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    15 November 2021, Volume 23 Issue 11
    Review on Management Experience and Scientific and Technological Innovation Progress of “Seven Major Crops Breeding” Project in “13th Five-Year Plan”
    WEI Xun, §, SUN Kangtai§, LIU Hongbo, YAO Zhipeng, GE Yiqiang, DENG Xiaoming
    2021, 23(11):  1-6.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2021.0638
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    During the implementation of “seven major crops breeding” project, the professional institution has established a set of professional management mode with outstanding performance orientation, which highly releases the innovation vitality, creates a good innovation ecology and promotes the integrated implementation. The project broke through the core technologies such as gene mining, variety design and seed quality control, obtained a batch of major new genes with breeding utilization value and intellectual property rights, created a batch of excellent new germplasm, and formed a high-efficiency breeding technology system, which provided strong scientific and technological support for ensuring national food security and promoting green agricultural development. This paper summarized the management experience and innovation progress of the project, and put forward countermeasures and suggestions for the future development and management of breeding technology.
    The Main Problems and Countermeasures of Seed Industry Development in China
    WANG Ping
    2021, 23(11):  7-16.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2021.0684
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    Seed industry is the “chip” of agriculture, and the basis to ensure food security and realize agricultural modernization. Seed industry competition is that of science and technology, so it is unprecedentedly attented as a strategic core industry. Based on the present situation of seed industry in China, the main problems were analyzed: ① protection and utilization of germplasm resources was insufficient; ② independent innovation ability of scientific research was insufficient, and the innovation system of scientific research was not perfect; ③ product homogeneity were serious; ④ most of the enterprises were “small, scattered and weak”, the seed industry competitiveness was not strong. To solve these problems, the countermeasures were put forward: ① implement the national protection strategy of germplasm resources and improve the protection system of germplasm resources;  ② improve the seed industry independent innovation ability; ③ protect intellectual property rights of seed industry;  ④ promote the integration of breeding, reproduction and promotion and the merger and reorganization of seed enterprises. Above would provide reference for seed industry innovation and promote high-quality development of seed industry.
    Present Situation, Problems and Suggestions on Agricultural Major Scientific and Technological Infrastructure
    YU Hui, YAN Yan
    2021, 23(11):  17-24.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2021.0837
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    In the Fifth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, it has been pointed out that self-reliance scientific and technological should be taken as a strategic support for national development to improve the national innovation system and the national strategic capability of science and technology. As the key factor to improve the country's strategic agricultural science and technology capability, self-reliance of agricultural science and technology as well as the upgrading of relevant major infrastructures must be guaranteed. On the basis of clarifying the rich connotation and relationship between major scientific and technological infrastructure and national strategic scientific and technological force, the present situation and existing challenges
     of the construction of major agricultural scientific and technological infrastructure were explored. It was found that there was much space for improvement in strategic layout, top-level design, platform construction, promotion mechanism and life cycle management of major agricultural research facilities in China. Based on the above problems, countermeasures and suggestions were put forward, such as focusing on key  technology problems and improving the resource sharing system of agricultural research institutes and related enterprises.
    Breeding by Design of Rice in Post-genome Era Based on Selective Introgression Lines
    SHI Yingyao§, MA Sai§, ZENG Wei§, HAO Zhiqi, LI Simin, WANG Wensheng, LI Min
    2021, 23(11):  25-35.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2021.0531
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    In recent years, rice genomics has made rapid progress, but how to effectively apply these research results (rich genomic variation and functional gene cloning  etc.) to the precise improvement of complex agronomic traits remains a major challenge and scientific problem of breeding by design. After years of practice, it has been proved that breeding technology by design based on breeding by selective introgression (BBSI) was an effective way of solving those problems, which is a series of breeding strategies by design based on precise genetic information for simultaneous gene mining and improvement of multiple complex traits. It mainly includes: ① the construction of a large number of backcross introgression lines with one or more excellent traits as the material platform of BBSI. ② To build a precise genetic information platform based on whole-genome sequencing and association analysis. ③ The Ideal Target Genomic Constitutions (ITGC) and gene pyramiding methods will be used to efficiently breed target high-quality varieties. This review  described the development history of BBSI and its effective application in molecular breeding by design, especially how to use molecular quantitative genetic theory and genome-wide variation to verify and enrich the strategy. Over the past 20 years, nearly one hundred new green super rice (GSR) varieties had been bred with the implementation of the plan, which provided important theoretical and practical references for the innovative development of crop breeding in the post-genomic era.
    Researches in Screening and Breeding of Rice Varieties with Low-Cadmium Accumulation
    LI Ting, HU Minjun, XU Jun, JIANG Yugen, YAN Huili, YU Yijun, HE Zhenyan
    2021, 23(11):  36-46.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2021.0739
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    Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the main staple crops, and the problem of cadmium pollution in rice grain is a serious threat for human health. It is extremely urgent to reduce the risk of cadmium pollution in grain and realize the rice safe production. Screening and breeding of rice varieties with low-cadmium accumulation is one of the economic and effective method to reduce the risk of cadmium pollution in rice. The screening techniques are based on the phenotype and molecular marker. The breeding methods have evolved from conventional breeding to molecular breeding. The techniques of screening and breeding will be becoming more precise, efficient and intelligent, which provide  huge impetus for the safe production of rice. This article reviewed the latest researches in the selection of low-cadmium accumulation rice varieties and the creation of low-cadmium materials, and prospected the future development direction of molecular breeding systems with new-technologies, aiming to provide scientific support for ensuring food security and dietary health.
    Effects of Shading Treatment on Millet Agronomic Traits, Millet Quality and Cooking Characteristics
    TIAN Gang, LIU Xin, WANG Yuwen, LIU Yongzhong, LI Huixia, CHENG Kai, WANG Zhenhua, LIU Hong
    2021, 23(11):  47-54.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2020.0740
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    To explore the effects of low light stress on its millet agronomic traits, millet quality and cooking characteristics, and to provide theoretical data for millet planting in low-lying areas of the Loess Plateau, this paper used millet variety Changsheng 13 as the material to study the changes of millet agronomic traits, yield, dry matter quality, millet quality and cooking characteristics under four light intensities in 2018 and 2019. The four shading levels were normal natural light(A1), 30% shading area(A2), 50% shading area(A3), and 70% shading area(A4). The results showed that: with the increase
     of shading degree, the ear thickness, ear weight, ear grain weight, dry matter quality and yield per plant were significantly reduced. Among them, the yield reduction between A1 treatment and A4 treatment was 1 695.11 kg·hm-2 in 2018 and 1 774.95 kg·hm-2 in 2019. The relative chlorophyll content (SPAD value) also decreased with the increases of shading degree. Among them, the average value of A4 treatment decreased by 2.18 than the average value of A1 treatment in 2018, and decreased by 2.68 in 2019. The peak viscosity, amylose, gel consistency and fat content increased first and then decreased with the increase of shading degree. In addition, correlation analysis showed that there was a significant negative correlation between yield and shading degree, and the correlation coefficients in 2018 and 2019 were -0.899 and -0.917, respectively.
    Relationship Between the Inflorescence Vascular Bundles of Korla Fragrant Pear Short Fruit Branches and Sepal Shedding
    WU Cuiyun, , , ZHANG Rui, , , TAO Shutian
    2021, 23(11):  55-61.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2020.0496
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    In order to explore the relationship between sepal shedding and the development of the vascular bundle in the fruit stalk, carcass and calyx tube of Korla fragrant pear, this paper took Korla fragrant pear as the test mateirial, and sprayed the clear water (CK), indoleacetic acid (IAA) and triiodobenoic acid (TIBA) on the 4th-order fragrant pear of the short-fruit branch inflorescence, respectively, and then compared the dynamic changes of the number and area of vascular bundles in the fruit stem, carcass and calyx tube of the 4th-order fragrant pear during the detachment process. The results showed that: the order of calyx shedding rate of fragrant pear under different treatments was TIBA treatment>CK>IAA treatment. The numbers of vascular bundles in the fruit stalk, carcass and calyx tube of CK and IAA treatments were not significant difference, but were significant higher than those of TIBA treatment. The areas of vascular bundle in the calyx tube of CK and IAA treatments were significant bigger than those of TIBA treatment. The detachment rate was extremely significant negatively correlated with the area of vascular bundle in calyx tube and the number of vascular bundles in the fruit equator of ‘fragrant pear’, and calyx tube was significant negatively correlated with the area of vascular bundle in the fruit stalk and calyx tube. In summary, TIBA should influence the number and area of vascular bundles in calyx tube, inhibit the development of vascular bundles and increase the calyx shedding rate of Korla fragrant pear calyx tube.
    Adaptability Evaluation of Garden Chrysanthemum Resources in Xining Based on PCA
    WANG Qizhang, WANG Haibin, TIAN Jie,
    2021, 23(11):  62-72.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2021.0397
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    In order to select the garden chrysanthemum resources suitable for cultivation and spread in Xining, 7 varieties of Jinling sevies were as materials. The phenotypic traits and physiological indexes were measured. And the ornamental and cultivation adaptability in Xining were evaluated by correlation analysis, principal component analysis, cluster analysis and comprehensive evaluation. The results showed that the coefficient of variation on 10 quantitative traits in 7 chrysanthemum varieties were abundant, which ranged from 28.80% to 35.43%. The correlation analysis indicated that there were significant correlations between the plant height and crown width, flower layer number and contents of chlorophyll a/b. Principal component analysis indicated 3 principal components were extracted among 16 indexes, including “photosynthetic pigment factors” influenced by contents of chlorophyll a and carotenoid, “flower organ factors” influenced by flower layers number and flower diameter, and “plant morphology factors” influenced by plant height, crown width, and leaf length. Cluster analysis divided 7 chrysanthemum resources into 3 classes. ‘Jinling Chixing’ and ‘Jinling Honghe’ were as class I, which were characterized by low photosynthetic pigment content, short plants, thick main stems and heavier leaves. ‘Jinling Lianyan’ and ‘Jinling Yuegui’ were as class Ⅱ, which were characterized by tall plants, wide crowns and more flower layers. The ‘Jinling Meiguijing’, ‘Jinling Xiaoye’ and ‘Jinling Yangguang’ were as class Ⅲ, which were characterized by more flower layers and high photosynthetic pigment content. By comprehensive evaluation (F value), 7 varieties were ranked from high to low as ‘Jinling Meiguijing’ > ‘Jinling Honghe’ > ‘Jinling Xiaoye’ > ‘Jinling Yangguang’ > ‘Jinling Chixing’ > ‘Jinling Lianyan’ > ‘Jinling Yuegui’. In conclusion, “photosynthetic pigment factors” and “flower organ factors” could be used as an important reference for adaptability evaluation. ‘Jinling Meiguijing’ and ‘Jinling Xiaoye’ showed strong adaptability in Xining, which would provide an important reference for the subsequent evaluation of chrysanthemum variety adaptability and improvement of cultivation techniques.
    Heterologous Expression and Characterization of a Catalase from Pseudomonas stutzer S12
    ZHAO Shuxue, LIU Xiaoqing, WU Ningfeng, TIAN Jian
    2021, 23(11):  73-80.  DOI: 10.1334/j.nykjdb.2020.0838
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    At present, the commercial catalases mostly come from animal liver and Aspergillus niger fermentation, but these enzymes usually have poor thermal stability, low enzyme activity and high price. In order to solve this problem, a strain of Pseudomonas Stutzeri S12 with the high-level activity of catalase was isolated from landfill leachate. Through whole genome sequencing and gene identification, the gene katE encoding catalase in this strain was found, and it was heterologously expressed and purified in E. coli BL21 (DE3). KatE’s optimal temperature was 35 ℃, the optimal pH was 8.0, and its activity couldreach to 1 349 U·mg-1. The enzyme had a wide range of temperature adaptability in the range of 10 ~ 40 ℃. KatE had good thermal stability. After being treated at 50 ℃ for 5 h, 70% enzyme activity was remained, and after being incubated at 60 ℃ for 2 h, 50% enzyme activity was remained. The Km and Vmax values were 100.5 mmol·L-1 and 16 666 μmol·L-1·min-1, respectively. The enzyme activity was better under medium and low temperature conditions, showed good thermal stability and high enzyme activity, which provided a new material for the development of new commercial catalase.
    Exploration and Practice of Agricultural Knowledge Service Cooperation System in the Big Data Environment
    YE Sa, ZHU Liang, KOU Yuantao, ZHAO Ruixue, GU Liangliang, JI Xuejing
    2021, 23(11):  81-87.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2020.0959
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    With the demand change of agricultural management and scientific research innovation in the big data environment, the importance of fast, accurate, in-depth and professional information knowledge service has become increasingly prominent. In order to solve the information asymmetry between supply and demand of agricultural knowledge services, improve the overall competitiveness of agricultural library and information industry and the accurate supply of knowledge services, this paper proposed to promote the development of agricultural knowledge collaborative services by cooperating with institutions and universities. By analyzing the characteristics of agricultural knowledge users and individual needs in the new environment, this paper designed the co-construction mechanism of agricultural system knowledge service collaboration system, and introduced the content and products of the supply side and service side of the collaboration. Finally, based on the current construction progress of the collaboration system, the existing problems and improvement suggestions were put forward to provide reference for China’s agricultural knowledge collaboration services and cross domain knowledge assistance services.
    Comprehensive Evaluation of Black Soil Quality Based on Aerial Hyperspectral Inversion
    ZHAO Ningbo, YANG Jiajia, ZHAO Yingjun, QIN Kai, YANG Yuechao, LI Ming
    2021, 23(11):  88-98.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2020.0824
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    The evaluation of black soil quality can provide important reference for the protection and sustainable development and utilization of black soil resources. With the advantages of high spectral resolution, wide data coverage and strong timeliness, aerial hyperspectral technology has initially shown its application value in black soil quality index survey. In order to further play the role of hyperspectral technology in black soil quality evaluation, a comprehensive evaluation method of black soil quality based on aerial hyperspectral technology was proposed. Taking Hailun area in Heilongjiang province as an example, CASI/SASI airborne hyperspectral data were obtained in bare soil period and crop growth period respectively, and the ground samples were collected simultaneously. Through laboratory analysis, 15 index data including nutrient index, environmental index and crop growth index were obtained. The content of each evaluation index was inversed by partial least square method, and the comprehensive evaluation model was established by analytic hierarchy process. The comprehensive evaluation results of black soil quality in the study area were obtained by taking the actual plot as the evaluation unit. The inversion results showed that the modeling accuracy of organic matter was the highest, R2 was 0.813, and the modeling accuracy of nutrient and crop index exceeded 0.7, and that of heavy metal elements was larger than 0.6. The overall inversion results were satisfactory. The grade of plots in the study area was at the second-class or above, among which the area of first-class (high-quality) plots accounted for 38.38% of the whole area, the area of second-class (good) plots accounted for 61.62% of the whole area, and the overall soil quality was relatively high. The consistency rate between the evaluation results and the ground verification results was 97.60%, indicating the reliability of the evaluation results. The research results could provide technical support for rapid evaluation of black land quality at field scale.
    Rice Insect Pest Recognition Method Based on Convolutional Neural Network
    GUO Yang, XU Beibei, CHEN Guipeng, DING Jian, YAN Zhiyan, LIANG Hua, WU Changhua
    2021, 23(11):  99-109.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2021.0300
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    In order to solve the problem of rice insect pests of artificial identification difficult and time-consuming, an automatic identification method of rice insect pests was studied. Rice pests images of Diostrombus politus Uhler, Nezara viridula, Naranga aenescens Moore, Riptortus pedestris, Sesamia inferens were selected from 2 500 images to construct weed rice pests set, and the features of the rice pest dataset were automatically extracted using deep convolutional neural network, and then the optimal weights of documents were got by training the stochastic gradient descent method. During the test, the trained model was used to select test sets, and YOLOv3 was also compared with Faster-RCNN and SSD algorithm. The results showed that average precision (AP) of YOLOv3 algorithm was the highest among all the deep learning models. the AP of Diostrombu politus Uhler, Nezara viridula,Naranga aenescens Moore, Riptortus pedestris, Sesamia inferens were 97.40%, 88.76%, 85.74%, 92.96% and 94.78%, respectively, and mAP in the five kinds of rice insect pests was 91.93%. The mAP of YOLOv3 increased by 1.43 percent and the detection time per image decreased by 833.68 ms compared with Faster-RCNN algorithm. The mAP of proposed method was 5.56 percent higher than that of SSD algorithm, and the detection time per image decreased by 2.90 ms. Five types of relatively representative images of rice insect pests were selected for testing. For the cases of leaf occlusion targets and similar backgrounds, YOLOv3 algorithm could correctly identify without missing or wrong detection, and the recognition precision was greater than 98%. It was feasible to introduce YOLOv3 algorithm into the identification of rice insect pests under complex field conditions, and it had higher precision and faster detection speed, which can accurately identify rice insect pests. It was of great significance for promoting fine cultivation of rice pest control and variable field spraying.
    Research on Octagon Color and Fruit Shape Recognition Based on Machine Vision
    YAO Yingfang, LIU Feng, ZHANG Haidong, LI Chao, ZHOU Haijun, WANG Man
    2021, 23(11):  110-120.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2020.0846
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    In order to improve the octagonal appearance detection accuracy and efficiency, machine vision technology was used to recognize and process different fruit shapes and colors of star anise. In RGB and HSI color space, according to the difference of brown-red, black-red and Maroon in H color space, the H component values of different colors of star anise were extracted, and the recognition ratios were 95.12%, 95.12% and 97.56%, respectively. The polar coordinate model was established by using the idea of polar coordinate transformation. By dislocations subtraction, normalization and angle number discrimination of the polar coordinate model, the angle number of the octagon was effectively identified, and the recognition proportion was 94.73%. On the basis of angle number recognition, the discrimination of short and thick octagonal lobe and long and thin octagonal lobe was realized by the law of cosine, and the recognition proportion was 94.29% and 97.14%, respectively. The short and thick octagonal lobe and long and thin octagonal lobe were identified by Fourier transform of the contour after polar coordinate transformation, and the recognition ratio was 94.29% and 94.29%, respectively. Through the standard deviation analysis of the peak point of anise wave, the uniformity of anise wave was effectively identified. The recognition rate of the above method is high and accurate, which provided a theoretical basis and prospect for the appearance detection technology of star anise.
    Research Progress of Apple Quality Evaluation Standards
    LI Tai, LU Shijun, HUANG Jiazhang, CHEN Lei, FAN Xieyu
    2021, 23(11):  121-130.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2020.0780
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    Apple quality evaluation standard is an important basis for effectively dividing apple quality. Many organizations and countries in the world have established apple quality evaluation standards. Improving apple quality evaluation standards is an important technical guarantee for protecting consumers right to know, ensuring apple edible safety, regulating market transaction order, and enhancing apples core competitiveness in the international market. So this article analyzed apple quality and its influencing factors, explained in detail the development history of major international organizations and national and domestic apple quality evaluation standards, deeply analyzed the characteristics and differences of their standard content, and summarized the achievements and deficiencies of my countrys apple quality evaluation standards. Several suggestions on apple quality evaluation standards were put forward to provide a useful reference for further improving the apple quality evaluation level in my country.
    Study on Drug Resistance and Molecular Typing of Bacillus cereus from Dairy Products
    GUO Jia, WANG Ping, ZHOU Jifu, ZHAO Xiaomei, LIU Jifeng, CHEN Ying
    2021, 23(11):  131-138.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2020.0896
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    To investigate the virulence factors, molecular characteristics and drug resistance of Bacillus cereus from dairy sources, 122 strains of Bacillus cereus isolated from dairy products were collected from 2016 to 2019. The resistances of the strains to 9 antibiotics including chloromycetin, gentamicin, et al were determined by paper diffusion method (K-B paper method). The virulence factors and molecular characters were detected by polymerase chain reaction and pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The results showed that 122 strains of Bacillus cereus were sensitive to chloramphenicol, gentamicin and amikacin. The mediating rates for erythromycin, clindamycin and ciprofloxacin were 5.74%, 4.92% and 0.82%, respectively. The resistance was 9.84% for cotrimoxazole, 8.20% for tetracycline and 4.10% for rifampicin. The non-hemolytic enterotoxin genes nheA, nheB and enterotoxin FM gene entFM were detected in 122 Bacillus cereus strains, and the detection rates of nheC, bceT, cytK, hblA, hblC, hblD, ces and EM1 were 99.18%, 37.70%, 31.15%, 29.51%, 24.59%, 8.20%, 6.56% and 6.56%, respectively. 122 strains of Bacillus cereus were divided into 15 clusters, and there was no obvious dominant type. The milk isolates of Bacillus cereus collected from 2016 to 2019 carried a variety of virulent genes. Less than 10% of the isolates were resistant to cotrimoxazole, tetracycline and rifampicin, and showed a variety of bands of PFGE, which provided reference for early prevention and treatment of foodborne diseases caused by Bacillus cereus.
    Effects of Gypsum Application on Soil Physical and Chemical Properties of Soda Saline-alkali Soil
    HUANG Yanfei, CHEN Junmei, XIN Yaning, WU Qingli
    2021, 23(11):  139-146.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2020.0922
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    In order to explore the effects of gypsum dosage on physical and chemical properties of soda alkali-saline soil under irrigation and drainage conditions, a laboratory simulation experiment was conducted to study the supernatant pH, supernatant ions, soil exchangeability ions, soil alkalinity, gypsum utilization rate under different dosage of gypsums (0, 0.6%, 1.2% and 2.4%). The results showed that the application of gypsum could significantly decrease pH and exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) of soda alkali-saline soil, but increase the content of water-soluble salt ions in soil; irrigation and drainage could reduce the content of water-soluble salt ions and ESP of soil. After the application of gypsum, pH of upper liquid decreased firstly from 10.31 to 8.55~8.19, and then slowly increased over time. The soil pH values of 0.6%, 1.2% and 2.4% gypsum treatments were 9.53, 8.52 and 8.34, respectively, at the 5th day. The ESP decreased along with the irrigation and drainage. After 5 days, the ESPs of 0.6%, 1.2% and 2.4% gypsum treatments decreased to 50.40%, 33.00% and 25.23%, respectively. The utilization rates of gypsum were 52.59%, 58.1% and 40.99% under different dosage of gypsum treatments (0.6%, 1.2% and 2.4%). In consideration of the integrated soil improvement and gypsum utilization, the best dosage of gypsum was 1.2%.
    Research Progress on Selenium Enrichment and Transformation by Earthworm Eisenia fetida and Its Potential Application
    YUE Shizhong, , WANG Ruiping, CAO Zanxia, QIAO Yuhui
    2021, 23(11):  156-163.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2020.0724
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    Selenium (Se), as one of the essential micronutrient for human beings and animals, plays an important role in maintaining body health. Given that the daily Se intake in some Se-deficient areas of China cannot meet the recommended standard of the hygiene industry (WS/T 578.3—2017), it is still an urgent task to develop organic Se biofortification supplements through Se enrichment, and increase organic Se conversion efficiency and Se bioaccessibility. Se usually interacts with amino acids in the process of biological metabolism and synthesizes with proteins. Earthworm is a kind of soil animal with high protein content. This paper systematically analyzed the biofortification of Se by earthworm Eisenia fetida, from the aspects of Se accumulation and transformation in E. fetida body, the effect of Se on the growth, reproduction and the nutritional components of earthworm body. Besides, the potential application of earthworms as Se-biofortified materials was discussed to provide theoretical basis or scientific support for the development of the Se-enriched agricultural industry.
    Effects of Different Ameliorant on Global Warming Potentials of Coastal Saline Paddy Field
    LI Jia, ZHANG Yu, SUN Liying, FAN Changhua,
    2021, 23(11):  164-171.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2020.0683
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    In order to evaluate the effects of nitrogen fertilizer combined with different types of ameliorant (humic acid, phosphogypsum and Hekang improver) on CH4 and N2O emissions, global warming potential (GWP), a field experiment was set up in the coastal saline paddy field from July to October, 2017 in Jiangsu, China. The CH4 and N2O emissions fluxes were monitored in suit, simultaneously using the static opaque chamber and gas chromatography method. And five treatments were set up: namely, control treatment (N0), nitrogen fertilizer treatment (N1), nitrogen fertilizer combined with humic acid (N1H1), nitrogen fertilizer combined with phosphogypsum (N1G1), and nitrogen fertilizer combined with Hekang ameliorant (N1A1). The results showed that: compared to N0 treatment, nitrogen fertilizer applied significantly increased N2O emissions and rice yield by 110.2%~139.1% (P<0.05) and 41.1%~71.6% (P<0.05), respectively, however did not significantly affect CH4 emissions. Compared to N1 treatment, CH4, N2O emissions, GWP were not significantly decreased in N1H1, N1G1, N1A1 treatments. However, compared to N1 treatment, nitrogen fertilizer combined with Hekang ameliorant (N1A1) significantly increased rice yield by 21.6% (P<0.05). Therefore, the N1A1 fertilization scheme, nitrogen fertilizer combined with Hekang ameliorant, was recommended to realize high grain yield and no significant effect on greenhouse gas emissions simultaneously during the rice production in coastal saline rice field.
    Influence of Planting Density on the Agronomic Characteristics and Yield of Machine Picked Cotton in Southern Xinjiang
    ZHANG Na, FENG Lu, MA Yunzhen, LI Ling, FAN Zhengyi, LI Xiaofei, YANG Beifang, WAN Sumei, LI Yabing, XU Wenxiu
    2021, 23(11):  172-180.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2020.0513
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    Under the natural ecological conditions in Southern Xinjiang, this paper took the cultivar ‘Zhongmiansuo 88’ as research material. A single factor random block design was used with six planting densities treatments: 90 000 plants·hm-2(P1), 120 000 plants·hm-2(P2), 150 000 plants·hm-2(P3) 180 000 plants·hm-2(P4), 210 000 plants·hm-2(P5) and 240 000 plants·hm-2(P6) to study responses of cotton plant height, daily increase of stem, stem diameter, fruit node/fruit branches ratio, leaf area index(LAI), canopy openness, leaf angle and yield to planting density under the plant pattern with one film and six rows. The results showed that: increasing the density significantly reduced the plant height, stem diameter, leaf area per plant, canopy openness and fruit node/fruit branches ratio (P<0.05) of the cotton. Before the initial flowering period, the daily increase of stem was the greater the density and the higher it was, while opposite tendency was after the initial flowering period, the LAI of all treatments reached peak value at the initial full boll period, and the highest was 4.74 in P4 treatment. The leaf inclination angle increased with density increasing, different treatment ranged from 30.0° to 46.9°. Both the seed cotton and lint yields all reached the highest in P5 treatment, which were 6 272.79 and 2 874.82 kg·hm-2, respectively, but there was no significant difference from P3 and P4 treatment. In summary, with well cotton morphological structure and the higher yield, 150 000 to 180 000 plants·hm-2 was the proper range planting density of cotton in southern Xinjiang under the planting pattern with one film and six rows.
    Influences of Ridge Film and Furrow Sowing and Straw Returning on Soil Moisture, Enzyme Activity and Yield of Maize in Loess Plateau of Inner Mongolia
    GAO Riping, §, LIU Xiaoyue, §, DU Erxiao, HAN Yunfei, REN Yongfeng, GAO Yu, ZHAO Peiyi, LI Huanchun, ZHANG Peng,
    2021, 23(11):  181-190.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2020.0674
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    In order to clarify the effect of soil water conservation, soil improvement and yield increase of maize farmland under the measures of full plastic film mulching and furrow planting and straw returning, in the dry farming area of Inner Mongolia Loess Plateau, this experiment compared and analyzed the changes of soil moisture and enzyme activity and the characteristics of maize yield formation under four different cultivation methods: full film mulching ridge and furrow sowing combined with straw returning(S+M), straw returning to field(S), full film mulching ridge and furrow sowing(M), straw not returning to field and no mulching(CK). The results showed that: plastic film mulching with ridge and furrow planting and straw returning could increase the soil water content of 0—100 cm soil layer at each growth stage of maize, especially the soil water content of 0—20 cm soil layer was the most significant, and the lifting effect of planting with full plastic film mulching and furrow planting was better than that of straw returning to the field, and the soil water content was the maximum after the coupling of the two. Furrow sowing and straw returning could significantly increase the activities of soil catalase, urease, sucrase and alkaline phosphatase, and with the passage of maize growth period, the soil enzyme activity increased at first and then decreased, and reached the peak at the big trumpet stage. At the same time, ridge film furrow sowing and straw returning could improve the dry matter quality and yield of maize, The order from high to low was S+M>M>S>CK, compared with CK, the yield of maize treated with S, M and S+M increased by 11.84%, 37.83% and 45.13%, respectively. Plastic film mulching with ridge and furrow sowing combined with straw returning was obviously better than other treatments, and it will be used as a cultivation model of water saving, increasing yield and increasing yield of maize in the dry farming area of Loess Plateau of Inner Mongolia.
    Effects of Water and Nitrogen Coupling on the Yield and Quality of Processing Tomato Under Aerated Irrigation
    CHEN Xiaojie, LYU Desheng, WANG Zhenhua, LI Wenhao, ZONG Rui, WEN Yue, ZOU Jie
    2021, 23(11):  191-200.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2020.0821
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    In order to study the effects of water, nitrogen and aeration on the yield and quality of processing tomato, sixteen treatments were set including two irrigation levels (4 950 and 4 050 m3·hm-2), four nitrogen levels (280, 250, 220, and 190 kg·hm-2) and two aeration ratios (15% and 0%). The traits related with yield and quality were determined. And principal component analysis and membership function were adopted to evaluate yield and fruit quality of different treatments. The results showed that, with nitrogen increasing under the same irrigation level, the yield, fruit weight and the contents of vitamin C and soluble solids increased firstly and then decreased; the content of organic acids increased; but fruit weight decreased. Under the same nitrogen level, yield per plant, fruit weight, transverse diameter and longitudinal diameter of fruit in treatments of high irrigation amounts were higher than those in treatments of low irrigation level; while the fruit number per plant and the contents of soluble sugar, organic acid, vitamin C and soluble solid in treatments of low irrigation amounts were higher than those in treatments of high irrigation amounts. Compared with the conventional irrigation, the yield per plant, fruit number per plant and fruit weight of the aerated irrigation treatments were increased by 6.14%, 3.67%, and 2.35%, respectively; and the transverse diameter, longitudinal diameter and the contents of soluble sugar, organic acid, vitamin C, soluble solid increased by 1.91%, 1.85%, 1.17%, 2.37%, 2.42% and 4.68%, respectively. Based on subordinate function value, the aerated irrigation treatment with 4 050 m3·hm-2 irrigation level and 250 kg·hm-2 nitrogen level could has better effects on yield and good quality of processing tomato under mulched drip irrigation.