
Table of Content

    15 December 2019, Volume 21 Issue 12
    Development of Agricultural Science and Technology Parks in China: Evolution, Problems and Paths
    WU Sheng, WU Yongchang*, CHEN Xueyuan
    2019, 21(12):  1-7.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0097
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    In order to improve the construction level of agricultural science and technology parks(ASTPs) to a higher level, this paper reviewed the stages of ASTPs in China, analyzed the main problems existing in agricultural science and technology parks in China, re-examined the functional characteristics of ASTPs, and discussed the development path of ASTPs in the future. The primary function of ASTPs should be agricultural science and technology innovation. However, due to the scarcity of scientific and technological elements, the development direction of different parks were  different. Finally, this paper put forward some suggestions, such as strengthening the classification and guidance of the parks, perfecting the evaluation system and withdrawal mechanism, developing agricultural high-tech industry, and developing agricultural science and technology service.
    Research on Development Status and Strategies of Informatization Leading Modern Agricultural Park
    ZHANG Qian, HUAI Heju*, SUN Ning, WANG Aimeng, LI Cunjun
    2019, 21(12):  8-13.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0008
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    Modern agricultural park is an important starting point to promote the development of agricultural modernization in China. Information technologies, represented by the internet of things in agriculture, big data and mobile internet have been widely used in modern agricultural parks, which have become important force leading the agricultural transformation and high-quality development of modern agriculture. This paper reviewed the situation of agricultural information technology and products used in facility agriculture, filed cultivation, livestock and poultry breeding, aquaculture, quality and safety traceability system of agricultural product, modern agriculture administration and service; pointed out the problems in the development of modern agricultural parks informatization, such as unbalanced regional development, the lag of key technology research and development, the imperfection of technical standard system and difficulty in product promotion; put forward the developing orientations and policy recommendations as follows: accelerating technological research and development innovation, strengthening the standard system construction, increasing investment, developing the guiding role of the government and cultivating professionals, in order to provide reference for digitalization, automatization and intelligentization improvement of modern agricultural park.
    Construction of Maize Near-Isogenic Lines and Its Application
    LI Yang1,2, ZOU Junjie2, YU Jia2, XU Yu2,3, XU Miaoyun2, LUO Hongfa1*, WANG Lei2*
    2019, 21(12):  14-22.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0136
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    Maize (Zea mays L.) is an important food crop, and also used as an ideal material for plant genetics and functional genome research. The near-isogenic lines (NILs) are important materials for the construction of molecular genetic maps, quantitative trait locus (QTL) and molecular markers-assisted breeding. Maize hybrids Zhengdan 958 (Zheng 58 × Chang 7-2) and Xianyu 335 (PH6WC × PH4CV) are widely cultivated in China, showing differences in plant architecture, ear traits, grain moisture and dehydration rate, etc. Here, Zheng 58 NILs and Chang 7-2 NILs were conducted by introducing into PH6WC and PH4CV background. These NILs were obtained by consecutively selective backcrossing and selfing, and then genotypes of these NILs were detected using maize 55 K SNP array. These NILs showed different agronomic traits including plant architecture, ear traits, grain water content and dehydration rate. And P1 locus was identified through genome-wide association study (GWAS) analysis of cob glume color on these NILs. In the future, the NILs  combined with GWAS could be used to identify genetic factors  which determine plant height, ear height, grain filling rate (GFR) and grain dehydration rate (GDR). And SNP molecular markers would be developed for molecular marker-assisted selection breeding to improve breeding efficiency.
    OsBELL4A Modulates the Transcription of WOX Family Genes and Seedling Root Growth and Stress Tolerance in Rice
    GAO Yadi, QI Yidong, WANG Fangfang, HUANG Rongfeng, WANG Juan, QIN Hua*
    2019, 21(12):  23-32.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0465
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    Root system not only plays an important supporting role to the shoot, but also is a main organ for plants to absorb water and nutrients. In order to study the role of BELL family factors in plant development, and response to environmental cues,  this study identified 4 BELL4 homologous genes in rice  through compassion with Arabidopsis. The elements of ABRE, GARE, ERE, ARE and DRE in their promoters were searched, which were possible responsive to stress and hormones. Real-time quantitative PCR analysis showed that the four BELL4 homologous genes were not only induced by drought, low temperature and salt stress, but also regulated by plant hormones, such as ethylene, gibberellin and abscisic acid, which indicating that these genes may respond to various hormones and stress in rice root. Further analysis with the phenotype of RNAi materials of OsBELL4A showed that inhibiting the expression of OsBELL4A could promote the expression level of WOX family genes, with inhibition of the primary root growth at the seedling stage of rice, but promote the number of crown roots. These results suggested that OsBELL4A might play an important regulatory role in rice root development and stress response.
    Genetic Analysis of Flowering and Maturity Periods of Mungbean RIL Population
    MA Le, CAI Debao, CHEN Jibao*
    2019, 21(12):  33-40.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0415
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    In order to explore the genetic characteristics of mungbean growth stages, the RIL population consisting of 261 strains constructed using ‘VC2917’ (an early maturing local variety) as the female parent (P1) and ‘Pinker Green’(a late maturing local variety) as the male parent (P2) were used as materials for the investigation of traits and heritability analysis in the flowering and maturity periods of the population under four ecological conditions. The results showed that, under the four ecological conditions, the flowering period of P1 and P2 were 53.8 d and 41.0 d, respectively. The average flowering period of 261 strains was 47.4 d, the maximum was 61.8 d, and the minimum was 35.3 d. The maturity periods of the P1 and P2 were 83.1 d and 56.3 d, respectively. The average maturity period of  population was 72.3 d, the maximum was 90.0 d, and the minimum was 48.8 d. The flowering and maturity period of  RIL population were both normal distribution. There was significant difference of flowering and maturity periods between two parents and RIL population. The broad-sense heritability of the flowering and maturity period was 0.955 and 0.954, respectively. It was illustrated that the flowering and maturity period of mungbean were both quantitative traits controlled by major genes.
    Effects of Drought Stress and Rehydration on Growth and Content of Endogenous Hormone in Leaves of Fagopyrum tataricum
    DONG Fuhui1, PEI Hongbin1*, ZHANG Yongqing1,2, YANG Tian1, XUE Xiaojiao1
    2019, 21(12):  41-48.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0286
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    In order to provide theoretical basis for drought resistance and stable yield of Fagopyrum tataricum and explore the effect of drought stress and rehydration on the physiological and morphological indexes of drought-tolerant F. tataricum (Diqing) and drought-sensitive F. tataricum (Heifeng1), pot experiments were conducted under greenhouse condition. The results showed that: drought stress significantly affected the growth of F. tataricum. Compared with control, drought stress significantly reduced the plant height, stem diameter, leaf area, shoot dry weight, root volume, root surface area, and root average diameter, root dry weight, root activity, root soluble protein content. Rehydration at florescence could effectively alleviate the effects of drought stress on various physiological and morphological indexes of F. tataricum, and among them, the shoot dry weight recovery was most obvious. Under drought stress, shoot dry weight of Diqing increased by 54.81% compared with that of Heifeng1. Compared with drought treatment, the dry weight of Diqing and Hefeng1 significantly increased by 83% and 47.28%, respectively. However, the SOD, POD, MDA, soluble sugar and free proline content of Diqing were significantly higher than those in the control root. Under drought stress, the IAA content in F.tataricum leaves was significantly decreased, and the ABA content was significantly increased. After the rehydration, the IAA content of Diqing and Heifeng1 significantly increased by 25.5 % and 21.19% compared with the drought stress. The ABA content greatly decreased by 20.15% and 18.18%. The results showed that rehydration reduced the impact of drought on endogenous hormone. Drought inhibits the growth of F. tataricum, but both varieties of F. tataricum produced equal compensation effect and partial compensation effect after the recovery of water. The recovery of drought-tolerant varieties (Diqing) was better than that of drought-sensitive varieties (Heifeng1).
    Gene Cloning and Characterization of a Novel Glucose Oxidase From Cladosporium tianshanense SL19
    GE Jianzhong1, YIN Yaxin2, JIANG Xiao1, LIU Weina1, YAO Bin1, LUO Huiying1*
    2019, 21(12):  49-57.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0357
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    Glucose oxidase (GOX) is widely used in various industrial processes. Few new types of GOX have been reported except from Aspergillus and Penicillium. A novel glucose oxidase gene CtgoxB from Cladosporium tianshanense SL19 was obtained by gene cloning and sequence homology analysis. The full-length DNA fragment of CtgoxB was 1 707 bp without intron, which encoded a protein of 568 amino acids with a signal peptide at N-terminal 1~16 amino acid residues. The amino acids sequence encoded by CtgoxB shared the highest identity of 35% with reported GOXs. The activity could not be detected when CtgoxB gene was expressed in P. pastoris. The mutant CtGOXB-C1 was obtained according to the sequence and structural analysis by homologous recombination, which recovered the activity of glucose oxidase. The molecular weight of recombinant CtGOXB-C1 showed about 120 kDa by SDS-PAGE, which was larger than the theoretical molecular weight (61.6 kDa). The purified recombinant glucose oxidase CtGOXB-C1 exhibited maximal activity at pH 8.0 and 30 ℃. Its specific activity was 123.8 U/mg, and it retained about 65% activity at 10 ℃ with a psychrophilic characteristic. The CtGOXB-C1 was stable at pH 6.0~9.0 and retained more than 80% of activity after incubating for 1 h, and maintained high enzyme activity under medium-alkaline condition and was highly resistant against SDS. All these favorable enzymatic properties showed that CtGOXB-C1 was a good candidate for the aquatic feeds and detergent industries.
    Design and Implementation of Trusted Traceability System for Agricultural Products Origin Based on NB-IoT
    MA Teng1,2, SUN Chuanheng2, LI Wenyong2, CHEN Ming1, YANG Xinting1,2*
    2019, 21(12):  58-67.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2018.0547
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    With the increased awareness of enterprise brands in China, anti-counterfeit systems for identifying the origin of agricultural products has great significance for safeguarding consumer rights and enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises. In order to ensure food safety and safeguard the interests of producers and consumers of agricultural products, this paper designed an anti-counterfeit system for identifying the origin of agricultural products. The system consisted of traceable electronic scales, cloud detection programs and inspection websites.  The electronic scale collected product information and positioning information, printed the product label for consumers to inquire, then transmited the data to the cloud server through the NB-IoT network. The cloud detection system judged the authenticity of the commodity origin by comparing the uploaded data with the data in the database. Then consumers could log in the website to acquire the detection result by scanning the QR code on the label. To enhance the security of data transmission, improved RSA encryption algorithm was used to encryptthe data uploaded by the traceability scale, then the algorithm reduced the calculation amount of encryption operation and hardware encryption time under the premise of ensuring security. Various tests showed that all parts of the system worked normally and the detection success rate was greater than 99%. When the signal strength was greater than -100 dBm, the communication success rate was 99%, and the GPS average positioning error was 5.25 m, which satisfied the design requirements. The improved RSA encryption algorithm is used to encrypt the data uploaded by the traceable electronic scale.
    Measurement and Analysis of Dielectric Property of Granular Agricultural Products in the Microwave Frequency Band
    ZHONG Runeng1, ZHENG Qinhong1,2*, YAO Bin2, XIANG Tai 1
    2019, 21(12):  68-75.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0454
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    Dielectric properties are of important value in the application of microwave hot processing of agricultural products. A scheme for measuring the dielectric properties of agricultural products based on uncelebrated coaxial transmission reflection method and modified general effective medium formula (MGEM) was proposed, in which the granular agricultural products were taken as the research object. Dielectric property data of rapeseeds, coarse cereals and grass seeds in the microwave frequency band were measured. Relevant key issues were then analyzed and discussed. These results demonstrated that the measurement scheme could be used to measure the dielectric properties of particulate agricultural products at high frequency, and the dielectric properties of granular agricultural products under the room temperature were related with microwave frequency and water (oil) content. Such relationship met the corresponding relational equation. Given the microwave frequency 2.45 GHz for civil use and the water content M∈(2%,25%), the dielectric constant was between 3.5 and 9, and the loss factor was between 0.1 and 2. This study provided a reference method for  measurement of dielectric properties of granular agricultural products, and the basis for the design of microwave drying and nondestructive testing devices for agricultural products. The technological method was suitable to measurement and analysis of dielectric properties of other small granular substances.
    Vegetable Lepidopteran Pest Auto Recognition and Detection Counting Based on Deep Learning
    DONG Wei1, QIAN Rong1, ZHANG Jie 2*, ZHANG Liping1, CHEN Hongbo2, ZHANG Meng1, ZHU Jingbo1, BU Yingqiao3
    2019, 21(12):  76-84.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2018.0565
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    Lepidopteran pests are the most important and common pests in vegetable crops. Due to the complex vegetable garden background, sunlight and pest gestures, conventional methods of pests image recognition, detection and counting may not be accurate. In order to recognize, detect and count lepidopteran pests quickly and accurately in vegetable garden,  recognition model, detect and count model were introduced based on deep convolutional neural network, respectively. According to five kinds of common lepidopteran pests, such as Pieris rapae, Helicoverpa armigera, Spodoptera exigua, Plutella xylostella and Spodoptera litura, this paper  built recognition image dataset, detection and counting image dataset and then carried out experiments, the average recognition accuracy could reach 94.5% and the mean average precision of detection was 76.6%, the comparison to conventional methods proved that our method was preeminent. The experiment results showed that the proposed method was a feasible way to recognize, detect and count vegetable lepidopteran pests, and it  reached the level of practical application.
    Comparison of the Working Parameter of a Few Common Air Blast Orchard Sprayers
    XIONG Bo1, LI Chuanyou1*, TENG Fei1, LIU Jingrui1, ZHANG Li1, LI Zhen1, ZHAO Qian1, XIONG Hailong2
    2019, 21(12):  85-93.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2018.0343
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    In order to explore the orchard sprayer and its use technology for the standard orchards, 5 kinds of advanced orchard sprayers commonly used at home and abroad were screened on the basis of extensive investigation and investigation of plant protection machinery and the application technology from domestic and foreign standard orchard. The experimental research on the technical parameters such as atomization, deposition and drift of pesticides showed that FEDE type in the orchard sprayer, the distribution of fog between 0.4~2 m was more uniform; the distribution of 3WFX-400(W2)  in the tree crown was the better uniform, the coefficient of variation was the smallest, which was 18.3%;the ground loss of various types of sprayers was FEDE(W5) > the 3WG-1200A(W4) > SSA-E501DX(W1) > 3WFX-400(W2) > plant protection unmanned aerial vehicle(W3)(P<0.05). Above results provided reference for fruit growers to choose plant protection machinery and orchard sprayer manufacturers for product structure design and performance optimization.
    Mining Inherent Law of Cut Tobacco Drying Process Based on Large Data
    TANG Jun, HE Banghua, TANG Li, WEN Yadong, CHEN Wen, FU Liang, ZHOU Bing*
    2019, 21(12):  94-101.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2018.0637
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    In order to mine and analyze potential values and rules of the data of cigarette production process, the production data of cut tobacco drying process were excavated and analyzed based on the analytic technology and method of large data. The stabilities of the key quality indexes and process parameters of cut tobacco drying process were mostly analyzed, and the internal relationship between quality indexes and process parameters as well. Results showed that: ① The stability control level of key quality indexes was determined as from high to low, discharge moisture content after cooling≥discharge temperature≥discharge moisture content, and there was great fluctuation in June. ② The stability control level of key process parameters was determined as from high to low, wall temperature of I area≥hot air temperature≥wall temperature of II area, and the fluctuation of wall temperature of II area was mainly caused by feedback control mode. ③ There were strong positive correlations between the discharge moisture content after cooling and negative pressure, wall temperature of I area, steam valve opening of I area, and strong negative correlations between the discharge moisture content after cooling and the steam flow of expansion unit, steam valve opening of SX, wall temperature of II area, steam valve opening of II area, opening of moisture exhaust valve. ④ There were no obvious correlation between discharge temperature and these process parameters considered in present study. ⑤ The prediction model of discharge moisture content after cooling was established, which had good prediction accuracy. It could be predicted that the large data analysis method would have a good application prospect in tobacco technology field.
    A CBL-Interacting Protein Kinase Gene TaCIPK31 Negative Regulate the Resistance to Puccinia triticina in Wheat TcLr37
    ZHANG Na1, ZHAO Chenguang1, WEN Xiaolei2, YANG Wenxiang1, ZHANG Na1*, LIU Daqun1*
    2019, 21(12):  102-109.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0231
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    CIPK is a plant-specific serine-threonine protein kinase family belonged to the class of SnRK3 kinase (SNF1-related protein kinase3, SnRK3), which mainly interacts with the calcineurin B-like protein (calcineurin B-like protein) to mediate  plant responses to external stimuli and regulate a wide range of physiological processes. This study obtained a CIPK gene, TaCIPK31, from the wheat leaves infected by Puccinia triticinia (Pt). The full-length cDNA of TaCIPK31 was 1 350 bp, which encoding 449 amino acids. Multi-sequence alignment showed that TaCIPK31 shared high similarity with CIPK in Oryza sativa and Aegilops tauschii, etc. Analysis of the protein domain indicated that TaCIPK31 contained conserved regulatory domain  and protein kinases domain. qRT-PCR assays indicated that TaCIPK31 was induced by Pt infection and significantly expressed during compatible interactions between wheat and Pt. Subcellular localization assays revealed that TaCIPK31 showed similar to that of the GFP control, indicating a cytoplasmic and nuclear localization. Silencing of TaCIPK31 in TcLr37  induced by virus  enhanced resistance of wheat to the virulent Pt isolate THTT. Moreover, detailed histological analysis showed that silencing of TaCIPK31 delayed the colonization of the haustorial mother cell in the host. These results suggested that TaCIPK31 negatively regulated wheat resistance to Pt infection, which provided a reference for revealing the role and molecular mechanism of CIPK protein kinase in wheat-leaf rust interaction system.
    Freeze-drying Design and Process Amplification of the New Formulation of Swine Fever Vaccine
    ZUO Xiaoxin1,2, ZHAO Yanhong1,2, DENG Bihua1,2, HU Laigen1,2,3, SONG Wei1,2, LYU Fang1,2,4*, LU Yu1,2,4,5,6, HOU Jibo1,2,4,5
    2019, 21(12):  110-118.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0105
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    To screen the thermostable and safe freeze-drying procedure of swine fever vaccine, the magnification of lyophilization was explored to provide theoretical basis  and technical support for heat-resistant freeze-drying process from laboratory to production. The freeze-drying procedures were designed based on the thermal parameters, and screened through the freezing shape, accelerated aging experiment, residual water and other indicators. The results showed that the eutectic point of the new swine fever-resistant live vaccine solution was -26.4 ℃, the collapse temperature -22.4 to -20.4 ℃, and the freeze-drying procedure 3 was screened as the optimal curve when the prefreeze temperature was -42 ℃ and the main drying temperature was -10 ℃. This study successfully screened the optimal freeze-drying process 3 was adequate for 0.5 m2 freeze-dryer, and the temperatures of pre-freezing and primary drying were -42 ℃ and -10 ℃, respectively. The procedure 3 in 0.15 m2—0.5 m2—2 m2 enlarged the process of the process groping, scaled up 3 times (0.5 m2) when the program could remain unchanged, zoomed in to 13 times (2 m2) under the main drying phase which needed reducing the partition temperature and extending the drying time.  Frozen live vaccine products prepared with a new swine fever-resistant formula and program 3 could be saved at 37 ℃ for 20 d, 45 ℃ for 14 d, and animal experiments were safe. These results showed that the freeze-drying process of the new heat-resistant formulation was successfully screened out, and the process was enlarged step by step.
    Simulation Study on Effects of Nitrogen Application on Growth and Yield of Winter Wheat
    LI Huawei1, CHEN Yuli2, ZHUO Qicui1, ZHANG Bin1*
    2019, 21(12):  119-127.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2018.0775
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    In order to quantitatively analyze the effects of nitrogen application level on the growth and yield of winter wheat, this paper performed the wheat nitrogen application test in 2016—2018 with the material ‘Jimai 22’. Based on the experiment data of 2016—2017, the influence of nitrogen levels on winter wheat yield was analyzed, the influence factor of above-ground dry biomass weight, yield and yield components were introduced, and the simulation models of winter wheat growth and yield under various nitrogen levels were constructed. These models were validated with an independent dataset collected in 2017—2018. The results showed that all root mean squared error (RMSE), mean absolute error (da), and ratio of da to the mean observation (dap) indicated that the simulated values were consistent with the measured data except for the correlation (r) of yield and spike number per hectare were not good enough. All values of the above-ground dry biomass weight, seed number per spike, 1 000-grains weight, and harvest index were reached a significant level. Thus, these models can be used to simulate the effects of nitrogen application level on winter wheat growth and yield, and provide some reference for the efficient utilization and precise reduction of nitrogen fertilizer in winter wheat.
    Effects of Different Ratios of N,P,K on Root Traits of Annual Platycodon grandiflorum
    SUN Di1, FAN Huanjun1, SONG Ziye1, PIAO Jin1, LI Guanhao2, YAN Yizi1*
    2019, 21(12):  128-133.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2018.0769
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    In order to explore the effects of different ratios of N, P and K fertilizers on the root traits and yield of annual Platycodon grandiflorum, and screen the optimal ratio of N,P,K fertilization, the design method of “3414” field fertilizer was adopted. The root length, root diameter, number of lateral roots, and fresh weight of the annual Platycodon grandiflorum were investigated, and SPSS software was used to analysis of variance and multiple comparisons. The results showed that there were significant differences in the root traits among 14 species of Platycodon grandiflorum. The appearance quality of roots and the yield of Platycodon grandiflorum were better than that of CK without proper fertilization. Rational N,P,K could increase the yield and  appearance quality of Platycodon grandiflorum, the better fertilization ratio were T9(N∶P2O5∶K2O = 88∶174∶450, kg/hm2), T5 (N∶P2O5∶K2O = 88∶174∶300, kg/hm2), and potassium fertilizer had an important effect on the increase of annual Platycodon grandiflorum. According to the regression analysis, the optimal ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilization was N∶P2O5∶K2O = 67.2∶190∶450 (kg/hm2), which was the formulation of fertilization scheme for the cultivation of Platycodon grandiflorum and the research of special fertilizer.
    Influence of Mixed Sowing of Alfalfa and Grass on Soluble Sugar Content in Root
    HUANG Liqin1, ZHANG Yongliang2*, YAN Jingcai3
    2019, 21(12):  134-139.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2018.0573
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    Soluble sugar has positive influence on plant frost resistance. In order to study the effects of alfalfa and grass mixed sowing on soluble sugar content of their root system,  the legume-grass system, including alfalfa and 3 kinds of forage grasses (Bromus inermis Leyss, Elymus dahuricus Turcz and Phalaris arundinacea L.), were sowed at every other line proportion of 1∶1 (B1), 2∶2 (B2), 1∶2 (B3) and 2∶1 (B4). Then after the first frost, the soluble sugar contents in different mixed seeding grass root system were measured. Results showed that the contents of soluble sugars in alfalfa root  were not significantly affected by grass varieties, and the soluble sugar content of alfalfa root in the proportion of 2∶2 between legume and grass was significantly lower than that of 1∶2, 2∶1. There was no significant difference between proportions of 1∶1, 1∶2 and 2∶1. By mixing alfalfa with P. arundinacea, the soluble sugar content in  root  of P. arundinacea was higher than that in single planting of P. arundinacea. Among the 3 grasses, the soluble sugar content in P. arundinacea root  was significantly higher than those of the other two. To sum up, the soluble sugar contents in alfalfa and grass roots  were both higher than those of mixed sowing at proportion of 1∶1 and 1∶2. Considering the cold tolerance of alfalfa was usually weaker than those of the 3 grasses, the optimal choice would be the treatment with every other line proportion of 1∶2. The present reseach provided  theoretical reference for sustainable utilization of local legume-grass mixed grassland.
    Effects of Climate Changes on the Petroleum Ether Extract Contents of Flue-cured Tobacco in Henan Tobacco Growing Areas
    MENG Handong1,2, JI Xingjie2
    2019, 21(12):  140-150.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0658
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    Based on the meteorological data between 1961 and 2013 from 64 meteorological stations and the data of petroleum ether extract content of the flue-cured tobacco in Henan tobacco growing areas, the variations of climatic factors and the main climatic characteristics that affected the petroleum ether extract content of the flue-cured tobacco in Henan tobacco areas were analyzed using the mathematical statistics. According to the above data, the changes of climatic factors and petroleum ether extract content in the future were explored under the two RCP (representative concentration pathways) scenarios. The results showed that during the past 53 a, the minimum temperature increased significantly, and daily range of temperature and global radiation decreased markedly in Henan tobacco areas. Most of petroleum ether extract contents in flue-cured tobacco were more than 5%, which was the critical minimum level of high quality tobacco leaveswith the order: upper leaf > middle leaf > lower leaf. There was close correlation between petroleum ether extract content and meteorological factors, which affected those of tobacco leaves at different positions. The obviously positive correlations were obtained between maximum temperature during field period and the petroleum ether extract content of the upper leaves, as well between average temperature during fast growing stage and the petroleum ether extract content of the middle and lower leaves. Under the RCP scenarios, most heat factors and light factors increased in the future, the water factors didnt show obvious variation trends. The petroleum ether extract content of flue-cured tobacco in Henan tobacco areas would be increasing because of the obvious increase of maximum temperature during field period and average temperature during vigorous growth stage under the future climate change, especially under the scenario of RCP8.5.
    Influences of Different Ridging Patterns on Soil Physical Properties, Yield and Quality of Planted Tobacco
    LI Zishen1, ZHANG Changxing2, ZHANG Jinzhong2, ZHU Dianfeng2, GUO Ze1, WANG Yingfeng1, CUI Guojie2, XIAO Heyou3, DAI Xiaoyan1*
    2019, 21(12):  151-158.  DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2019.0313
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    In order to investigate the effects of ridge styles and transplanting methods on the physical properties of tobacco growing soil,  the yield and quality of planted tobacco, this paper adopted field test method, selected tobacco variety named ‘Zhongyan 100’ as research material, and set up four treatments according to ridge and transplanting styles, including  transplanting over turtle-back membrane (T1), transplanting under turtle-back membrane (T2), transplanting under concave membrane (T3) and transplanting over concave membrane (T4). The effects of different treatments on soil physical properties and post-roasting tobacco quality were researched. The results showed that the single or combined treatment of concave ridge effectively enhanced the soil physical properties and improved the yield and quality of tobacco leaves. Among them, the best treatment was transplanting under concave membrane (T3). Compared with treatment T1, T3 improved soil moisture content and total gross porosity of each soil layer significantly, and reduced soil bulk density. Meanwhile T3 significantly promoted the coordination of chemical composition in cured tobacco leaves, increased neutral aromatic substances content in the upper leaves by 15.96%, improved the yield and output value significantly. Therefore, transplanting under concave ridge membrane, which was more conducive to improving the physical characteristics of tobacco planting soil and improving the yield and quality of cured tobacco leaves, was the best planting pattern for tobacco. The present research provided a theoretical basis for the appropriate planting pattern of tobacco in Zhoukou tobacco-planting area, Henan province.