Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (1): 83-91.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2021.0941
Wenhao ZHAO(), Jiangtao JI, Hao MA(
), Xin JIN, Xue LI, Haigang MA
Hao MA
赵文昊 E-mail:;
CLC Number:
Wenhao ZHAO, Jiangtao JI, Hao MA, Xin JIN, Xue LI, Haigang MA. Extraction of Winter Wheat Coverage Based on Improved K-means Algorithm[J]. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2023, 25(1): 83-91.
赵文昊, 姬江涛, 马淏, 金鑫, 李雪, 马海港. 基于改进K-means算法的冬小麦覆盖度提取研究[J]. 中国农业科技导报, 2023, 25(1): 83-91.
方法 Method | 准确率 Accuracy/% | 平均处理时间 Average processing time/s |
PSO-K-means分割 PSO-K-means segmentation | 89.85 | 4.97 |
EXG自适应阈值分割 EXG adaptive threshold segmentation | 82.62 | 4.29 |
本文方法 Method of this paper | 94.66 | 2.03 |
Table 1 Segmentation performance of winter wheat under different methods
方法 Method | 准确率 Accuracy/% | 平均处理时间 Average processing time/s |
PSO-K-means分割 PSO-K-means segmentation | 89.85 | 4.97 |
EXG自适应阈值分割 EXG adaptive threshold segmentation | 82.62 | 4.29 |
本文方法 Method of this paper | 94.66 | 2.03 |
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