Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2022, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (12): 68-77.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2022.0985
• INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY • Previous Articles Next Articles
Jingkun ZHANG1,2(), Wenjia LI3,4, Peng ZENG1,2, Xiangbing MENG1, Hong YU1,2, Jiayang LI1,2,3(
Jiayang LI
张静昆1,2(), 李文佳3,4, 曾鹏1,2, 孟祥兵1, 余泓1,2, 李家洋1,2,3(
张静昆 E-mail:;
CLC Number:
Jingkun ZHANG, Wenjia LI, Peng ZENG, Xiangbing MENG, Hong YU, Jiayang LI. Innovation and Progresses in de novo Domestication of Crops[J]. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2022, 24(12): 68-77.
张静昆, 李文佳, 曾鹏, 孟祥兵, 余泓, 李家洋. 作物从头驯化策略的提出与进展[J]. 中国农业科技导报, 2022, 24(12): 68-77.
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