W2 | P. cichorii | 0.963 | 0.800 | 2.393 |
W3 | P. cichorii | 0.961 | 0.786 | 2.611 |
W5 | P. cichorii | 0.960 | 0793 | 2.394 |
W10 | P. cichorii | 0.907 | 0.721 | 2.969 |
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