To explore the evolution characteristics of early season indica rice grain quality, sixteen cultivars released from different years and widely planted ever in southern China were used. The milling, appearance, nutrition, cooking and eating quality were measured by the national standard of rice grain quality. The results indicated that: (1) There was little change of milling quality, but head milled rate became lower; (2) In external quality, the grain length became longer but the grain width was the opposite, the chalky ratio, chalky area and chalkiness all become lower, and the transparency was significantly lower; (3) In cooking and edible quality of rice grain, there was little change in alkali-spreading score and gel consistency; (4) In nutritional quality of rice grain, the amylose content ranged from 23.3% to 24.7%, and protein content from 11.7% to 12.4% without significant difference. When the quality index increased, the ministerial standard for early season indica rice cultivars were five or six grade. Studies suggested that rice variety should be explored based on different requirements and during quality improvement of early season rice varieties.