Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2021, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (12): 161-171.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2020.0553

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Effects of Intercropping and Rotation Between Oil Flax and Wheat on Soil Physicochemical Properties and Growth of Oil Flax

WANG Liguang§, YE Chunlei§, CHEN Jun, LI Jinjing, LUO Junjie*   

  1. Biotechnology Research Institute, Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lanzhou 730070, China
  • Received:2020-06-23 Accepted:2020-10-16 Online:2021-12-15 Published:2021-12-22



  1. 甘肃省农业科学院生物技术研究所, 兰州 730070
  • 通讯作者: 罗俊杰 E-mail:
  • 作者简介:§王立光和叶春雷为本文共同第一作者。王立光;叶春雷
  • 基金资助:







Abstract: In order to explore the effects of cropping pattern on soil physicochemical properties and growth of oil flax, three cropping patterns were designed including intercropping oil flax/wheat (CI), rotation oil flax-wheat (CR) and oil flax continuous cropping for two years (CC2). The basic physical and chemical properties, enzyme activities, diversity analysis and relative abundance of microorganism in the soil were analyzed. The results showed the values of soil pH under CI and CR were lower than that under CC2. CI and CR made crop full use of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in soil, which reduced the content of organic material in soil. Compared with CC2, CI could significantly increase activity of catalase, and CR could significantly increase activities of urease, catalase and alkaline phosphatase in soil, both of them had no significant effect on activity of sucrase. By synthesis effect of aqueous extracts from soil, CI showed a weak inhibition effect on seed germination and seedling growth, however, CR showed the positive effect. There was no difference in bacterial diversity among three cropping patterns, but CR decreased the diversity of soil fungi, the composition of soil bacteria and fungal communities were changed under CI and CR. Compared with CC2, CI and CR were beneficial to the plant height and the yield of oil flax in the third cropping season by increasing the thousand-seed weight,and the effect of CR on increasing yield was more significant. The results suggested that CI and CR should be beneficial effects on the next crop of oil flax by changing the physical and chemical properties of soil, increasing the activity of some soil enzymes, decreasing the autotoxicity of soil, changing the diversity of soil fungi and the composition of bacterial and fungal community. It provided theoretical and technical support for the high-yield cultivation pattern of oil flax and the sustainable utilization of regional agricultural resources.

Key words: intercropping, crop rotation, wheat, oil flax, soil, yield

摘要: 为研究不同种植模式对土壤理化性质和下茬胡麻生长及产量的影响,设置胡麻/小麦间作(CI)、胡麻-小麦轮作(CR)和胡麻连作2年(CC2)3种种植模式,于第二年收获后测定土壤的理化性质、酶活性、微生物群落的变化和土壤水提液综合效应,及第三年的胡麻生长和产量,探寻间作和轮作影响胡麻生长和产量的原因。结果表明,与CC2相比,CI和CR降低土壤pH,使土壤中的氮、磷、钾被作物充分利用;CI显著提高土壤过氧化氢酶活性,CR显著提高土壤脲酶、过氧化氢酶和碱性磷酸酶活性,但对土壤蔗糖酶活性均无显著影响。CI减弱土壤水提液对胡麻种子萌发和幼苗生长的化感自毒作用,而CR土壤水提液的综合化感效应则表现出促进作用。3种种植模式下土壤细菌多样性无显著差异,但CR降低了土壤真菌多样性;且CI和CR的土壤细菌和真菌群落组成发生变化。与CC2相比,CI和CR都有利于下茬胡麻生长,使得单株产量显著提高,从而提高小区产量,且CR增产效果更加显著。由此可见,胡麻与小麦间作或轮作可以改变土壤的理化性质、提升土壤酶活性、降低土壤自毒作用、改变土壤微生物菌群结构组成,有利于下茬胡麻的生长,为胡麻高产栽培模式及区域农业资源的可持续利用提供理论和技术支撑。

关键词: 间作, 轮作, 小麦, 胡麻, 土壤, 产量