Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (4): 67-76.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2021.0794

• BIOTECHNOLOGY & LIFE SCIENCE • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Identification and Expression Analysis of NAC Gene Family Under Low Temperature in Allium sativum L.

Yiwei YAN1(), Jie TIAN1,2()   

  1. 1.Qinghai Key Laboratory of Vegetable Genetics and Physiology; Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences,Qinghai University,Xining 810016,China
    2.State Key Laboratory of Plateau Ecology and Agriculture,Qinghai University,Xining 810016,China
  • Received:2021-09-08 Accepted:2021-10-20 Online:2023-04-01 Published:2023-06-26
  • Contact: Jie TIAN


闫艺薇1(), 田洁1,2()   

  1. 1.青海大学农林科学院,青海省蔬菜遗传与生理重点实验室,西宁 810016
    2.青海大学省部共建三江源生态与高原农牧业国家重点实验室,西宁 810016
  • 通讯作者: 田洁
  • 作者简介:闫艺薇 E-mail:
  • 基金资助:


To dig up the members of NAC family of transcription factors in Allium sativum L. and discuss the different expression in low temperature stress,NAC transcription factors were identified based on the result of transcriptome sequencing, and the different expression was analyzed. The results showed that 49 members of NAC gene family were screened in Allium sativum L., which were divided into 10 subfamilies. The length of sequences varied and ranged from 81 to 613 aa, and the molecular weights were 9 293.6~70 229.04 Da. The total average hydrophobic index were less than 0, which indicated all the NAC proteins were hydrophilic proteins. According to the analysis of conserved domain, most of them had conserved N-terminal, of which 18 NAC proteins had motif 3, motif 4, motif 1, motif 2, and motif 5 conserved domains at the N-terminu. AsNAC001, AsNAC010, AsNAC013, AsNAC014, AsNAC017 and AsNAC047 were randomly selected for predicting secondary and tertiary structures, and the results showed the random coil was the main component, and the alpha helix and extended strand were followed, which meant NAC proteins were highly similar to each other. The real-time fluorescence quantification showed 4 genes containing AsNAC001AsNAC010AsNAC013 and AsNAC014 were significantly upregulate expression under low temperature stress 12 and 24 h, while 2 genes containing AsNAC017 and AsNAC047 were significantly down-regulate expression under low temperature stress 4 h. Among them, the expression level of AsNAC010 gene was significantly higher than others. All the results indicated that the NAC transcription factors played an important role in responsing to low temperature stress of Allium sativum L., which provided a theoretical foundation for further study on physiological regulation function of NAC genes in Allium sativum L..

Key words: Allium sativum L., NAC gene family, low temperature stress, gene expression


为挖掘大蒜NAC转录因子家族成员,研究其在低温胁迫下的表达特性,基于大蒜转录组的测序结果,对低温胁迫下大蒜NAC转录因子家族的响应进行分析。结果表明,共鉴定出49个大蒜NAC基因,根据系统发育特征将其分为10个亚族。大蒜NAC蛋白的序列长度为81~619 aa,分子量9 293.66~70 229.04 Da,且均为亲水蛋白。保守结构域分析发现,大部分NAC蛋白在N端具有保守性,其中18个NAC蛋白在N端均有motif 3、motif 4、motif 1、motif 2、motif 5保守域。从中随机挑选6个蛋白(AsNAC001、AsNAC010、AsNAC013、AsNAC014、AsNAC017、AsNAC047)对其进行蛋白二级及三级结构的预测,发现无规则卷曲是构成大蒜NAC蛋白的重要组成部分,其次是α-螺旋和延长链,且这6个NAC蛋白具有高度的相似性。实时荧光定量分析发现,检测的6个NAC基因中有4个(AsNAC001AsNAC010AsNAC013AsNAC014)在低温胁迫12和24 h时显著上调表达;2个(AsNAC017AsNAC047)在低温胁迫4 h时显著下调表达,其中AsNAC010基因的表达量显著高于其他基因,说明NAC转录因子在大蒜响应低温胁迫的过程中起重要调控作用,为大蒜NAC蛋白的生理调控功能的分析奠定了理论基础。

关键词: 大蒜, NAC基因家族, 低温胁迫, 基因表达

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