Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2022, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (1): 1-13.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2020.0781
Mengyuan HAO1,2(), Qi HANG2, Gongyao SHI1(
Gongyao SHI
郝梦媛 E-mail:;
CLC Number:
Mengyuan HAO, Qi HANG, Gongyao SHI. Application and Prospect of Virus-induced Gene Silencing in Crop Gene Function Research[J]. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2022, 24(1): 1-13.
郝梦媛, 杭琦, 师恭曜. VIGS基因沉默技术在作物基因功能研究中的应用与展望[J]. 中国农业科技导报, 2022, 24(1): 1-13.
Fig.1 Mechanism of RNAi and VIGS (taking TRV as an example)A:RNAi; B:VIGS。A-a: The dsRNA is cleaved into siRNAs; A-b: The formation of RISC; A-c: The RISC is activated; A-d: The RISC binds to complementary mRNA sequences; A-e: Target gene mRNA degradation. B-a: Genomic organization of wild-type TRV RNA 1 and RNA 2; B-b: The structure of pBINTRA6 and PTV00T-DNA after artificial modification; B-c: The process of viral immunity in plant cells. MT—Methyltransferase;H—Helicase; RdRp—RdRp gene; Mp—Movement protein; 16 k—16 kD protein; Cp—Coat protein; 29.4 k—29.4 kD protein; 32.8 k—32.8 kD protein;LB—Left border; 35S—35S promoter;T—Transcription terminator; RB—Right border;MCS—multiple cloning site.
病毒 Virus | 基因组 Genome | 宿主 Natural host | 基因研究 Genes studied | 首次应用年份Year of first application | 基因功能 Gene function | 文献 Reference |
烟草花叶病毒 Tobacco mosaic virus | RNA | 烟草 N. tabacum | 八氢番茄红素合酶、八氢番茄红素去饱和酶 Phytoene synthase, phytoene desaturase | 1995 | 类胡萝卜素生物合成 Biosynthesis of carotenoids | [ |
马铃薯X病毒 Potato virus X | RNA | 马铃薯,烟草 S. tuberosum, N. tabacum | β-葡萄糖醛酸酶、八氢番茄红素去饱和酶 β-glucuronidase, phytoene desaturase | 1998 | 硝酸还原酶活性 Nitrate reductase activity | [ |
番茄金色花叶病毒 Tomato goldenmosaic virus | DNA | 番茄 S. lycopersicon | 硫等位基因、荧光素酶 Sulfur allele, luciferase | 1998 | 同源染色体基因表达调节 Regulation of homologous gene expression | [ |
烟草脆裂病毒 Tobacco rattle virus | RNA | 宿主范围广泛 Wide host range | 八氢番茄红素去饱和酶、绿色荧光蛋白、叶绿体CLA1基因等 Phytoene desaturase, green fluorescent protein, Cloroplastos CLA1, etc. | 2001 | 抗病、棉花品质性状、耐寒、果实发育、线虫防治 Disease-resistant, quality character of cotton, chilling tolerance, fruit development, nematoda control | [ |
大麦条纹花叶病毒 Barley stripe mosaic virus | RNA | 大麦、小麦、燕麦、玉米、甘蓝 H. vulgare,T. aestivum, A. sativa,Z. mays, B. oleracera | 八氢番茄红素去饱和酶、绿色荧光蛋白Phytoene desaturase, green fluorescent protein | 2002 | 抗病、胁迫 Disease-resistant, stress | [ |
卫星烟草花叶病毒 Satellite tobacco moscirevirus | RNA | 木立烟草 N. glauca | 八氢番茄红素去饱和酶、查尔酮合酶、ADP核糖聚合酶等 Phytoene desaturase, Chalcone synthase A, poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, etc. | 2002 | 花色性状 Character of flower color | [ |
白菜曲叶病毒 Cabbage leaf curl virus | DNA | 拟南芥 A. thaliana | 绿色荧光蛋白、八氢番茄红素去饱和酶Green fluorescent protein, phytoene desaturase | 2002 | 叶绿素合成、DNA复制 Chlorophyll synthesis, DNA replication | [ |
非洲木薯花叶病毒 African cassava mosaic virus | DNA | 树薯 M. esculenta | 八氢番茄红素去饱和酶、硫等位基因Phytoene desaturase, sulfur allele | 2004 | 细胞机制Cellular mechanism | [ |
Table 1 VIGS vectors and their applications in plant
病毒 Virus | 基因组 Genome | 宿主 Natural host | 基因研究 Genes studied | 首次应用年份Year of first application | 基因功能 Gene function | 文献 Reference |
烟草花叶病毒 Tobacco mosaic virus | RNA | 烟草 N. tabacum | 八氢番茄红素合酶、八氢番茄红素去饱和酶 Phytoene synthase, phytoene desaturase | 1995 | 类胡萝卜素生物合成 Biosynthesis of carotenoids | [ |
马铃薯X病毒 Potato virus X | RNA | 马铃薯,烟草 S. tuberosum, N. tabacum | β-葡萄糖醛酸酶、八氢番茄红素去饱和酶 β-glucuronidase, phytoene desaturase | 1998 | 硝酸还原酶活性 Nitrate reductase activity | [ |
番茄金色花叶病毒 Tomato goldenmosaic virus | DNA | 番茄 S. lycopersicon | 硫等位基因、荧光素酶 Sulfur allele, luciferase | 1998 | 同源染色体基因表达调节 Regulation of homologous gene expression | [ |
烟草脆裂病毒 Tobacco rattle virus | RNA | 宿主范围广泛 Wide host range | 八氢番茄红素去饱和酶、绿色荧光蛋白、叶绿体CLA1基因等 Phytoene desaturase, green fluorescent protein, Cloroplastos CLA1, etc. | 2001 | 抗病、棉花品质性状、耐寒、果实发育、线虫防治 Disease-resistant, quality character of cotton, chilling tolerance, fruit development, nematoda control | [ |
大麦条纹花叶病毒 Barley stripe mosaic virus | RNA | 大麦、小麦、燕麦、玉米、甘蓝 H. vulgare,T. aestivum, A. sativa,Z. mays, B. oleracera | 八氢番茄红素去饱和酶、绿色荧光蛋白Phytoene desaturase, green fluorescent protein | 2002 | 抗病、胁迫 Disease-resistant, stress | [ |
卫星烟草花叶病毒 Satellite tobacco moscirevirus | RNA | 木立烟草 N. glauca | 八氢番茄红素去饱和酶、查尔酮合酶、ADP核糖聚合酶等 Phytoene desaturase, Chalcone synthase A, poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, etc. | 2002 | 花色性状 Character of flower color | [ |
白菜曲叶病毒 Cabbage leaf curl virus | DNA | 拟南芥 A. thaliana | 绿色荧光蛋白、八氢番茄红素去饱和酶Green fluorescent protein, phytoene desaturase | 2002 | 叶绿素合成、DNA复制 Chlorophyll synthesis, DNA replication | [ |
非洲木薯花叶病毒 African cassava mosaic virus | DNA | 树薯 M. esculenta | 八氢番茄红素去饱和酶、硫等位基因Phytoene desaturase, sulfur allele | 2004 | 细胞机制Cellular mechanism | [ |
Fig.2 Mechamism of MIGS?VIGS and HIGSA:MIR-VIGS; B:HIGS.A-a: AmiRNA is synthesized and recombinant vectors are constructed; A-b: The pri-amiRNA is cleaved into dsmiRNAs; A-c: The formation of RISC; A-d: The RISC is activated; A-e: The RISC binds to complementary mRNA sequences; A-f: Target gene mRNA degradation; B-a: Construction of recombinant vector; B-b: RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) is formed; B-c: RISC bind to the pathogen mRNA; B-d: The pathogen mRNA degrades and gene expression is inhibited.
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