Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (1): 26-34.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2021.0892
• BIOTECHNOLOGY & LIFE SCIENCE • Previous Articles Next Articles
Ao ZHANG1(), Hao BAI2(
), Yulin BI1, Yingquan HUANG3, Zhixiu WANG1, Yong JIANG1, Guohong CHEN1,2, Guobin CHANG1,2(
Hao BAI,Guobin CHANG
张傲1(), 白皓2(
), 毕瑜林1, 黄应权3, 王志秀1, 江勇1, 陈国宏1,2, 常国斌1,2(
CLC Number:
Ao ZHANG, Hao BAI, Yulin BI, Yingquan HUANG, Zhixiu WANG, Yong JIANG, Guohong CHEN, Guobin CHANG. Research Progress on Influencing Factors of Chicken Core Temperature[J]. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2023, 25(1): 26-34.
张傲, 白皓, 毕瑜林, 黄应权, 王志秀, 江勇, 陈国宏, 常国斌. 鸡体核温度影响因素研究进展[J]. 中国农业科技导报, 2023, 25(1): 26-34.
体核温度 Core temperature/℃ | 环境温度 Ambient temperature/℃ | 体感 Somatosensory condition | 行为表现 Behavioral performance | 健康状况 Health status | 参考文献 Referance |
<40 | <15 | 寒冷 Cold | 站立时间、颤抖次数、蜷缩时间、采食量、睡眠时间上升 Increase standing time, shivering,crouching,feed intake and increased sleep duration | 腹水症,免疫力下降, 肝脏受损 Ascites, decreased immunity, liver tissue damage | [ |
41~42 | 15~30 | 舒适 Comfortable | 无异常行为,修饰行为次数增加,采食量 饮水量增加 No abnormal behavior, caring for own body surface feed intake and water intake were normal | 无病理现象 No pathology | [ |
43~46 | 30~38 | 热 Hot | 采食量减少,静息行为、呼吸率、饮水量 增加,鸡双腿伸展,身体接触物体的较冷 表面,寻找通风阴凉或潮湿的地方 Decreased locomotor activity and feed intake, increased resting behavior, respiratory rate,water intake, extended legs, body contact with cooler surfaces of objects and recumbency in search of cool ventilated or humid places | 呼吸性碱中毒、免疫力下降、肝组织损伤 Respiratory alkalosis, decreased immunity, liver tissue damage | [ |
>46 | >38 | 不舒适 Uncomfortable | 躺卧 Recumbency | 死亡 Death | [ |
Table 1 Corresponding table of core temperature, ambient temperature and physiological response of poultry
体核温度 Core temperature/℃ | 环境温度 Ambient temperature/℃ | 体感 Somatosensory condition | 行为表现 Behavioral performance | 健康状况 Health status | 参考文献 Referance |
<40 | <15 | 寒冷 Cold | 站立时间、颤抖次数、蜷缩时间、采食量、睡眠时间上升 Increase standing time, shivering,crouching,feed intake and increased sleep duration | 腹水症,免疫力下降, 肝脏受损 Ascites, decreased immunity, liver tissue damage | [ |
41~42 | 15~30 | 舒适 Comfortable | 无异常行为,修饰行为次数增加,采食量 饮水量增加 No abnormal behavior, caring for own body surface feed intake and water intake were normal | 无病理现象 No pathology | [ |
43~46 | 30~38 | 热 Hot | 采食量减少,静息行为、呼吸率、饮水量 增加,鸡双腿伸展,身体接触物体的较冷 表面,寻找通风阴凉或潮湿的地方 Decreased locomotor activity and feed intake, increased resting behavior, respiratory rate,water intake, extended legs, body contact with cooler surfaces of objects and recumbency in search of cool ventilated or humid places | 呼吸性碱中毒、免疫力下降、肝组织损伤 Respiratory alkalosis, decreased immunity, liver tissue damage | [ |
>46 | >38 | 不舒适 Uncomfortable | 躺卧 Recumbency | 死亡 Death | [ |
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