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    15 September 2019, Volume 21 Issue 9
    Current Progress and Demand Analysis of Diagnostic Technologies for African Swine Fever
    ZHANG Li, LUO Yuzi, WANG Tao, SUN Yuan, QIU Huaji*
    2019, 21(9):  1-11.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0209
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    African swine fever (ASF) is a hemorrhagic, highly contagious disease caused by ASF virus (ASFV). The clinical symptoms of the disease are very similar to those of classical swine fever. ASF firstly occurred in Shenyang, Liaoning province in August 2018, and then spreaded rapidly to 31 provinces or regions of China, causing direct economic losses more than tens of billions  RMB. Because no effective vaccine is commercially available, rapid, sensitive, and convenient diagnostic techniques are critical to prevent and eradicate the disease. This paper summarized the current diagnostic methods of ASFV, and comparatively analyzed their performance. At the same time, it discussed the future development direction and trend of ASFV diagnostic technology to provide technical reference for ASF surveillance and comprehensive prevention and control in China.
    Thoughts and Measures Promoting High Quality Development of Rural Biogas
    WANG Dengshan, LIU Yi, RAN Yi, JIANG Na, WU Jin*
    2019, 21(9):  12-19.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0042
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    Rural biogas development is closely connected with rural areas, agriculture and farmers. It is an important measure to improve rural living conditions, provide clean energy and protect rural environment. During the “11th Five-Year Plan” and “12th Five-Year Plan”, rural biogas development had realized dramatic development, achieved a leading role in the terms of scale and played an active role in circular agriculture. At present, the economic development of China has transited into quality-oriented development. Therefore, economic growth is no longer relying on traditional factor input and cost advantage. How to push the rural biogas to seize the opportunity and play a special role in the rural revitalization is an important issue in the development of the rural biogas industry. By analyzing the problems such as insufficient utilization, unreasonable distribution and low efficiency in operation,it was found that the development of rural biogas was “large and not strong”, and faced challenges in the transformation and upgrading. Currently, structural reform of rural biogas supply side should meet the major demands of  the frontier of national science and technology cultivate innovative and competitive new rural biogas industry, change new development momentum and effectively improve the quality and efficiency of economic growth. Combining with the current situation and outstanding problems of insufficient regional development and unbalanced spatial distribution of rural biogas in China, this paper proposed to deepen the structural reform of the supply side of rural biogas agriculture, promote the transformation and upgrade of rural biogas by scientific and technological progress, and support the role of rural biogas in rural revitalization by science and technology, so as to promote the high-quality development of rural biogas.
    Analysis of Risk Communication for Transgene in China
    SUN Zhuojing1, SONG Guiwen1*, ZHOU Ting2, WANG Qiming2*, YE Jiming1
    2019, 21(9):  20-24.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0011
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    With the development of global transgenic technology and the increasing planting area of genetically modified crops, the economic and social impact has become increasingly significant in the society. There are still many misunderstandings and knowledge blind spots about transgene. It is a positive effect to promote the normal peoples scientific and rational knowledge about genetic modification by the implement of reasonable and effective transgenic risk communication. The present paper expounded the connotation and necessity of risk communication, analyzed the challenges of transgenic risk communication, and combined work experience to propose some suggestions for conducting transgenic risk communication, aiming to create orderly transgenic research and development, and helping rural revitalization in China.
    salt tolerance; survival rate; SSR molecular marker; quantitative trait locus; genetic linkage mapQTL Mapping of Seedling Survival Rate Under Salt Stress in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
    DUAN Min1, XIE Liujie1, ZHU Yajun2, HUANG Shanjun1, PAN Xiaobiao1*, XU Jianlong2,3*
    2019, 21(9):  25-35.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0361
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    Salt stress is one of the abiotic stress factors repressed rice yield. With the increase of soil salinization, the breeding of new salt-tolerance rice varieties has become the effective method for improving rice yield. Compared with the hybrid breeding method, molecular marker-assisted breeding could improve the selection effect and accuracy. Taking high salt-tolerance Indica rice ST1050 and salt-sensitive Japonica variety Koshihikari as materials,   under the salt stress of 150 mmol/L NaCl liquid for one week and recovery for another one week, the survival rate of seedling was selected as the index of salt-tolerance, and 463 SSR markers uniform distributed on rice chromosomes were selected for the analysis of polymorphism of two parents to  identify  the popucations  genetic type and construct QTL mapping F2 generation. The seedling of two parents, ST1050 and Koshihikari, showed significant difference of survival rate  under salt stress with 60% and 18.75%, respectively. Among the 463 SSR markers, 121 SSR markers displayed clear codominance difference between two parents and the percentage of polymorphism reached 26.13%. The genotype of F2 population of 138 individuals was analyzed by software IciMapping 4.1. Finally, a genetic linkage map covering 1 160.09 cM genetic distance was obtained. Furthermore, combined with the phenotype of F2 population under salt stress, two QTLs, named qSR-8 and qSR-12, were identified on chromosomes 8 and 12, respectively, and explained 13.57% and 6.91% of total phenotypic variance. The study showed that Indica rice ST1050, which contained two QTL of salt-tolerance during seedling, could make a major contribution to improving salt-tolerance progress in rice breeding programs.
    Genome Cloning and Genetic Diversity of Sugercan mosaic virus
    ZHANG Hu1§, JING Xiaoya2§, SUN Liuqing2, CUI Aimin1, ZHANG Penghua1, SHAN Hao1, CHEN Wei2*
    2019, 21(9):  36-43.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0379
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    Maize is an important food and economic crop, which plays an important role in the national economy. Sugercan mosaic virus widely distributed in the main maize producing areas in the world, and it is a great threat for the maize production. For controling SCMV, it is necessary to systematically study the damage, genetic structure and evolution mechanism. This study collected 122 maize leaf samples (62 samples in 2015 and 60 samples in 2016) from four maize producing areas in Shanxi province. By RT-PCR, 36 samples (20 in 2015 and 16 in 2016) were proved to be positive for SCMV. One new SCMV strain was isolated and sequenced from these positive samples. It was found that the genome of this isolate was 9 539 bp including 5′-UTR and 3′-UTR  region and encoded 3 063 aa. The identity and phylogenetic analysis with  26 isolates reported online NCBI were carried out, it was found the 27 isolates were divided into 3 different evolutionary populations based on the whole-genome. The results of this study provided a basis for assessing the epidemiological characteristics of SCMV in China and contribute to the formulation of long-term sustainable prevention and control strategies for SCMV.
    Research on Floral Cluster Pruning Methods of Red Globe Grape
    CHENG Dawei, CHEN Jinyong*, GU Hong, LU Huiran, ZHANG Yang, GUO Xizhi, QI Shuai, LI Zhengyang
    2019, 21(9):  44-50.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2018.0509
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    Taking 5-years-old Red Globe grape plants as tested material, this paper investigated the effects of different floral clusters pruning methods on fruit quality of Red Globe grape; and screened out labor saving, pruning method with high quality. The results showed that the single-grain weight by leaving spikelet tip 10 cm was the highest. The soluble solid contents by leaving spikelet tip 8 cm, 12 cm and 16 cm were significantly higher than that of the other treatments. The tannin contents of leaving spikelet tip 12 cm and 14 cm were significantly lower than that of the other treatments. Among treatments, leaving spikelet tip 8 cm,10 cm and 12 cm were more conducive to coloration than the treatments of shorting branch, retaining middle ear. Leaving spikelet tip 12 cm could obtain the highest comprehensive efficiency. While, the efficiency of leaving spikelet tip 14 cm was the lowest. The comprehensive evaluation results of different pruning methods were in ranks of leaving spikelet tip 12 cm>10 cm>8 cm>remaining the secondary ear>only shorting branch>leaving spikelet tip 14 cm>16 cm>retaining middle ear. Hence, leaving spikelet tip 12 cm should be the best floral cluster pruning method with labor saving and high quality for Red Globe grape in production practice. This study provided theoretical basis for floral cluster pruning of Red Globe grape.
    Study on the Change of Endogenous Hormones During Bulb  Development in Freesia hybrida
    DING Suqin, YAN Zi, LI Xi, TANG Dongqin*
    2019, 21(9):  51-57.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2018.0549
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    In order to explore the role of endogenous hormones in bulb development of freesia, Freesia hybrida ‘SN Huangjin’ was used as material to investigate the bulblet formation and development process, and study the dynamic changing rule of major endogenous hormones during bulb development. The results showed that there were 4 stages involved in the bulblet formation and development process of freesia, including the initial bulblet formation stage during 50~90 d after planting (DAP), early thickening stage (90~110 DAP), fast thickening stage (110~140 DAP), and maturing stage (140~190 DAP). Gibberellin (GA3) content showed a gradually increasing tendency at initial development stage, and reached to a peak at the early bulblet thickening stage (100 DAP), then dropped rapidly to a lowest GA3 level at middle bulblet thickening stage (120 DAP), increasing again at early bulblet maturing stage (150 DAP) reaching to the highest, followed by a gradual decline once again. The  level of abscisic acid (ABA) showed a decreasing trend. The peak of ABA level presented at initial new bulblet formation stage and reduced to the lowest when flower bud appeared, followed by a short increase, then dropped again. The changing trend of indoleacetic acid (IAA) was opposite to ABA, showing an overall increasing tendency. IAA maintained a stable low level during bulblet formation stage. Two peaks of IAA were observed during medium bulb thickening stage (120 DAP), and bulb maturing stage (as 2.5 times of the initial value). At late bulb thickening stage, IAA declined to a low value (140 DAP). A multi-peak ‘M-like’ tendency of zeatin riboside (ZR) content was observed. The correlation analysis revealed that there was a significant correlation between bulb development and the other hormone indexes, except ZR, indicating the levels of endogenous hormones GA3, IAA, ABA and their dynamic equilibrium all had close relation with the bulb development of Freesia hybrida. The results provided guidance for targeted regulation on  bulb development and production of freesia.
    Functional Analysis of Arabidopsis Membrane Locating Protein AtCP2 in Regulation of Cold Stress Resistance
    QI Xin1§, DING Qingqian1§, SU Chen1,2§, XU Weiya1, MU Yongying1, GE Linhao1, XU Zhaoshi1, CHEN Jun1, PAN Yinghong1*, MA Youzhi1*, CHEN Ming1*
    2019, 21(9):  58-68.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0021
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    Members of COR family play important roles in regulating plant response to low temperature stress. In this study, a new cold stress response gene AtCP2 was cloned from Arabidopsis thaliana. AtCP2 belonged to COR413 subfamily of COR gene family. The coding region of AtCP2 gene was 612 bp and encoded 203 amino acids with a molecular weight of 22.75 kDa and an isoelectric point of 9.44. Subcellular localization and gene expression pattern analysis showed that AtCP2 was located on chloroplast membrane and respond to abiotic stresses such as ABA, PEG, NaCl and cold. The results of gene function analysis showed that the survival rate of  cp2 mutant after cold treatment was significantly higher than that of wild-type (WT) Arabidopsis, and the relative conductivity and MAD were lower than that of WT, which indicated that AtCP2 gene negatively regulated plant cold stress resistance. The results of proteomic and qRT-PCR analysis showed that AtCP2 affected plant cold stress resistance by negatively regulating the expression of four ABA and cold stress-related genes  (including ABA2, KIN1, COR47 and COR15B). In conclusion, the above analysis of AtCP2 gene provided basis for understanding the function of COR413 gene family.
    Biological Identification of LEA3 Protein Dgl3 Under Abiotic Stress in Deinococcus gobiensis
    HAN Jiahui1, LIU Yingying1, JIANG Shijie2, CHEN Yun1, GENG Xiuxiu1,2, PING Shuzhen1, WANG Jin1,2*
    2019, 21(9):  69-76.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2018.0546
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    LEA3 (group 3 late embryogenesis abundant proteins) is a type of protein responsed to abiotic stresses and protects cells from damage. Deinococcus gobiensis I-0 was isolated from the Gobi Desert with drought, major temperature difference and strong solar radiation. It possessed highly strong resistance to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, ionizing radiation and desiccation. The protein encoded by Dgo_CA1631 gene in the genome was certain homologous with LEA3, so it was named as Dgl3, and its biological function was investigated in this article. Survival experiments revealed that Dgl3 could significantly enhance resistance of the expression strain BL21 to oxidative and freezing stresses and increase the resistance against to many damages. Likewise, the experiments in vitro demonstrated that the enzymatic activities of malate dehydrogenase and lactate dehydrogenase were effectively maintained due to Dg13 under oxidation and freeze-thaw cycles. Therefore, it was speculated that Dgl3 protein enhanced resistance of host to oxidation and freezing stresses by protecting cellular enzyme activities.
    Simulation Analysis of Airflow Field Characteristics in Drying Cylinder of Rapeseed Spin Dryer
    XIAO Yao1,2, WU Mingliang1,2*, ZHANG Rui1, Mangeh III Fondzenyuy Cedric1
    2019, 21(9):  77-83.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0250
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    In order to avoid the appearence when the already being dried rapeseed could not be separated in time during the operation of rapeseed spin dryer, this paper simulated the air flow field of main working part of rapeseed spin dryer-drying cylinder with the software Ansys Fluent, and explored the effect of airflow inlet type, velocity of inlet airflow and inlet sectional area etc. factors of the drying cylinder on rotational strength of airflow field, velocity component and pressure drop etc. indexes. The paper also estimated, simulated and analyzed the characteristics of outlet airflow field of drying cylinder for effective separation of rapeseed; used a pitot tube to measure the airflow field velocity at the outlet of drying cylinder to verify the correctness of the simulation method. The results showed that the spiral airflow inlet was better than the tangential one in carrying capacity and material separation performance. When the inlet sectional area was constant, the larger the velocity was, the more favorable the airflow field distribution in the drying cylinder was for material separation. The inlet sectional area of the drying cylinder was positively correlated with pressure drop, and had effect on airflow velocity at the outlet section. The airflow field at the outlet was simulated and verified by experiments, and the change trend of airflow field was consistent. The average error between the simulated value and measured value of the airflow velocity at the same point was 6.58%, which verified the correctness of establishing airflow field simulation model of the drying cylinder in this study.
    Simulation Optimization Analysis of Shrinking Tube pitch and Splitter Position of Rotating Jet Mixer
    SONG Haichao1,2, XU Youlin2*, ZHENG Jiaqiang2, DAI Xiang2
    2019, 21(9):  84-89.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0271
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    The main components of swirling jet mixer are spiral curved shrinkage tube, mixing tube and shunt. The pitch of spirally curved shrinkage tube and the position of shunt in mixing tube directly affect the structure of swirling jet mixer. In order to analyze the  influence of swirling jet mixer among the pitch of shrinkage tube and the position of shunt on mixing uniformity, the structure of the mixer were optimized by orthogonal experiments with two factors and three levels. A computational fluid dynamics program (FLUENT) was used to simulate the flow field inside the swirling jet mixer to optimize its design. The mixture uniformity was evaluated by  the uniformity index (γa), for which, the two liquids were blended homogenously when γa was near to 1. Simulated results briefly showed as follows: Spiral curved shrinkage tube improved mixing uniformity of swirling jet mixer, but it was not significant. When the shunt was located at the inlet, middle and outlet of the mixing pipe respectively, it had little effect on the mixing uniformity of fat-soluble pesticides, and the mixing uniformity of the mixer was basically the same. The mixing uniformity of the swirling jet mixer was the best with three times the pitch of the helical bending shrinkage tube and the shunt in the middle of the mixing tube.
    Research on the Estimation Model of Scophthalmus maximus Weight Based on Depth Image
    TIAN Jie1,2, YANG Xinting1,2*, XU Daming2, SUN Chuanheng2, LIN Kai2, ZHOU Chao2
    2019, 21(9):  90-96.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2018.0574
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    In order to carry out non-destructive estimation of the weight of Scophthalmus maximus, a weight estimation model was proposed based on depth image. The method firstly performed image preprocessing on the depeth image, extracted the target feature by using the growth data-mapping model, then combined the grid search optimization support vector regression (GS-SVR) algorithm to realize the weight estimation of Scophthalmus maximus. The estimated results were compared with the actual measured results. Experiment showed the optimal fit (R2) was 0.990 1, The root mean square error (RMSE) was 0.029 7. The model had the characteristics of simple and flexible, high estimation accuracy and easy implementation,which has a good application prospect.
    Insecticidal Effects of Thymol Against Caenorhabditis elegans at Different Stages
    LU Lu1,2, ZHANG Mengli2, DI Yilin2, ZHU Kai1*, SHI Baojun2*
    2019, 21(9):  97-103.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0240
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    Synthetic pesticides used to control plant parasitic nematodes have seriously polluted the ecological environment. Therefore it is urgent to develop natural biological pesticides. All nematode species are similar, and the difference between parasitic nematodes and model animal Caenorhabditis elegansis are less than the difference between species of parasitic nematodes. Thus the present study investigated the effect of thymol, a natural product from Thymus mongolicus Ronn., on C. elegans  at the stages of growth and development (L4 stage) and reproductive (egg stage). The lifespan, locomotion capacity and survival sub-algebraic phenotype of C. elegansis were examined. The results showed that the median lethal concentration and minimum lethal concentration was 50 mg/L and 125 mg/L, respectively, when the C. elegans at L4 stage was treated with thymol for 4 h. When C. elegans at egg stage was treated with thymol for 4 h, the median lethal concentration and minimum lethal concentration was 50 mg/L and 100 mg/L, respectively. Meanwhile thymol significantly reduced the athletic ability of C. elegans at L4 and egg stages, and the surviving progeny number of C. elegans at egg stage. Sum up, the treatment with 125 mg/L thymol on nematodes for 4 h had the best insecticidal effect and could control plant parasitic nematodes with low cost,  high efficiency and environmental friendly.
    Study on Residue and Degradation Dynamics of Dimethomorph in Potato and Its Soil
    LIU Yang1, WANG Wei1, ZHU Xuran1, ZHANG Jiaxiao1, LIU Yuan1,2, WANG Jian1,2*
    2019, 21(9):  104-110.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2018.0728
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    Dimethomorph is a new kind of therapeutic special fungicide, widely used in disease prevention and control of late blight. In order to reasonably apply dimethomorph in the prevention and treatment of potato late blight, this experiment used the method of UPLC-MS to study the dissolution dynamics and final residues of dimethomorph in potato tubers, plants and soil from different places (Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and Heilongjiang Province) in different years (2015 and 2016). The results showed that the half-lives of dimethomorph in potato plants were 22.36 d (Ningxia) and 12.38 d (Heilongjiang) in 2015, 3.69 d (Ningxia) and 28.88 d (Heilongjiang) in 2016. The half-lives of dimethomorph in soil were 231.05 d (Ningxia) and 6.48 d (Heilongjiang) in 2015, 69.31 d (Ningxia) and 13.33 d (Heilongjiang) in 2016. The final residues of dimethomorph in potato plants, tubers and soil were different with different dosages, times and time intervals. When the dosage was 1 345.5~2 018.2 g (a.i)/hm2, the spraying times was 3~4, the interval of application was 7 days, and the residue of enylmorpholine in potato tubers was all less than 0.02 mg/kg, which was lower than the maximum residue limit of 0.05 mg/kg set in China.
    Impact of Sowing Date on Growth and Nutrient Accumulation of Huayouza 62 in Arid and Semi-arid Areas at North Foot of Yinshan Mountain
    JING Yupeng1,2, DUAN Yu1*, ZHANG Jun1, NIU Jie3, ZHANG Sanfen1, LI Xiuping1, LI Yanfang1, SHA Na1
    2019, 21(9):  111-116.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2018.0472
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    Taking feed rape Huayouza 62 as research object, this paper studied the effects of sowing date on growth, yield and nutrient uptake and accumulation of feed rapeseed by different sowing dates in the arid and semi-arid area and agro-pastoral transition zone at north foot of Yinshan mountain. The results showed that: Delaying sowing date could shorten the growth period of feed rape, especially the time period from sowing to seedling emergence; lead the effective branch number and stem diameter increasing; decline seedling emergence number, fresh grass yield and nutrient accumulation. While, the changing trend of plant N, P, K contents above ground were different along with the changing trend in sowing date delay. The N content reduced first, then increased. P content increased first then reduced. K content was gradually decreasing. The quantities of N and K accumulation were gradually decreasing, along with the sowing date delaying. The accumulation of P increased first then reduced. For overall consideration, the suitable sowing date for feed rape in the arid and semi-arid area and agro-pastoral transition zone at north foot of Yinshan mountain was from late May to early June.
    Effects of Different Proportions of Yellow Sand and Slag on the Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Greenhouse Cucumber Plants
    ZHOU Yu1,2, CHEN Mengmeng1, LIU Qing1, MA Xinchao1, GENG Yangyang1,2, YANG Ping1,2, MA Guocai3, XUAN Zhengying1,2*
    2019, 21(9):  117-124.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0119
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    In order to screen the matrix formula suitable for greenhouse cucumber cultivation, yellow sand and slag were used as raw materials for soilless culture. Seven treatments of different ratios of yellow sand to slag, including 5∶0(T1), 5∶1(T2), 5∶2(T3), 5∶3(T4), 5∶4(T5), 5∶5(T6), 0∶5(T7), were set to carry out. The physical and chemical properties and the physiological indexes of cucumber in different treatments were determined. The results showed that the plant height, stem diameter and leaf number of cucumber were increased significantly in treatment T5, and it was higher in T5 treatment than those of other treatments. Moreover  the accumulation of plant biomass, chlorophyll, soluble sugar and starch in leaves were also significantly affected by different substrate treatments. The fuzzy membership function method was used to comprehensively evaluate the indicators. The order of comprehensive evaluation value was as follow: T5>T1>T4>T7>T6>T2>T3. It was suggested that  T5 (yellow sand:slag=5∶4) had the best performance and T3 (yellow sand:slag=5∶2) had the worst performance. This study suggested that T5 (yellow sand:slag=5∶4) could be used as an inorganic cultivation substrate for efficient cultivation of cucumber. The present work provided new ideas and theoretical basis for the synergistic production of cucumbers in Southern Xinjiang.
    Studies on Soil Fertility Quality of Zanthoxylum planispinum var. Dingtanensis in Different Planting Bases
    SONG Yanping1, YU Yanghua2*, YANG Danli1, LUO Jing1
    2019, 21(9):  125-136.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2018.0525
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    In order to investigate the soil fertility quality characteristics of Zanthoxylum planispinum var. Dingtanensis in different planting bases, this paper took 3 different planting bases(base 1 was wasteland, base 2 was reclaimed land, base 3 was farmland)of Zanthoxylum planispinum var. Dingtanensis in Beipanjiang Town, Zhenfeng County, Guizhou Province as study object, and measured 30 indicators including soil pH, AN and AP, etc., then built up the minimum data set and evaluated the soil fertility quality. The results showed that TN, TP, AP, Mg, Fe, Al, Ni, Co, Pb, Cd and Cr were the highest in base 1; AN, TK, AK, Cl, Mn, B, Mo, Zn, Cu, As and Sr were the highest in base 2; pH, SOC, Ca, Si and Se were the highest in base 3. The minimum data set for soil fertility quality evaluation included two indicators of Mn and B. Moreover, Mn had a higher loading value (0.998) in the first principal component, and B had a higher loading value (0.997) in the second principal component. Soil fertility quality comprehensive indexes from high to low were in the following order: base 2 (0.75) > base 1 (-0.32) > base 3 (-0.43). In order to improve soil fertility quality, the contents of AN, AP, TK, AK, B, Ti and Sr should be increased in base 1; pH should be properly improved in base 2; and contents of TN, Fe, Mn, Mo, Zn, Co and As should be increased in Base 3. These studying results  provided theoretical data for soil nutrient management and soil-testing for formulated fertilization in Zanthoxylum planispinum var. Dngtanensis planting bases.
    Characteristics of Stellera chamaejasme Root and  Furfural Preparation  from Central Cylinder
    LI Haichao1, HUANG Lijuan1, SUN Huizhen2*
    2019, 21(9):  137-142.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2018.0510
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    Stellera chamaejasme is a typical perennial herbaceous plant on the grassland in northern China and its resource utilization is a new way of thinking and management. This paper investigated the characteristics, chemical composition and furfural preparation from the central cylinder of S. chamaejasme roots in the south bank of Qinghai lake. The results showed that: The cortex thickness and its maximum diameter had a linear relationship. When the water content was 4.5%, the density of the central cylinder (0.72 g/cm3) was slightly higher than that of the cortex (0.69 g/cm3). There were great differences in the chemical constituents between the central cylinder and cortex of S. chamaejasme roots. Due to the high content of pentosan in the central cylinder, it might be suitable as the raw material for preparing furfural. The yield of furfural prepared by the experiment was 8.2%, which was similar to that of bagasse the commonly used raw material. The results could provide a reference for the comprehensive utilization of Stellera chamaejasme.
    Effect of Mixed Medium of Racoon-dog Meat and Fungus Chaff on the Growth and Development of Hermetia illucens L. Larvae
    LI Jinghua, WEN Xiaolei, WANG Changqing, JI Zhixin*, YU Quanlin, LIU Shengtao, ZHANG Qi, GAO Suhong
    2019, 21(9):  143-148.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0432
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    In order to reveal the effect of  racoon-dog meat and fungus chaff  on the larval growth, pre-pupae and pupae development, adult duration, feed coefficient and insect frass yield of the black soldier flies (Hermetia illucens), this paper studied their differences  under different proportion of racoon-dog meat and fungus chaff  at 20~25℃ with relative humidity 70%~80%.The results showed that the best effect was racoon-dog meat and fungus chaff ratio of 10%: 90% (P<0.05).There was no significant difference in length, weight and death rate among treatments (P>0.05). The pre-pupa weight of and pupa weight the black soldier flies feeded with 90% racoon-dog meat and 10% fungus chaff were significantly higher than those which were feeded with 60% racoon-dog meat and 40% fungus chaff, but there was no significant difference with other treatments (P>0.05). In practice,10% fungus chaff+90% racoon-dog meat was the better conducive for the growth of Hermetia illucens L.
    Spatial-temporal Distribution of Purse Seine in Arabian Sea and Its Relationship With Sea Surface Environmental Factors
    YANG Shenglong, FAN Xiumei, ZHANG Bianbian, ZHANG Heng, ZHANG Shengmao, CUI Xuesen, FAN Wei*
    2019, 21(9):  149-158.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2018.0615
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    In order to understand the impact of surface environmental factors in the Arabian sea on seine fisheries, this paper used the production data of China's Indian Ocean towing seine net during 2016-2017 and data of sea surface temperature (SST), sea surface chlorophyll-a concentration (Chl a), sea surface current (SSC) and sea surface height (SSH)) during the same period to analyze statistically the changes of seine net operation center of gravity and relationship between seine net CPUE and surface environmental factors; and also used frequency analysis and empirical cumulative distribution function (ECDF) to calculate the most suitable marine environment interval. The results showed that: The surface environment, purse seine operations and centre of gravity of fishing grounds in the Arabian sea were significantly affected by the Indian Ocean monsoon. Seine net fishery fishing season was mainly during the northeast monsoon period. The fishery gravity center moved in the same direction as the surface monsoon. In winter monsoon, the SST of the fishing ground showed a small fluctuation trend from high to low and then high. The CPUE location moved along with Chl a high concentration value area north-south shrink, and presented a characteristic with north-south moving longitude direction. CPUE located at the right side of sea area with larger flow rate distributed at the west border, presenting in the central region between the highest and lowest values of SSC. During the northeast monsoon period, the optimum SST was 25.5~28℃, Chl a concentration was 0.2~0.5 mg/m3, SSC was 0.05~0.25 m/s, and SSH was 0.20~0.35 m, respectively.
    Effect of Typhoon  on the Distribution of Macroalgae in the Seaweed Beds of Gouqi Island, Zhejiang Province
    WU Zuli1,2, ZHANG Shouyu1*
    2019, 21(9):  159-168.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2018.0695
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    In order to study the distribution characteristics of macroalgae impacted by typhoons and provide basic data for the restoration and reconstruction of the seaweed beds in Gouqi Island, Zhengjiang Province, this paper collected some data, including the best track data of strong typhoon ‘Haikui’  obtained from the China Meteorological Administration, weather data from Shengshan Station, survey data of macroalgae before (May, 2012) and after (August, 2012) typhoon effect, benthic characteristics survey data and wave exposure measure data in Gouqi Island. These data were used to analyze the changes of the minimum air pressure and maximum wind speed by linear regression analysis, determine the dominant macroalgae species by index of relative importance, then analyze the biomass distribution of dominant species combined with the characteristics of island sediment and the change of wave exposure index. The results showed the minimum air pressure and maximum wind speed in Gouqi Island was recorded 992.9 hPa and 20 m/s, respectively, impacted by ‘Haikui’. Beaufort scale in Gouqi Iland was 9, with a wind direction from east to southeast. Wave exposure index in south of the island was higher than that in north under the impact of wind wave made by ‘Haikui’. The macroalgae species composition was no significant difference before and after typhoon. Sargassum vachellianum, Jania decussato-dichotoma and Dictyota dichotoma were the dominant macroalgae species in Gouqi Island. Sargassum horneri, Symphyocladia latiuscula and Corallina officinalis were the fundamental macroalgae species in Gouqi Island. The biomass distribution of dominant and fundamental species in each site was contrary to the wave exposure index. In this paper, suggestions were provided to reduce the impact of typhoon disaster during the restoration and reconstruction mission in the seaweed beds of Gouqi Island, which included the windless region selection and releasing artificial reefs with antiwind-wave capability.