›› 2014, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (3): 23-28.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2013.472

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Thoughts about Development and Sustainable Utilization of
Animal Genetic Resources in China

ZHANG Gui-xiang   

  1. National Animal Husbandry Services, Beijing 100125, China
  • Received:2013-09-09 Revised:2013-12-04 Online:2014-06-15 Published:2014-05-04
  • Contact: 张桂香,高级畜牧师,博士,研究方向为畜禽遗传资源保护与开发利用。



  1. 全国畜牧总站, 北京 100125
  • 作者简介:张桂香|高级畜牧师|博士|研究方向为畜禽遗传资源保护与开发利用。E-mail: zhanggxxg@163.com
  • 基金资助:



Animal genetic resources are important biological resources. Their effective conservation and sustainable development and utilization is not only to meet the consumers diverse needs, but also the basis for the development of modern animal husbandry. At present, there are still some difficulties existing in the development and utilization of domestic animal genetic resources in China, such as inadequate government investment, unsound  incentive mechanism, insufficient efforts for research and development and extension from enterprises and scientific research institutions, separation between protection and development or utilization, etc. It is necessary to perfect relevant policies, improve the mechanism, innovate science and technology, and establish a virtuous cycle, in which  protection and development/utilization are in mutual promotion, so as to further propel the development and utilization of local genetic resources of livestock and poultry, and to meet the higher requirement of the people for more varieties and better quality of animal products, and to constantly enhance the endogenous power for developing animal husbandry in China. This paper summarized the status of protection and utilization of local livestock and poultry genetic resources in China, and analyzed some problems and difficulties existed, and put forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions.

Key words: livestock and poultry genetic resources, diversity, sustainable development and utilization



关键词: 畜禽遗传资源;多样性;可持续开发利用

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