Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2025, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (1): 118-128.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2023.0617


Calibration of Discrete Elemental Parameters of Wood Powder with Different Moisture Content Based on Angle of Repose

Xiangzhou TIAN1(), Fuqiang HE1(), Fajiang CHEN2, Luxin ZHAN1   

  1. 1.School of Mechanical Engineering,Guizhou University,Guiyang 550025,China
    2.Guizhou Jingmu Building Materials Co. ,Ltd. ,Guiyang 550025,China
  • Received:2023-08-17 Accepted:2023-11-16 Online:2025-01-15 Published:2025-01-21
  • Contact: Fuqiang HE


田祥州1(), 贺福强1(), 陈发江2, 詹璐歆1   

  1. 1.贵州大学机械工程学院,贵阳 550025
    2.贵州晶木建材有限公司,贵阳 550025
  • 通讯作者: 贺福强
  • 作者简介:田祥州
  • 基金资助:


The selection and configuration of discrete element parameters for wood powder particles have direct impacts on the reliability of simulation results when studying the homogenization of wood powder at various moisture levels during wood panel production using EDEM software. This study focused on pine wood powder and conduct experimental research to establish a mathematical model relating moisture content to the repose angle, a key response parameter. Based on the Hertz-Mindlin JKR contact model, 2 distinct discrete element particle models were developed to conduct simulation. Using Plackett-Burman experimental design, 3 significant parameters-inter-particle collision restitution coefficient, inter-particle rolling friction coefficient, and JKR surface energy were selected from an initial set of 10 parameters related to wood powder particles that influence the repose angle. Mathematical models correlating the repose angle to these significant parameters are constructed through response surface analysis, and their statistical significance was confirmed (P value=0.000 1) with relative errors N≤4.07%. Furthermore, by deriving models that link moisture content to repose angle and subsequently to discrete element parameters, a comprehensive framework for predicting discrete element parameters was established based on moisture content. Experimental validation using a cylinder lifting method yields relative errors N≤4.34%. These results indicated that moisture content could be used to derive discrete element parameters for wood powder, offering a method for determining discrete element contact parameters for simulation in wood panel manufacturing processes. This study provided insights for optimizing wood panel production processes and designing efficient mixing equipment.

Key words: wood powder, moisture content, repose angle, discrete element parameters, calibrating


在利用EDEM软件对木质板材生产过程中不同含水率的木粉混匀情况进行研究时,木粉颗粒离散元参数设置以及模型的选择直接影响仿真结果的可靠性。为确定不同含水率木粉的离散元物性参数,以松木木粉为研究对象,以休止角为响应值,针对不同含水率的木粉进行试验,构建了含水率与休止角之间的数学模型。基于Hertz-Mindlin JKR接触模型,构建2种形状不同的离散元颗粒模型进行仿真模拟;通过Plackett-Burman 试验,在与木粉颗粒相关的10个初始参数中筛选出了颗粒间碰撞恢复系数、颗粒间滚动摩擦系数和JKR表面能这3个对休止角影响显著的参数,结合爬坡试验、Box-Behnken试验建立了休止角与显著参数的数学模型,其P值为0.000 1,相对误差N≤4.07%。同时,通过含水率-休止角模型与休止角-离散元参数模型的推导,建立了含水率-离散元参数模型,并采用圆筒提升法进行试验验证,相对误差N≤4.34%。试验结果表明,可以通过含水率来推导木粉的离散元参数,为搅拌设备与木粉仿真中离散元接触参数的确定提供了方法,为进一步优化板材制备工艺以及设计高效的搅拌设备提供了参考。

关键词: 木粉, 含水率, 休止角, 离散元参数, 标定

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