Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2021, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (11): 36-46.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2021.0739

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Researches in Screening and Breeding of Rice Varieties with Low-Cadmium Accumulation

LI Ting1, HU Minjun2, XU Jun2, JIANG Yugen2, YAN Huili1, YU Yijun3*, HE Zhenyan 1*   

  1. 1.Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, China; 
    2.Agricultural Technology Extention Center of Fuyang Distrcit, Hangzhou 311104, China; 
    3.Zhejiang Station for Management of Arable Land Quality and Fertilizer, Hangzhou 310000, China
  • Received:2021-08-26 Accepted:2021-09-22 Online:2021-11-15 Published:2021-11-16



  1. 1.中国科学院植物研究所, 北方资源植物重点实验室, 北京 100093; 
    2.杭州市富阳区农业技术推广中心, 杭州 311400;  3.浙江省耕地质量与肥料管理总站, 杭州 310000
  • 通讯作者: 虞轶俊;何振艳
  • 作者简介:李婷
  • 基金资助:




Abstract: Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the main staple crops, and the problem of cadmium pollution in rice grain is a serious threat for human health. It is extremely urgent to reduce the risk of cadmium pollution in grain and realize the rice safe production. Screening and breeding of rice varieties with low-cadmium accumulation is one of the economic and effective method to reduce the risk of cadmium pollution in rice. The screening techniques are based on the phenotype and molecular marker. The breeding methods have evolved from conventional breeding to molecular breeding. The techniques of screening and breeding will be becoming more precise, efficient and intelligent, which provide  huge impetus for the safe production of rice. This article reviewed the latest researches in the selection of low-cadmium accumulation rice varieties and the creation of low-cadmium materials, and prospected the future development direction of molecular breeding systems with new-technologies, aiming to provide scientific support for ensuring food security and dietary health.

Key words: rice, cadmium accumulation, low-cadmium, varieties, screening, breeding, creation

摘要: 水稻(Oryza sativa L.)是我国主要粮食作物之一,稻米镉超标问题严重威胁人体健康。降低稻米镉污染风险,实现水稻安全生产迫在眉睫。镉低积累水稻品种选育是降低稻米镉污染风险经济有效的方法之一。从常规表型筛选到分子标记辅助筛选,从常规育种到分子标记辅助育种、基因工程育种、基因编辑和分子设计育种等分子育种技术,低镉水稻品种选育技术将会走向精准化、高效化与智能化,为水稻的安全生产提供了巨大推动力。综述了镉低积累水稻品种筛选与低镉水稻材料创制的研究进展,并对未来低镉水稻新一代分子育种技术的发展方向进行展望,旨在为保障我国粮食安全与居民健康提供科学支撑。

关键词: 水稻, 镉积累, 低镉, 品种, 筛选, 育种, 创制

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