Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (7): 207-214.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2022.0074
Denglong CHEN(), Yuxiang ZHANG, Jiajia SONG, Pengyu CHEN, Xiangzhen WEN, Yaling LI(
Yaling LI
陈登龙(), 张雨翔, 宋佳佳, 陈鹏宇, 温祥珍, 李亚灵(
陈登龙 E-mail :;
CLC Number:
Denglong CHEN, Yuxiang ZHANG, Jiajia SONG, Pengyu CHEN, Xiangzhen WEN, Yaling LI. Study of Volcanic Rock Deposition on the Running of Aquaponics[J]. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2023, 25(7): 207-214.
陈登龙, 张雨翔, 宋佳佳, 陈鹏宇, 温祥珍, 李亚灵. 火山石沉积对鱼菜共生系统运行的探究[J]. 中国农业科技导报, 2023, 25(7): 207-214.
指标 Index | 处理Treatment | ||||
F | Fv | Fvs | Fs | ||
水温Water temperature/℃ | 14.85±1.50 | 14.97±1.48 | 14.82±1.51 | 15.04±1.43 | |
溶解氧DO/(mg·L-1) | 6.41±0.63 | 6.37±0.60 | 6.02±0.68 | 5.96±0.64 | |
pH | 8.22±0.09 | 8.23±0.12 | 8.23±0.11 | 8.21±0.10 | |
盐度EC/(mS·cm-1) | 0.63±0.02 | 0.64±0.02 | 0.63±0.02 | 0.63±0.02 |
Table 1 Water quality status of each treatment unit during the test period
指标 Index | 处理Treatment | ||||
F | Fv | Fvs | Fs | ||
水温Water temperature/℃ | 14.85±1.50 | 14.97±1.48 | 14.82±1.51 | 15.04±1.43 | |
溶解氧DO/(mg·L-1) | 6.41±0.63 | 6.37±0.60 | 6.02±0.68 | 5.96±0.64 | |
pH | 8.22±0.09 | 8.23±0.12 | 8.23±0.11 | 8.21±0.10 | |
盐度EC/(mS·cm-1) | 0.63±0.02 | 0.64±0.02 | 0.63±0.02 | 0.63±0.02 |
处理 Treatment | 鱼 Fish | 生菜 Lettuce | ||||
特定增长率 Specific growth rate/% | 饲料转化率 Feed conversion rate/% | 存活率 Survival rate/% | 产量增长率 Production growth rate/% | 产量/(g·株-1) Yield /(g·plant-1) | 小区产量 Cell yield/g | |
F | 1.00 a | 1.38 a | 100 | 56.82 a | — | — |
Fv | 1.02 a | 1.36 a | 100 | 58.61 a | — | — |
Fvs | 0.97 a | 1.47 a | 100 | 54.86 a | 38.75 a | 1 239.79 a |
Fs | 0.96 a | 1.47 a | 100 | 56.02 a | 28.92 b | 925.55 b |
Table 2 Fish and plant growth results in different treatments
处理 Treatment | 鱼 Fish | 生菜 Lettuce | ||||
特定增长率 Specific growth rate/% | 饲料转化率 Feed conversion rate/% | 存活率 Survival rate/% | 产量增长率 Production growth rate/% | 产量/(g·株-1) Yield /(g·plant-1) | 小区产量 Cell yield/g | |
F | 1.00 a | 1.38 a | 100 | 56.82 a | — | — |
Fv | 1.02 a | 1.36 a | 100 | 58.61 a | — | — |
Fvs | 0.97 a | 1.47 a | 100 | 54.86 a | 38.75 a | 1 239.79 a |
Fs | 0.96 a | 1.47 a | 100 | 56.02 a | 28.92 b | 925.55 b |
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