Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2021, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (9): 46-55.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2021.0399

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Study on the Agronomic Characters, Yield and Quality of Cassava in Enshi of Hubei Province

HUANG Yulan1§, LONG Shengfeng2§, YE Xingzhi3, LI Yanying1, SHEN Zhangyou1*, ZHOU Jia1, ZHOU Lingzhi1, LAO Chengying1, WEI Benhui1   

  1. 1.Cash Crops Research Institute, Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanning 530007, China;  2.Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanning 530007, China;  3.Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hubei Enshi 445099, China
  • Received:2021-05-11 Accepted:2021-07-07 Online:2021-09-15 Published:2021-09-09



  1. 1.广西农业科学院经济作物研究所, 南宁 530007;  2.广西农业科学院, 南宁 530007;  3.恩施土家苗族自治州农业科学院, 湖北 恩施 445099
  • 通讯作者: 申章佑
  • 作者简介:§黄渝岚与龙盛风为本文共同第一作者。黄渝岚;龙盛风
  • 基金资助:




Abstract: In order to explore the adaptability of cassava varieties northward to Enshi in Hubei province, this paper selected six cassava varieties of Nanzhi 199(NZ199), South China 205(SC205), SC9, GC49, Guimushu 2(G2) and G3 as  research objects, which cultivated in Long’an  (LA) at Guangxi province as the control trial site and Enshi (ES) at Hubei province as the northward trial site respectively, and compared the differences in agronomic characters, yield and quality characteristics of six cassava varieties in 2019—2020. The results showed that: ① the plant height and stem diameter at ES were significantly lower than at LA, with the reductions of 43.80%~55.06% and 11.04%~36.39%, respectively. ②the yields of fresh tuber at ES were lower than at LA, with the decrease of 21.64%~44.02%, G3 showed the smallest decrease of 21.64%, followed by G2 with the decrease of 24.35%. ③the starch content of fresh tuber at ES was markedly higher than at LA with the increase of 10.20%~21.16%, G3 had the highest increase of 21.16%, followed by G49 with the increase of 19.43%. ④G3 had the highest starch yield, followed by G2 and G49, the starch yield of G3 was no significant difference between two trial sites. Based on the results of two years’ experiment, the plant traits, fresh tuber yield and starch yield of G2 and G3 showed well at ES, which could be popularized in Enshi of Hubei province. The performance of GC49 was moderate and could be continued for trial planting.

Key words: cassava, northward, agronomic character, yield, quality, adaptability

摘要: 为探索木薯品种北移至湖北恩施市的适应性,以南植199(NZ199)、华南205(SC205)、华南9(SC9)、GC49、桂木薯2号(G2)、桂木薯3号(G3)6个木薯品种为研究对象,以主产区广西南宁市隆安县为对照区,以湖北恩施州恩施市为北移试种区,研究了2019—2020年6个木薯品种的农艺性状、产量及品质特性差异。结果表明:①北移试种区的株高和茎径显著低于对照区,降低幅度分别为43.80%~55.06%、11.04%~36.39%;②北移试种区的鲜薯产量显著低于对照区,降幅为21.64%~44.02%,其中以G3下降幅度最小,为21.64%,G2次之,为24.35%;③北移试种区的鲜薯淀粉含量显著高于对照区,增幅为10.20%~21.16%,G3最高21.16%,GC49次之19.43%;④北移试种区淀粉产量最高的为G3,G2、GC49次之,G3与对照区无显著差异。综合2年试验结果,G2、G3在北移试种区的植株整体性状较好,鲜薯产量、淀粉产量也较高,可以在湖北恩施市推广;GC49表现中等,可以继续进行试种。

关键词: 木薯, 北移, 农艺性状, 产量, 品质, 适应性

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