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    15 December 2021, Volume 23 Issue 12
    Current Situation and Development Suggestions on Vegetable Commercial Breeding in China
    CHEN Huiying, LIU Xiaoqing, ZHOU Yanping
    2021, 23(12):  1-6.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2020.0933
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    Seed industry is the national strategic and basic core industry, and the foundation of agricultural production. High-quality vegetable seeds play  vital roles in improving the yield and quality of vegetables, so breeding is the core and key phase of the vegetable seed industry chain. The vegetable seed industry in China has achieved new growth prospects and continuous enhancement in recent years with the continuous expansion of the demand. In order to promote vegetable commercial breeding, strengthen the scientific and technological innovation ability of seed industry, cultivate vegetable seed enterprises with integration of breeding, drive the transformation of the production mode of the national vegetable industry and enhance the competitiveness of the seed industry, the current situation and existing problems of vegetable commercialized breeding were systematically summarized and the advice of the commercial development of vegetable breeding were put forward based on the situation of our country.
    Development Characteristics and Trend of Alfalfa Industry in China
    WANG Ruigang, XU Weiping
    2021, 23(12):  7-12.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2021.0940
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    With the rapid increase of milk consumption demand and the continuous promotion of “alfalfa action to revitalize the dairy industry” and “grain to feed”, the development of alfalfa industry in China has ushered in new opportunities and entered a period of rapid development. The development characteristics and trend of alfalfa industry in China were analyzed from the aspects of production characteristics and trade characteristics of Alfalfa in China. The results showed that the alfalfa yield increased significantly, the degree of specialization and standardization increased, the planting areas were more concentrated, and the unit yield showed an upward trend; alfalfa imports accounted for a large proportion, but the import source countries expanded to diversification; with the rapid increase of milk consumption, the demand for high\|quality alfalfa would further increased. It was suggested to take the revitalization of dairy industry as an opportunity to continuously promote the development of alfalfa industry; increase investment in alfalfa science and technology, rely on scientific and technological innovation to develop alfalfa industry; focus on the domestic market, make full use of both domestic and foreign markets and resources, and take multiple measures to promote the healthy development of alfalfa industry.
    Analysis on the Development Process Promotion Path of Maize Yield in Jilin Province
    MA Wenhui, ZHENG Shubo, LI Yan, LU Ming
    2021, 23(12):  13-19.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2021.0533
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    As a major grain producing province, Jilin province is the main force to support national food security. Maize is the core industry to ensure the increase of grain yield in Jilin province, while increasing yield per unit area was an inevitable way for insure food security in the future. On the basis of combing the development process of maize yield in Jilin province since the founding of the Peoples Republic of China, this study analyzed the scientific and technological contribution of new varieties for the improvement of maize yield in Jilin province, and made a comparative analysis of maize yield between Jilin province and other provinces abroad. The problems restricting the promotion of maize yield in Jilin province were pointed out. In order to further improve the yield per unit of maize in Jilin province, we should carry out the protection and evaluation work of maize germplasm, strengthen the expansion and improvement of germplasm, carry out basic research on regional maize application, break through key core breeding technology, accelerate intelligent and accurate breeding of major independent new varieties, and innovate green and high yield production technology of black land, which should be benefit for promotion of maize production capacity, take the lead in realizing agricultural modernization, and provide the basis for ensuring national food security.
    Development of CRISPR/Cas9 System and Its Aapplication in Plants
    LIAO Jiaming, §, LI Chunmei§, ZHANG Shihu, LI Buye, OUYANG Kunxi, CHEN Xiaoyang
    2021, 23(12):  20-28.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2021.0475
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    CRISPR/Cas9 system can edit target genes in a targeted way, which has great potential value in plant gene function research and genetic improvement. Because of its high efficiency, convenient operation and low cost, CRISPR/Cas9 system has become the most mainstream genome editing technology at present.In this paper, the origin, classification and mechanism of CRISPR/Cas9 system and its application in gene function verification and genetic improvement in crops and trees were briefly summarized, and the related problems and development trends needed to be improved in the future were also discussed.
    Identification and Analysis of Stem lncRNAs from Resistant Gossypium hirsutum Under Verticillium Wilt Stress
    WANG Guoning, ZHANG Yan, SONG Junli, YANG Jun, WANG Xingfen, WU Liqiang, ZHANG Guiyin
    2021, 23(12):  29-41.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2021.0192
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    Verticillium wilt is a destructive disease that causes serious loss of cotton yield and quality. After the pathogen infects the host root tissue, it extends to leaf through stem tissue, so stem tissue plays an important role in host resistance to the pathogen. Long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) as an important regulatory molecule participates in a wide range of biological processes, such as plant disease resistance response, through a variety of mechanisms. This paper analyzed the functions of cotton stem tissue lncRNAs in response to pathogenic fungi. Here, the transcriptome of resistant G. hirsutum stem tissue following infection by Verticillium dahliae were measured, and 971 differentially expressed lncRNAs were identified. Subsequently, the expression characteristics of Verticillium wilt resistance-associated lncRNAs and their regulation patterns on target mRNAs were analyzed. The results revealed that cotton stem tissue lncRNAs in response to V. dahliae infection exhibited a high degree of temporal specificity, and these lncRNAs regulated the expression of target mRNAs mainly through positive trans-acting pattern. Gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis revealed that differential expression lncRNAs participated significantly in response to stimuli and hormone signals induced by V. dahliae, such as chitin, water shortage and hypoxia stresses as well as JA and ABA hormones, through a variety of molecular functions in cell membranes, extracellular region and intracellular region. And, these results suggested that cotton stem tissue lncRNAs played important roles in response to infection by V. dahliae. Based on the results of this study and previous reports, the potential disease resistance mechanisms of 10 candidate lncRNAs were proposed, which had important reference significance for depth analysis of these lncRNA. The results of qPCR tests further revealed that lnc_011764 and lnc_010753 were potential regulators of their target genes. Our results  extended the current view on lncRNA defence against V.dahliae infection and provided novel insights into the mechanism of Verticillium wilt resistance in cotton.
    Comprehensive Evaluation of Production Performance and Nutritional Value of Forage Oat Varieties in Northern Shanxi Province
    LI Gang, ZHENG Minna, LI Yinfan
    2021, 23(12):  42-53.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2021.0050
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    In arid and semi-arid areas, 17 forage oat varieties were used as the indicators of strain height, hay yield and nutritional traits for three consecutive years, and using near-infrared spectroscopy technology, dry substances, acidic washing fibers, neutral washing fibers and soluble sugars were determined and analyzed. Finally, comprehensive evaluation was performed using grey correlation analysis. The results showed that:① Qingyin 2 had only 86 d of fertility, while Lena, Sharp and Dingyan 2 were all 105 d. ② Up to the milking stage, the plant heights of Dingyan 2 was the highest. The plant heights of Baiyan 19, Quebec, KONA and Zaoshu 1 among the tested varieties were all below 90 cm in the milking stage. ③ Up to the milking stage, the means hay yield of Sweet oat 2 increased rapidly and higher output. ④ The results of nutritional composition analysis of each variety showed that the dry matter content of the tested varieties in three different growth stages was above 90% (except for Lena); the content of acid detergent fiber and neutral detergent fiber varied in different varieties; the content of soluble sugar content was significantly different among the varieties at the flowering stage. ⑤ Among the 17 oat varieties, Dingyan 2 had the longest main spike length, KONA had the most panicles. Quebec varieties had the largest number of grains per ear. The spike grain weight of Baiyan 19 was the highest. The thousand seeds weight of Sweet oat 2 was the highest. The evaluation results showed that Sweet oat 2, Dingyan2, Lena, Quebec, Sweet oat performed excellently, which suggested that the five varieties were suitable to be used in northern Shanxi province.
    Genotype Differences in Cadmium Accumulation Ability of Ramie on Cadmium-polluted Field
    ZHANG Ying, MA Yushen, WANG Yamei, LIU Zehang, XU Yuejun, XING Hucheng, JIE Yucheng
    2021, 23(12):  54-65.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2020.0940
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    Ramie is one of the important fiber crops in China, and it is a promising plant for repairing the heavy metals. In order to evaluate the cadmium accumulation ability of ramie, 269 ramie germplasm resources under the cadmium-polluted field were studied. The results showed that there were significant differences in cadmium accumulation, enrichment coefficient and transport coefficient in these ramie germplasm resources, and the coefficient of variation were 31.10%, 20.19% and 19.59 %, respectively. The distribution  of cadmium accumulation in various organs of 57.25% ramie germplasm was radish root > reproductive root > leaf > stick > fiber > steam bark. The cadmium accumulation in reproductive root of 37.17% germplasm was significantly higher than that of radish root, and 4.46% of ramie germplasm showed inconsistent distribution. The cluster analysis roughly revealed 4 groups including 7, 76, 139 and 47 accessions in group Ⅰ~Ⅳ, respectively. The germplasm resources in group Ⅰ contained the highest cadmium accumulation. The membership function method was used to comprehensively evaluate the indicators of cadmium accumulation ability, and 18 germplasms with high cadmium accumulation ability were selected. They were Ponian qingyezhu 2, Changsha zhuma, Yangliuba zuodouma, Xiangtan zhugenjiama, Qidong zhuma 2, Nanpo honghuadianqianzhu, Pojie dianqianzhu, Leye huilyuzhu, Longhui bendima, Liuyang zhuma 2, Qibaoshan zhuma 2, Muyu zhuma 1, Dayong huangkema, Nanpo xiejizhu, Chuanzhu 1, Chima, 74-69 and Pokou zhuma. The average cadmium accumulation was 657.55 μg·plant-1, the range was 436.60~942.91 μg·plant-1. The average enrichment coefficient was 1.10, and the average transport coefficient was 0.93. Above results provided theological basis for selecting the high cadmium accumulation ability ramie germplasm and reference for repairing cadmium-polluted field.
    Effects of White vs. Red/Blue LED Light of Different Intensity on the Growth and Nutrient Element Content of Hydroponic Lettuce
    ZHOU Chengbo, LIU Wenke, SHAO Mingjie, LI Baoshi, WANG Qi
    2021, 23(12):  76-83.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2020.0842
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    In this study, the effects of white vs. red/blue LED light of different intensity on the growth and nutrient element content as well as accumulation of hydroponic lettuce were studied using ICP-AES analysis technology in a closed plant factory. White light (WL) and the combination of red and blue light (RB) at different intensities including 150(WL150, RB150), 200(WL200, RB200), 250(WL250, RB250)μmol·m-2·s-1 were conducted in the experiment. Red/blue ratio was 4∶1, and photoperiod was 16/8 h. The results showed that both shoot fresh weight and shoot dry weight increased with the increase of light intensity. And the shoot dry weight under WL200 and WL250 was 24.6% and 49.7% higher than that of WL150, respectively. Compared with RB, WL significantly increased leaf area and biomass of lettuce. RB increased the contents of large and medium elements (N, P, Ca, Mg) and trace elements (Mn, Zn) in lettuce leaves, while WL increased K content. Light quality had no significant effect on C, Fe and Cu contents. The content of nutrient elements in lettuce had no obvious regularity response to light intensity under WL or RB. The contents of various nutrient elements (N, P, Ca, Mg, Mn, Cu, and Zn) were the highest at 200 μmol·m-2·s-1 under red and blue light. Under WL, the accumulations of P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn were the highest at 200 μmol·m-2·s-1, while the accumulations of ten nutrient elements were the highest at 250 μmol·m-2·s-1 under RB. Under the same light intensity, RB was beneficial for the increase of N, P, Ca, Mg, Mn, and Zn contents in lettuce, while WL was more conducive for the accumulations of N, C, P, K, Mg, and Fe. In conclusion, WL could promote the growth of lettuce and increase the accumulation of N, C, P, K, Mg, and Fe in lettuce, which was mainly determined by higher biomass.
    Application Status and Technology Hotspots of Blockchain in Agriculture
    LIANG Xiaohe, ZHOU Ailian, XIE Nengfu, ZHANG Yi, WU Saisai
    2021, 23(12):  84-93.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2021.0195
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    Taking Derwent series database as the main data source, and using bibliometric method and CiteSpace visualization tool, the invention patents of blockchain agricultural application research in recent ten years were comprehensively analyzed from the aspects of technology development process, technology R & D power distribution, technology hot spots and frontier. The results showed that the research on agricultural application of blockchain had attracted the attention of all countries in the world, especially blockchain technology powerful nations, but it was still in its infancy. China leaded in the R & D intensity of blockchain agricultural application, but lacked innovation, and the R & D subject was mainly enterprises. Business application mode, data processing and data transmission, security management and other related research were the hotspots of blockchain agricultural application research. Database application and software technology related research were the frontier of blockchain agricultural application research. In this condition, China should pay attention to the quality of technological achievements, grasp the technological frontier, pursue the deep integration of technological innovation and agricultural application, and improve the global influence of Chinas blockchain agricultural application.
    Research on Cutting Performance of Convex Arc Blade
    LI Siqingaowa, WANG Chunguang, DU Haifeng, JIN Eerdumutu
    2021, 23(12):  94-100.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2020.0624
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    Aiming at the problems of high power consumption, low productivity and poor cutting quality of hay cutter at present, a cutting performance test platform was built by using 9Z-4C silage hay cutter. Based on the force analysis of the blade cutting process, the influence of the blade inclination angle on the cutting performance was determined. Taking the spindle speed, blade inclination angle and feeding amount as the experimental factors, a single factor experiment was carried out. The results showed that the best cutting performance ranges were as follows: spindle speed 600~700 r·min-1, feeding amount 0.9~1.5 kg·s-1, blade inclination angle 60°~70°. Based on the Box-Behnken response surface test, the primary and secondary order of the influence of factors on the specific power consumption in the cutting process was spindle speed>feeding amount>blade inclination angle. According to the experimental results, the optimal parameter combination of various factors was analyzed by using Design-Expert 8.0.6 software, and the minimum specific power consumption was taken as the response object. It was found that when the spindle speed was 642 r·min-1, the feeding amount was 1.3 kg·s-1, and the blade inclination angle was 63°, the specific power consumption was the minimum. The cutting performance was improved by 14% compared with that before optimization. Above results provided basis for parameter optimization and structural improvement of cutting device of the hay cutter.
    Detection Method for Tenderness of Chilled Fresh Lamb Based on Hyperspectral Imaging Technology
    YU Yang, ZHANG Jue, TIAN Haiqing, WANG Di, WANG Ke, ZHANG Hongqi
    2021, 23(12):  101-108.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2020.0777
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    Traditional lamb quality detection has low efficiency and will destroy samples. In order to rapidly and non-destructively test tenderness of chilled fresh lamb, taking Xilingol lamb in Inner Mongolia as research object, the spectrum was corrected by multivariate scattering correction method, and feature images at 620.23, 761.48, 819.48 nm were obtained by principal component analysis method,  and their texture features and color features were extracted to establish BP neural network and support vector machine prediction models for lamb tenderness. The results showed that the prediction effect of the BP neural network model was better than that of the support vector machine model. The determination coefficient (R2) and root mean square error (RMSEP) of the BP neural network model on the prediction set were 0.85 and their 1.86, and those of support vector machine model were 0.77 and 2.37, respectively. Above results showed that it was feasible to use hyperspectral and image information feature layer fusion method to predict the tenderness of cold fresh lamb.
    Symptom Types and Casual Pathogens of Amorphaphallus konjac Rot Disease in Several Fields Located in Shiyan City
    ZHANG Zhuoran§, YANG Liu§, WANG Dongqi, JING Yuling, WANG Wei, GUO Rongjun, XIAO Nengwu, XIANG Shibiao, LI Shidong
    2021, 23(12):  116-124.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2020.0815
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    In order to clarify the types of Amorphaphallus konjac rot disease and the casual pathogens in Shiyan city of Hubei province, the symptoms of A. konjac rot disease in Shiyan city were investigated, the isolation frequency of each kind of bacteria was determined as well as the classification and pathogenicity of the dominant bacteria. The results showed that the disease incidence and symptoms varied with field sites. The disease symptoms were classified into six types containing circle soft rot on stem base, yellowing and stem base black rot, yellowing and stem split and black, yellowing and stem dry soft, yellowing and external stem base black while interior red, upper stem and whole plant black rot. The most serious disease occurred at Liubei, and the incidences of the first two types of A. konjac rot disease were 13.0% and 26.9%, respectively, and the lowest disease incidence was 4.8% at Yunxi county. Two kinds of fungi, Sclerotium rolfsii and Fusarium sp., and 11 kinds of bacterial strains were isolated from 28 A. konjac samples. The three dominant bacterial isolates were Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and Klebsiella oxytoca with high isolation frequency of 27.6%, 17.6% and 12.1%, respectively. Pathogenic test indicated that Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum was pathogenic to A. konjac, and specific DNA band was only amplified from the total DNA of isolates B12, B16 and B17. In a conclusion, complex infection was found in A. konjac rot disease, and P. carotovorum subsp. carotovorum was the important pathogen. These results were valuable for the management of A. konjac rot disease.
    Screening of Antagonistic Bacteria Against Valsa pyri from Agricultural Plant Jiaosu and Their Control Effects on Pear Canker
    YU Fan, FENG Ying, HAN Jian, SHENG Qiang, SUN Liying, LUO Ming,
    2021, 23(12):  125-135.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2021.0226
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    To screen antagonistic bacteria strains against Valsa pyri from agricultural plant Jiaosu and evaluate their biocontrol potential on pear canker, bacteria strains isolated from  agricultural plant Jiaosu were screened by confrontation culture and oxford cup method. The inhibitory activities of  bacteria strains against the conidia germination and mycelia growth of V. pyri  and their biocontrol effects on pear canker were evaluated. The results showed that 15 strains of 68 bacterial strains isolated from agricultural plant Jiaosu had antagonistic effects on V. pyri growth with the inhibitive rate from 41.25% to 74.14%, which accounted for 22.1% of isolated strains. Four strains (gjfn2, gjfn4, PFN41 and PGY-FX67) were obtained after the second run screening, and the inhibition rates of their fermentation and filtered fermentation both were over 70% and 60%, respectively, which were significantly higher than those of the other strains. Based on morphological, physiological and biochemical characteristics, 16S rRNA and gyrA gene sequence analysis, gjfn2, gjfn4 and PGY-FX67 were identified as Bacillus velezensis and PFN41 was as Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. The fermentation and filtered fermentation broth of the four antagonistic bacteria strains had obviously inhibitive effects on V. pyri conidia germination. And the inhibitive rate of the fermentation and filtered fermentation broth of gjfn4 and PFN41 strains reached 100% after 36 h incubation, and it also could cause the morphological abnormality, bent and terminal enlargement of the V. pyri mycelia. In detached twigs assay, the control effects of fermentation broths of the four strains were over 79% and filtered fermentation broths were over 73%. Among them, gjfn4 had the best control effect on pear canker, which the control effects of fermentation broth, filtered fermentation broth and 50 dilution of filtered fermentation broth  were 84.79%, 81.57% and 67.27% respectively. The results indicated that the antagonistic bacteria strains screened from agricultural plant Jiaosu exhibited significant biocontrol potential to control pear canker, which provided a novel biological agent for control the disease.

    Analysis and Prediction on the Annual Temperature and Humidity Change of Solar Greenhouse in Jiaodong Area
    LIU Huan, YANG Yanjie, SHI Yuliang, LI Min, XING Manman
    2021, 23(12):  136-144.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2021.0421
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    In order to investigate the changes in the internal environment of the solar greenhouse in Jiaodong area and its suitability for tomato cultivation, and to predict the internal air temperature and relative humidity, different sensors were applied to monitor and analyze the air temperature and relative humidity inside and outside the greenhouse from June 01, 2019 to May 31, 2020. At the same time, predictive models of air temperature and relative humidity in different seasons and different weather conditions inside the solar greenhouse were established, and the root mean square error (RMSE) was used to analyze the models. The results indicated that: the average air temperature inside the solar greenhouse was highest in July and lowest in January, at 29.7 and 14.1 ℃, respectively. Compared with the outside, the number of dates in  spring and autumn inside the greenhouse increased by 78 d, and decreased by 118 d in the winter. The periods that were not conducive to tomato growth were concentrated in summer and winter. High temperature with low humidity, low temperature with high humidity were prone to occur inside the greenhouse in summer and winter. The average RMSE value of the predicted value and actual value of the air temperature and relative humidity predictive models inside the greenhouse were 4.1 ℃ and 10.1%, respectively. The simulated effect of the models was generally good.
    Effects of Three Microbial Agents on Harmful Gas Emission During Chicken Manure Composting
    ZHANG Zhi, QIAO Yan, CHEN Yunfeng, HU Cheng, LIU Donghai, LI Shuanglai
    2021, 23(12):  145-150.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2020.0459
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    In order to screen the optimal microbial agent, the aerobic composting of chicken manure was conducted to study the changes of the maturity indices and the emissions of harmful gases. Three biological bacterial agents (A: renyuan microbial agent; B: shengkang microbial agent; C: self-made microbial agent) were inoculated with the basic materials, which were mixed with chaff under the initial moisture content (50%) and C/N (25), respectively. The results showed that on the basis of chicken manure mixed with chaff composting, microbial agents could rapidly increase the temperature, and make the high temperature period be prolonged by 1~2 d. However, there was no significant difference on temperature among the different microbial agents. All treatments entered a stable period around the 19th day, and the temperature was about 30 ℃. At the end of composting, the inoculation of microbial agents increased the loss of carbon (C), with a decrease from 32.0% (agent A) to 40.0% (agent B). The relative content of total nitrogen (N) was increased form 2.15% (agent A) to 2.25% (agent C) during the composting. The C/N showed a decreased trend, and the final values were ranged from 11.7 (agent B) to 14.3 (agent A) among the three microbial agents. The emissions of harmful gases were mainly occurred in the first 10 d during the composting. The inoculations of the three biological bacterial agents had all decreased the emissions of NH3, SO2 and alicyclic amine. Due to the inoculation of microbial agent A, the emission reductions of three gases were 15.8%, 48.0% and 34.4%, respectively, which were higher than agent B and C. Therefore, the microbial agent A was a better choice to reduce the emissions of harmful gases during the composting of chicken manure and chaff.
    Effects of Exogenous Substance on Defoliation Ripening, Yield and Quality after Chemical Topping of cotton
    WU Xueqin, CUI Yannan, ZHAO Qiang
    2021, 23(12):  151-160.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2020.0723
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    To investigate the effects of different exogenous substances on defoliation ripening, yield and quality of cotton after chemical topping, Xinluzao 67 was planted according to field experiment in Dafeng town (Hutubi county, Xinjiang) . After chemical topping, three doses of exogenous substances were sprayed on the leaf, including dimetyl piperidinum chloride (DPC, 75, 150, 225 g·hm-2), uniconazole S-3307 (S-3307, 150, 300, 450 g·hm-2), brassicin (BR, 0.375, 0.75, 1.125 g·hm-2) and gibberellic acid (GA, 150, 300, 450 g·hm-2), while water treatment was for control. The seed cotton yield was investigated and the cotton fiber quality was analyzed. The results showed that spraying of different exogenous substances afer chemical topping had an enhanced effect on cotton leaf-stripping and wadding, and the leaf-stripping and wadding rates were increased by 5.05%~17.59% and 11.61%~32.87%, respectively, compared with  CK, which had an influence on the hanging twig rate but not significant. The medium dose (0.75 g·hm-2) of BR had the best defoliation effect, and the defoliation rate reached 95.33%. The ripening effect was the best in low dose of BR (0.375 g·hm-2), and the wadding rate reached 98.11%. All treatments had  significant effects on cotton yields and qualities. BR treatment with medium dose (0.75 g·hm-2) had the highest seed cotton yield, which was significantly increased by 19.27% compared with CK. GA treatment with medium dose (300 g·hm-2) had the best performance in fiber quality. Medium and low doses of BR (0.375~0.75 g·hm-2) and medium and low doses of GA (150~300 g·hm-2) could enhance the effects of defoliation and ripening after chemical-toped cotton, effectively increase the seed cotton yield and optimize the fiber quality of cotton.
    Effects of Intercropping and Rotation Between Oil Flax and Wheat on Soil Physicochemical Properties and Growth of Oil Flax
    WANG Liguang§, YE Chunlei§, CHEN Jun, LI Jinjing, LUO Junjie
    2021, 23(12):  161-171.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2020.0553
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    In order to explore the effects of cropping pattern on soil physicochemical properties and growth of oil flax, three cropping patterns were designed including intercropping oil flax/wheat (CI), rotation oil flax-wheat (CR) and oil flax continuous cropping for two years (CC2). The basic physical and chemical properties, enzyme activities, diversity analysis and relative abundance of microorganism in the soil were analyzed. The results showed the values of soil pH under CI and CR were lower than that under CC2. CI and CR made crop full use of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in soil, which reduced the content of organic material in soil. Compared with CC2, CI could significantly increase activity of catalase, and CR could significantly increase activities of urease, catalase and alkaline phosphatase in soil, both of them had no significant effect on activity of sucrase. By synthesis effect of aqueous extracts from soil, CI showed a weak inhibition effect on seed germination and seedling growth, however, CR showed the positive effect. There was no difference in bacterial diversity among three cropping patterns, but CR decreased the diversity of soil fungi, the composition of soil bacteria and fungal communities were changed under CI and CR. Compared with CC2, CI and CR were beneficial to the plant height and the yield of oil flax in the third cropping season by increasing the thousand-seed weight,and the effect of CR on increasing yield was more significant. The results suggested that CI and CR should be beneficial effects on the next crop of oil flax by changing the physical and chemical properties of soil, increasing the activity of some soil enzymes, decreasing the autotoxicity of soil, changing the diversity of soil fungi and the composition of bacterial and fungal community. It provided theoretical and technical support for the high-yield cultivation pattern of oil flax and the sustainable utilization of regional agricultural resources.
    Effects of Base Application Depths of Rapeseed Cake Fertilization on Tea Yield,  Quality and Nitrogen Utilization
    JIANG Xinfeng, SUN Yongming, TONG Zhongfei, WANG Xinming, HUANG Shangshu, LI Fuguang, LI Chen, JIANG Lianghui,
    2021, 23(12):  172-178.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2021.0236
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    To study the effects of organic fertilizer depth on yield, quality and nitrogen utilization in Jiangxi tea area, rapeseed cake fertilizer was selected as fertilizer and Camellia sinensis Fuding Dabaicha was as the tea variety. No fertilizer treatment (CK0) and conventional fertilization depth 30 cm (CK) were as control,and the fertilization depths were set as 0 (FD1), 10 (FD2), 20 (FD3), 40 (FD4) and  50(FD5) cm. The yield, quality and nitrogen utilization of tea plant were determined systematically. The results showed that, comparing with CK, the budding density of FD1, FD2, FD3, FD4 and FD5 decreased 9.46%, 5.75%, 2.78%, 15.03% and 26.72%. The germination density of FD1, FD2, FD3 and CK treatments were significantly higher than FD5. The effects of fertilization depth were not significant on the contents of caffeine and amino acid. The application of rapeseed cake fertilizer increased the soil pH and content of organic matter with increasing range of 33.73%~75.46%. Through curve simulation, the optimal tea yield had been obtained with fertilization depth 17.46 cm, the partial productivity of nitrogen fertilizer was the highest with fertilization depth 17.27 cm, and the nitrogen agronomic efficiency and using efficiency were best with fertilization depth 11.99 and 13.25 cm, respectively. So, the fertilization depth of rapeseed cake fertilizer was ranged from 11 to 18 cm, which was more conducive to release and utilization of nitrogen in tea garden.
    Effects of Suaeda Planting Rate on Soil Enzyme Activity and Aggregation of Coastal Saline Alkali Land
    WANG Siji, GUO Yanchun, ZENG Lusheng, SUN Xianmin, CHU Qinggang, WANG Sheng
    2021, 23(12):  179-185.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2020.0476
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    In order to study the effect of different seeding rates of Suaeda salsa on the restoration of saline-alkali soils in coastal region, a field experiment was used to set up seeding of 0 (CK), 30 (SF), 45 (LF), and 60(BF)kg·hm-2. The effects of different seeding rates on soil enzyme activity and aggregation of coastal saline soil were studied. The results showed that different planting rates of Suaeda salsa had different effects on improving the nutrient status, reducing total salt content, increasing enzyme activity and enhancing soil agglomeration. The soil improvement effect of coastal saline soil under LF treatment was the best. Compared with CK, the total salt content in the soil under LF treatment was reduced by 42.48%, while the organic matter content and the catalase activity were increased by 80.52% and 30.24%, respectively, and soil agglomeration was enhanced. BF treatment was followed, which the alkaline phosphatase activity was increased by 256.67%, the average soil weight diameter was increased by 64.38%, and the percentage of soil aggregates was increased by 37.51%. Therefore, the sowing of 45 kg·hm-2 Suaeda salsa could significantly improve the soil environment of coastal saline-alkali soils by reducing soil salinity and increasing the content of soil organic matter. The research provided theoretical basis and technical support for salt-accumulating phytoremediation of saline-alkali soils.