Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (8): 138-147.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2022.0090
Mingyu ZHAO1(), Hao JIA2, Xiaoyu SHI1, Yi PAN1, Yuyun HUANG1, Kaicheng WANG1, Qingquan CHU1(
Qingquan CHU
赵明宇1(), 贾浩2, 石晓宇1, 潘义1, 黄妤韵1, 王凯澄1, 褚庆全1(
CLC Number:
Mingyu ZHAO, Hao JIA, Xiaoyu SHI, Yi PAN, Yuyun HUANG, Kaicheng WANG, Qingquan CHU. Distribution of Winter Wheat Water Footprint in Huang-Huai-Hai Farming Region in Recent 30 Years[J]. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2023, 25(8): 138-147.
赵明宇, 贾浩, 石晓宇, 潘义, 黄妤韵, 王凯澄, 褚庆全. 近30年黄淮海农作区冬小麦水足迹分布变化[J]. 中国农业科技导报, 2023, 25(8): 138-147.
亚区编号 Sub-zone code | 亚区名称 Sub-zone name | 海拔 Elevation/m | 年均温 Annual mean temperature/℃ | ≥10℃积温 ≥10 ℃ accumulated temperature/℃ | 无霜期 Frost-free season/d | 年均降雨量 Annual mean rainfall/mm |
2.1 | 环渤海山东半岛滨海外向型二熟农渔区 Export-oriented double cropping agricultural and fishing region in Shandong Peninsula coast around Bohai | 0~40 | 11~14 | 4 000~4 500 | 180~220 | 600~1 000 |
2.2 | 燕山太行山山前平原水浇地二熟区 Irrigated double cropping plain in piedmonts of Taihang Mountain and Yan Mountain | 70~100 | 10~14 | 4 000~4 600 | 180~200 | 550~650 |
2.3 | 海河低平原缺水水浇地二熟兼旱地一熟区 Irrigated double cropping region and drought one cropping region in the lower Haihe Plain; | 10~30 | 12~13 | 4 200~4 500 | 180~195 | 500~600 |
2.4 | 鲁西平原鲁中丘陵水浇地二熟兼一熟区 Irrigated and drought double cropping region in the west plain and the middle hills of Shandong | 20~60 | 11~14 | 3 600~4 600 | 185~210 | 600~800 |
2.5 | 黄淮平原南阳盆地水浇地旱地二熟区 Irrigated and drought double cropping region in the Nanyang Basin of the Huang-Huai Plain | 70~40 | 14~15 | 4 500~4 800 | 205~220 | 650~950 |
2.6 | 汾渭谷地水浇地二熟旱地一熟兼二熟区 Irrigated double cropping region and drought one and double cropping regions in the Fenwei Valley; | 400~600 | 8~13 | 3 500~4 500 | 190~210 | 460~700 |
2.7 | 豫西丘陵山地旱坡地一熟水浇地二熟区 Drought sloping region of one cropping system and irrigated double cropping region in the west hills of Henan Province. | 300~800 | 12~15 | 3 800~4 800 | 190~230 | 550~650 |
全区Total zone | 0~800 | 8~15 | 3 500~4 800 | 180~230 | 460~1 000 |
Table 1 Topographic and climatic characteristics of sub-regions in Huang-Huai-Hai farming region [17]
亚区编号 Sub-zone code | 亚区名称 Sub-zone name | 海拔 Elevation/m | 年均温 Annual mean temperature/℃ | ≥10℃积温 ≥10 ℃ accumulated temperature/℃ | 无霜期 Frost-free season/d | 年均降雨量 Annual mean rainfall/mm |
2.1 | 环渤海山东半岛滨海外向型二熟农渔区 Export-oriented double cropping agricultural and fishing region in Shandong Peninsula coast around Bohai | 0~40 | 11~14 | 4 000~4 500 | 180~220 | 600~1 000 |
2.2 | 燕山太行山山前平原水浇地二熟区 Irrigated double cropping plain in piedmonts of Taihang Mountain and Yan Mountain | 70~100 | 10~14 | 4 000~4 600 | 180~200 | 550~650 |
2.3 | 海河低平原缺水水浇地二熟兼旱地一熟区 Irrigated double cropping region and drought one cropping region in the lower Haihe Plain; | 10~30 | 12~13 | 4 200~4 500 | 180~195 | 500~600 |
2.4 | 鲁西平原鲁中丘陵水浇地二熟兼一熟区 Irrigated and drought double cropping region in the west plain and the middle hills of Shandong | 20~60 | 11~14 | 3 600~4 600 | 185~210 | 600~800 |
2.5 | 黄淮平原南阳盆地水浇地旱地二熟区 Irrigated and drought double cropping region in the Nanyang Basin of the Huang-Huai Plain | 70~40 | 14~15 | 4 500~4 800 | 205~220 | 650~950 |
2.6 | 汾渭谷地水浇地二熟旱地一熟兼二熟区 Irrigated double cropping region and drought one and double cropping regions in the Fenwei Valley; | 400~600 | 8~13 | 3 500~4 500 | 190~210 | 460~700 |
2.7 | 豫西丘陵山地旱坡地一熟水浇地二熟区 Drought sloping region of one cropping system and irrigated double cropping region in the west hills of Henan Province. | 300~800 | 12~15 | 3 800~4 800 | 190~230 | 550~650 |
全区Total zone | 0~800 | 8~15 | 3 500~4 800 | 180~230 | 460~1 000 |
Fig. 2 Total amount in 2015 and variation from 1985 to 2015 of blue, green and gray water footprints of winter wheatA: Blue water footprint in 2015; B: Green water footprint in 2015; C: Grey water footprint in 2015; D: Changes in blue water footprint from 1985 to 2015; E: Changes in green water footprint from 1985 to 2015; F: Changes in grey water footprint from 1985 to 2015
亚区编号 Sub-zone code | 蓝水足迹 Blue water footprint/(104 m3) | 绿水足迹 Green water footprint/(104 m3) | 灰水足迹 Grey water footprint/(104 m3) |
2.1 | 424 230.53 | 256 960.89 | 373 544.22 |
2.2 | 538 229.67 | 211 788.56 | 473 800.56 |
2.3 | 913 641.54 | 344 867.87 | 898 188.38 |
2.4 | 341 141.11 | 195 592.40 | 450 639.62 |
2.5 | 1 298 791.10 | 1 343 188.32 | 2 086 842.38 |
2.6 | 129 818.33 | 93 650.51 | 182 135.14 |
2.7 | 307 456.90 | 192 372.33 | 628 510.32 |
Table 2 Blue, green and gray water footprints of sub-regions in Huang-Huai-Hai farming region in 2015
亚区编号 Sub-zone code | 蓝水足迹 Blue water footprint/(104 m3) | 绿水足迹 Green water footprint/(104 m3) | 灰水足迹 Grey water footprint/(104 m3) |
2.1 | 424 230.53 | 256 960.89 | 373 544.22 |
2.2 | 538 229.67 | 211 788.56 | 473 800.56 |
2.3 | 913 641.54 | 344 867.87 | 898 188.38 |
2.4 | 341 141.11 | 195 592.40 | 450 639.62 |
2.5 | 1 298 791.10 | 1 343 188.32 | 2 086 842.38 |
2.6 | 129 818.33 | 93 650.51 | 182 135.14 |
2.7 | 307 456.90 | 192 372.33 | 628 510.32 |
Fig. 4 Changes of cold and hot spots of water footprint for winter wheat in Huang-Huai-Hai farming region from 1985 to 2015A: Cold and hot spots of water footprint for winter wheat in 1985; B: Cold and hot spots of water footprint for winter wheat in 2015
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