›› 2010, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (2): 28-32.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-0864.2010.02.06

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Studies on Peanut Quality Regional Planning in China —&mdash|Guiding Thoughts, Aims and Principle

GUO Hong-hai1, YANG Li-ping1, LI Xin-hua1, YANG Ping1, WAN Shu-bo2   

  1. (1.Shandong Sustainable Agriculture Development Institute, Jinan 250100|2.Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jinan 250100, China)
  • Received:2009-12-31 Revised:2010-01-09 Online:2010-04-15 Published:2010-03-30



  1. (1.山东省农业可持续发展研究所, 济南 250100|2.山东省农业科学院, 济南 250100)
  • 通讯作者: 万书波,研究员,主要从事花生栽培生理研究。Tel:0531-83178127; E-mail:wansb@saas.ac.cn
  • 作者简介:郭洪海,研究员,主要从事农业生态与3S农业应用研究。Tel:0531-83179758;E-mail:honghaig@sohu.com。
  • 基金资助:



In order to guide and deeply carry out regional division of peanut production and enhance the regional peanut producing capacity, this paper puts forward several guiding thoughts according to Chinas overall strategy for regional agriculture development. They are: taking the concept of scientific development as guidance; ensuring the national fuel security as overall objective; taking efficient and reasonable use of agricultural resources; standardizing spatial order of peanut production as main guideline; strengthening spatial constraint function of peanut product quality; rationally allocating regional edible oil sources and fats, vegetable protein sources, processing raw material resources, foreign exchange-earning resources and agriculture biological complementary resources. The diferentiation of peanut quality should follow the coupling principles, such as: relationship between light, temperature, water, soil, cultivation measures and peanut quality; quality heredity of varieties and its coordination with ecological environment; peanut consumption channel and its commercial value; and the operability of taking major producing areas as principle with paying attention to programming.

Key words: peanut quality regional planning, guiding thought, objective, principle



关键词: 花生品质区划;指导思想;目标;原则

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