Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (1): 58-64.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2021.0486

• BIOTECHNOLOGY & LIFE SCIENCE • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Response Mechanism of Chlorophyll Fluorescence to Low Temperature Stress in Brassica napus L.

Hui YAN()   

  1. College of Agricultural Equipment Engineering,Henan University of Science and Technology,Henan Luoyang 471003,China
  • Received:2021-06-13 Accepted:2021-08-23 Online:2023-01-15 Published:2023-04-17



  1. 河南科技大学农业装备工程学院,河南 洛阳 471003
  • 作者简介:燕辉
  • 基金资助:


To explore the physiological mechanism of chlorophyll fluorescence response to low temperature stress in Brassica napus L., the seedlings of rape were treated by low temperature. The chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and their light-response curves under low temperature stress were studied. The results showed that, compared with controls, Fv/Fm and F′v/F′m under low temperature stress significantly decreased, and F′q/F′m also decreased significantly after stress 5~10 d, while F′q/F′v had no significant differences with control after stress 1~3 and 10 d. Therefore, low temperature stress could damage PSⅡ reaction center and reduce the efficiency of capturing excitation energy. At this time, although the proportion of photosynthetic electron transport in the light energy absorbed by reaction center did not significantly change, the conversion efficiency of light energy still decreased significantly after stress 5~10 d. In addition, compared with controls, F'q/F'v was stable under low temperature stress. However, after stress 5~10 d, F'v/F'm and F'q/F'm decreased sharply, and the non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) increased in high light environment. It suggested that the photo-protective mechanism of NPQ rises was drove to dissipate excess excitation energy under long-term low temperature combined with high light condition. Above results provided guidance for obtaining the physiological mechanism of crop response to low temperature stress by analyzing the changes of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters.

Key words: Brassica napus L., low temperature stress, fluorescence parameters, fluorescence curves


为探明油菜幼苗叶绿素荧光响应低温胁迫的生理机制,将油菜幼苗进行低温胁迫处理,研究低温胁迫处理下油菜幼苗叶片的叶绿素荧光参数及其光响应曲线的变化特征。结果表明,胁迫处理后油菜幼苗叶片的最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)与激发能捕获效率(F′v/F′m)较对照显著降低;实际光化学效率(F′q/F′m)在低温胁迫5~10 d后较对照显著降低,光化学淬灭(F′q/F′v)在低温处理1、3 和10 d后较对照无显著变化,由此表明,低温胁迫使PSⅡ反应中心受损,导致反应中心捕获激发能的效率降低;此时虽然反应中心吸收的光能中用于光合电子传递的份额未发生显著变化,但光能转化效率在低温胁迫5和10 d后较对照显著降低。此外,F′q/F′v光响应曲线较对照变幅较小;但低温胁迫5~10 d后,F′v/F′mF′q/F′m光响应曲线较对照大幅降低;非光化学淬灭(non-photochemical quenching,NPQ)光响应曲线中各荧光值亦在高光强环境中显著升高。综上所述,长期低温与高光强条件下,PSⅡ反应中心通过升高NPQ的光保护机制来耗散过量激发能。以上结果为进一步分析作物响应低温胁迫的生理机制奠定了基础。

关键词: 油菜, 低温胁迫, 荧光参数, 荧光曲线

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