Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (9): 178-185.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2022.0878

• BIO-MANUFACTURING & RESOURCE AND ECOLOGY • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Application Effect of Full Biodegradable Water Permeable Plastic Film in Soybean-Maize Belt Composite Planting

Jianmin YAO1(), Junkui MA2, Zhongxiang WANG3, Xinyuan BI1, Ruizhen LI1, Ruiping YANG1, Zhao LIU4, Fenghui GUO2   

  1. 1.College of Agricultural Economics and Management,Shanxi Agricultural University,Shanxi Taigu 030006,China
    2.Institute of Cash Crops,Shanxi Agricultural University,Shanxi Fenyang 032200,China
    3.China Rural Technology Development Center,Beijing 100045,China
    4.College of Horticulture,Shanxi Agricultural University,Shanxi Taigu 030006,China
  • Received:2022-10-14 Accepted:2023-04-06 Online:2023-09-15 Published:2023-09-28


姚建民1(), 马俊奎2, 王忠祥3, 毕昕媛1, 李瑞珍1, 杨瑞平1, 刘钊4, 郭丰辉2   

  1. 1.山西农业大学农业经济管理学院,山西 太谷 030006
    2.山西农业大学经济作物研究所,山西 汾阳 032200
    3.中国农村技术开发中心,北京 100045
    4.山西农业大学园艺学院,山西 太谷 030006
  • 作者简介:姚建民 E-mail:
  • 基金资助:


Soybean-maize belt composite planting is one of the important cultivation patterns to improve crop yield and to ensure food security. In order to explore the application effect of plastic film mulching on soybean-maize belt composite planting, poly propylene carbonate(PPC)based biodegradable permeable mulching film treatment (T1), polyethylene(PE)ordinary permeable mulching film treatment (T2) and no mulching treatment (T3) were set,and soybean monoculture mode PE common permeable mulching film treatment (CK1) and maize monoculture mode no mulching treatment (CK2) were as control,the economic effects of different planting modes under different mulching films were studied. The results showed that the total biodegradable permeable mulching film could significantly increase the system yield under the belt composite planting mode (T1), which was 29.56% higher than that under PE common permeable mulching film (T2), 44.23% higher than that without plastic mulching film (T3), and 121.67% higher than that under PE common permeable mulching film (CK1), and 38.92% higher than that maize monoculture (CK2) without mulching film. There was no significant difference in yield per unit between T2, T3 and CK2, while CK1 showed a significant low yield per unit. T1 treatment significantly increased farmland income, with the output value per unit area was 36 271 yuan·hm-2. The degradation degree of the whole biodegradable permeable mulching film reached 85.1% after 130 d of the combined planting mode of soybean and maize, which effectively alleviated the white pollution of farmland. Based on this, the permeable plastic film mulching with full biodegradation could be used as a technical approach to solve the problems of difficulty in weed control, climate drought and white pollution of farmland in the extension and application of soybean and maize strip composite planting technology.

Key words: fully biodegradable water permeable plastic film, soybean-maize belt composite planting, dryland technology


大豆-玉米带状复合种植是提升作物产量、保障我国粮食安全的重要栽培模式之一。为探究地膜覆盖在大豆-玉米带状复合种植中的应用效果,设置聚碳酸亚丙酯(poly propylene carbonate,PPC)基全生物降解渗水地膜覆盖处理(T1)、聚乙烯(polyethylene,PE)普通渗水地膜覆盖处理(T2)、无覆盖处理(T3),以大豆单一种植模式PE普通渗水地膜覆盖处理(CK1)和玉米单一种植模式无覆盖处理(CK2)为对照,研究不同地膜覆盖下不同种植模式的经济效应。结果表明,全生物降解渗水地膜可以显著提高大豆-玉米带状复合种植模式下(T1)的伴物产量,比PE普通渗水地膜覆盖(T2)增产29.56%,比无地膜覆盖(T3)增产44.23%,比PE普通渗水地膜覆盖下的单作大豆(CK1)增产121.67%,比无地膜覆盖玉米单作(CK2)增产38.92%。T2、T3处理和CK2之间的单位面积产量无显著差异,但均显著高于CK1;T1处理的增收效果显著,单位面积产值达36 271元·hm-2。大豆-玉米带状复合种植模式130 d后,全生物降解渗水地膜的降解率达到85.1%,有效缓解了农田白色污染。基于此,全生物降解渗水地膜覆盖可作为解决大豆-玉米带状复合种植技术推广应用中杂草防除难度大、气候干旱及农田白色污染等问题的技术途径。

关键词: 全生物降解渗水地膜, 大豆-玉米带状复合种植, 旱作技术

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