Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2025, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (1): 1-16.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2023.0210
Xuesong JIANG(), Zifan RONG, Linfeng HUANG, Qing CHEN, Zhicheng JIA, Jinpeng WANG
CLC Number:
Xuesong JIANG, Zifan RONG, Linfeng HUANG, Qing CHEN, Zhicheng JIA, Jinpeng WANG. Research Progress on Monitoring and Early Warning Technology of Forestry Pests and Diseases[J]. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2025, 27(1): 1-16.
蒋雪松, 戎子凡, 黄林峰, 陈青, 贾志成, 王金鹏. 现代化技术在森林病虫害监测与预警中的研究进展[J]. 中国农业科技导报, 2025, 27(1): 1-16.
Fig. 1 Reflectance spectra of healthy plants and diseased plantsNote: L—Light; R—Reflect; A—Absorb; VIS—Visible light; NIR—Near-infrared; SWIR—Short wave infrared.
尺度Scale | 优点Advantage | 缺点Disadvantage |
叶片和冠层尺度 Leaf and canopy scale | 受环境干扰较少、监测的精度高 Less environmental interference, high monitoring accuracy | 只能满足单木监测 Only meet the monitoring of single wood |
地块尺度 Block scale | 通过无人机搭载光谱相机可以实现大范围的病虫害监测 A wide range of pest and disease monitoring can be achieved by carrying a spectral camera on UAV | 容易受到光照、风速等环境因素的影响 Easily affected by environmental factors such as light and wind speed |
区域尺度 Regional scale | 视域广、成本低、监测范围广 Wide visual range, low cost, wide monitoring range | 空间分辨率低且容易受到云层的干扰 Low spatial resolution and easily disturbed by clouds |
Table 1 Advantages and disadvantages of different monitoring scale
尺度Scale | 优点Advantage | 缺点Disadvantage |
叶片和冠层尺度 Leaf and canopy scale | 受环境干扰较少、监测的精度高 Less environmental interference, high monitoring accuracy | 只能满足单木监测 Only meet the monitoring of single wood |
地块尺度 Block scale | 通过无人机搭载光谱相机可以实现大范围的病虫害监测 A wide range of pest and disease monitoring can be achieved by carrying a spectral camera on UAV | 容易受到光照、风速等环境因素的影响 Easily affected by environmental factors such as light and wind speed |
区域尺度 Regional scale | 视域广、成本低、监测范围广 Wide visual range, low cost, wide monitoring range | 空间分辨率低且容易受到云层的干扰 Low spatial resolution and easily disturbed by clouds |
平台 Platform | 植被类型 Vegetational type | 病虫害名称 Name of pest and disease | 分类模型 Disaggregated model | 文献 Reference |
近地尺度 Near-earth scale | 梨 Pear | 火疫病 Fire blight disease | Fisher判别分析 fisher discrimination analysis | [ |
松 Pine | 松毛虫虫害 Pine caterpillar infestation | 模糊聚类 Fuzzy clustering methods | [ | |
油棕榈树 Oil plam | 真菌病害 Fungal disease | 偏最小二乘和线性判别分析 Partial least squares and linear discriminant analysis | [ | |
刺五加 Acanthopanax root | 黑斑病 Black spot disease | 支持向量机 Support vector machine | [ | |
地块尺度 Block scale | 柑橘 Citrus | 溃疡病 Canker disease | 径向基函数 Radial basis function | [ |
香蕉 Banana | 枯萎病 Blight disease | 贝叶斯线性回归 Bayesian linear regression | [ | |
松 Pine | 松甲虫虫害 Pine beetle infestation | 随机森林 Random forest | [ | |
苹果 Apple | 火疫病 Fire blight disease | 随机森林 Random forest | [ | |
柑橘 Citrus | 黄龙病和红蜘蛛虫害Yellow dragon disease and red spider infestation | 逻辑回归和支持向量机 Logistic regression and support vector machine | [ | |
油棕榈 Oil plam | 基腐病 Basal rot disease | 随机森林 Random forest | [ | |
杨 Poplar | 锈病 Rust disease | K近邻和Fisher判别 K nearest neighbor and Fisher discriminant | [ | |
松 Pine | 松毛虫虫害 Pine caterpillar infestation | 支持向量机 Support vector machine | [ | |
松 Pine | 松毛虫虫害 Pine caterpillar infestation | BP神经网络 BP neural network | [ | |
松 Pine | 松枯萎病 Pine wilt disease | 支持向量机 Support vector machine | [ | |
区域尺度 Regional scale | 槟榔 Areca catechu | 黄叶病 Chlorotic disorder | 随机森林 Random forest | [ |
红树林 Mangrove | 小斑螟虫害 Insect infestation of small spot borer | 多元逐步回归分析 Multiple stepwise regression analysis | [ | |
竹 Bamboo | 刚竹毒蛾虫害 Bamboo moth infestation | XGBoost | [ | |
桉 Eucalyptus | 切叶蚁虫害 Leaf cutter insect infestation | 偏最小二乘判别分析 Partial least squares-discriminant analysis | [ | |
松 Pine | 松甲虫虫害 Pine beetle infestation | 随机森林 Random forest | [ | |
云杉 Spruce | 小蠹虫虫害 Silverfish infestation | 随机森林 Random forest | [ |
Table 2 Typical classification algorithms in remote sensing monitoring of pests and diseases
平台 Platform | 植被类型 Vegetational type | 病虫害名称 Name of pest and disease | 分类模型 Disaggregated model | 文献 Reference |
近地尺度 Near-earth scale | 梨 Pear | 火疫病 Fire blight disease | Fisher判别分析 fisher discrimination analysis | [ |
松 Pine | 松毛虫虫害 Pine caterpillar infestation | 模糊聚类 Fuzzy clustering methods | [ | |
油棕榈树 Oil plam | 真菌病害 Fungal disease | 偏最小二乘和线性判别分析 Partial least squares and linear discriminant analysis | [ | |
刺五加 Acanthopanax root | 黑斑病 Black spot disease | 支持向量机 Support vector machine | [ | |
地块尺度 Block scale | 柑橘 Citrus | 溃疡病 Canker disease | 径向基函数 Radial basis function | [ |
香蕉 Banana | 枯萎病 Blight disease | 贝叶斯线性回归 Bayesian linear regression | [ | |
松 Pine | 松甲虫虫害 Pine beetle infestation | 随机森林 Random forest | [ | |
苹果 Apple | 火疫病 Fire blight disease | 随机森林 Random forest | [ | |
柑橘 Citrus | 黄龙病和红蜘蛛虫害Yellow dragon disease and red spider infestation | 逻辑回归和支持向量机 Logistic regression and support vector machine | [ | |
油棕榈 Oil plam | 基腐病 Basal rot disease | 随机森林 Random forest | [ | |
杨 Poplar | 锈病 Rust disease | K近邻和Fisher判别 K nearest neighbor and Fisher discriminant | [ | |
松 Pine | 松毛虫虫害 Pine caterpillar infestation | 支持向量机 Support vector machine | [ | |
松 Pine | 松毛虫虫害 Pine caterpillar infestation | BP神经网络 BP neural network | [ | |
松 Pine | 松枯萎病 Pine wilt disease | 支持向量机 Support vector machine | [ | |
区域尺度 Regional scale | 槟榔 Areca catechu | 黄叶病 Chlorotic disorder | 随机森林 Random forest | [ |
红树林 Mangrove | 小斑螟虫害 Insect infestation of small spot borer | 多元逐步回归分析 Multiple stepwise regression analysis | [ | |
竹 Bamboo | 刚竹毒蛾虫害 Bamboo moth infestation | XGBoost | [ | |
桉 Eucalyptus | 切叶蚁虫害 Leaf cutter insect infestation | 偏最小二乘判别分析 Partial least squares-discriminant analysis | [ | |
松 Pine | 松甲虫虫害 Pine beetle infestation | 随机森林 Random forest | [ | |
云杉 Spruce | 小蠹虫虫害 Silverfish infestation | 随机森林 Random forest | [ |
病虫害 Plant disease and insect pest | 光谱指标 Spectral index | 公式 Equation | 参考文献Reference |
松枯萎病 Bursaphelenchus xylophilus nickle | 归一化植被指数NVDI | (RNIR-RR)/(RNIR+RR) | [ |
不同指数比Different index ratio CDIR | R760/R675 | ||
归一化绿红差异指数NGRDI | (RG-RR)/(RG+RR) | [ | |
火疫病 Fire blight disease | QF1 1450 | (R1600-R1450)/(R1600+R1450) | [ |
QF2 1910 | (R1600-R1910)/(R1600+R1910) | ||
比值植被指数RVI | RNIR/RR | [ | |
花青素反射率指数ARI | (1/R550)-(1/R700) | ||
三角植被指数TVI | 0.5(120R750-R550)-200(R670-R550) | ||
黄叶病 Chlorotic disorder | 植物衰老反射指数PSRI | (R678-R550)/R750 | [ |
增强植被指数EVI | 2.5(RNIR-RR)/(RNIR+6R-7.5RB+1) | ||
小蠹虫虫害 Silverfish infestation | 增强湿度差值指数Enhanced humidity difference index (EWDI) | Wetness2-Wetness1 | [ |
温度植被干旱指数Temperature vegetation dryness index (TVDI) | (TS-TSMIN)/(TSMAX-TSMIN) | [ | |
归一化植被指数NVDI | (RNIR-RR)/(RNIR+RR) | [ |
Table 3 Spectral index for quantitative analysis of forest pest and disease
病虫害 Plant disease and insect pest | 光谱指标 Spectral index | 公式 Equation | 参考文献Reference |
松枯萎病 Bursaphelenchus xylophilus nickle | 归一化植被指数NVDI | (RNIR-RR)/(RNIR+RR) | [ |
不同指数比Different index ratio CDIR | R760/R675 | ||
归一化绿红差异指数NGRDI | (RG-RR)/(RG+RR) | [ | |
火疫病 Fire blight disease | QF1 1450 | (R1600-R1450)/(R1600+R1450) | [ |
QF2 1910 | (R1600-R1910)/(R1600+R1910) | ||
比值植被指数RVI | RNIR/RR | [ | |
花青素反射率指数ARI | (1/R550)-(1/R700) | ||
三角植被指数TVI | 0.5(120R750-R550)-200(R670-R550) | ||
黄叶病 Chlorotic disorder | 植物衰老反射指数PSRI | (R678-R550)/R750 | [ |
增强植被指数EVI | 2.5(RNIR-RR)/(RNIR+6R-7.5RB+1) | ||
小蠹虫虫害 Silverfish infestation | 增强湿度差值指数Enhanced humidity difference index (EWDI) | Wetness2-Wetness1 | [ |
温度植被干旱指数Temperature vegetation dryness index (TVDI) | (TS-TSMIN)/(TSMAX-TSMIN) | [ | |
归一化植被指数NVDI | (RNIR-RR)/(RNIR+RR) | [ |
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