Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (1): 142-152.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2021.0630


Effects of Different Nitrogen Levels on Physiological Parameters, Yield and Quality of Maize

Weixin DONG1(), Dongxiao LI2, Yuechen ZHANG2()   

  1. 1.Hebei Open University,Shijiazhuang 050080,China
    2.State Key Laboratory for Crop Improvement and Regulation in North China,College of Agronony,Hebei Agricultual University,Hebei Baoding 071001,China
  • Received:2021-08-02 Accepted:2021-11-22 Online:2023-01-15 Published:2023-04-17
  • Contact: Yuechen ZHANG


董伟欣1(), 李东晓2, 张月辰2()   

  1. 1.河北开放大学,石家庄 050080
    2.河北农业大学农学院,华北作物改良与调控国家重点实验室,河北 保定 071001
  • 通讯作者: 张月辰
  • 作者简介:董伟欣
  • 基金资助:


Reasonable application of nitrogen can improve nitrogen utilization efficiency, and ultimately affect yield and quality of maize. To study the effect of different nitrogen levels on physiological parameters and yield quality of maize, based on the test materials of ‘Xianyu 335’ and ‘Jingnongke 728’ in this study, 4 nitrogen treatments of N1(150 kg·hm-2), N2(210 kg·hm-2), N3(270 kg·hm-2)and N4(330 kg·hm-2) were set up to study the effects of different nitrogen levels on growth, physiological parameters, yield and grain quality of maize. The results showed that plant height, leaf area and above ground dry weight of two varieties increased with increasing of nitrogen application, while the stem diameter firsthy increased from N1 to N3 and then decreased at N4 treatment. In addition, leaf area index(LAI) and leaf angle(MTA) similarly showed enlargement with increasing of nitrogen levels, the leaf area index of ‘Jingnongke 728’ was higher than that of ‘Xianyu 335’, and the difference between treatments did not reach the significant level. The chlorophyll contents increased from silking stage to filling stage and decreased at maturing stage, the nitrogen application increased gradually from N1 to N3 treatment and decreased at N4 treatment, soluble protein and soluble sugar contents increased with fertility progression, and ‘Jingnongke 728’ was slightly higher than that of ‘Xianyu 335’. In addition,the contents of soluble protein increased with the increasing of nitrogen application in three stages, while soluble sugar contents increased from N1 to N2 treatment and decreased from N3 to N4 treatment. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) activities increased with increasing of nitrogen application, while the malondialdehyde (MDA) content showed opposite trend. The yields of both varieties were the highest under N2 treatment, but the yield was decreased at nitrogen application more than 210 kg·hm-2 treatment. Therefore, the N2(210 kg·hm-2) treatment was the best nitrogen application treatment. It could be seen that appropriately increasing nitrogen can promote accumulation of dry matter and carbohydrates, and then finally improve yield and quality, which could provide practical reference for nitrogen reduction cultivation in the mountainous plain area of Hebei province.

Key words: maize, different nitrogen levels, physiological paramete, yield and quality


合理施用氮素可提高氮素利用效率,并最终影响玉米的产量和品质。为研究不同氮素水平对玉米生理参数及产量品质的影响,以‘先玉335’和‘京农科728’为试验材料,分别设N1(150 kg·hm-2)、N2(210 kg·hm-2)、N3(270 kg·hm-2)和N4(330 kg·hm-2)4种施氮水平,分析不同氮素水平对玉米生长、生理参数、产量和籽粒品质的影响。研究表明,2个玉米品种的株高、叶面积和地上部干重随着施氮量的增加而升高,而茎粗从N1至N3处理不断增大,到N4处理降低,另外叶面积指数和叶片夹角同样表现为随着施氮量的增加而升高,京农科728的叶面积指数高于先玉335,且各个处理之间的差异未达到显著水平;叶绿素含量均表现出从吐丝期至灌浆期升高,到成熟期又降低的趋势,施氮量从N1至N3处理逐渐升高,到N4处理又降低;可溶性蛋白和可溶性糖含量随着生育进程的推进而升高,且‘京农科728’略高于‘先玉335’,此外,可溶性蛋白在3个时期均随着施氮量的增加而不断升高,而可溶性糖含量从N1至N2处理升高,到N3和N4处理又降低;超氧化物歧化酶和过氧化物酶活性随着施氮量的增加而呈现升高趋势,丙二醛含量呈现相反的变化趋势;2个品种均在N2处理下的产量最高,施氮量超过210 kg·hm-2产量却降低,因此,N2(210 kg·hm-2)处理为最佳的施氮量。由此可见,适量增加氮素可促进玉米干物质和碳水化合物的积累,并最终提高产量和品质,为河北省山前平原区减氮栽培提供了参考。

关键词: 玉米, 不同氮素水平, 生理参数, 产量品质

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