中国农业科技导报 ›› 2023, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (9): 186-196.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2022.0111
高静1,2(), 徐明岗1,2, 李然3, 蔡泽江3, 孙楠3(
), 张强4(
), 郑磊4
Jing GAO1,2(), Minggang XU1,2, Ran LI3, Zejiang CAI3, Nan SUN3(
), Qiang ZHANG4(
), Lei ZHENG4
为量化生物炭施用对土壤pH的影响,为生物炭在改良土壤、培肥地力中提供理论依据,采用数据整合分析(Meta-analysis)的方法,基于中国知网、万方数据和Web of Science数据库,用关键词“生物炭”“Biochar”“土壤pH”和“土壤酸碱度”进行检索,收集到国内外关于生物炭对土壤酸碱度影响研究已公开发表的59篇文献中413组试验数据,分析土壤条件、生物炭特性、生物炭施用量等对土壤pH的定量影响。结果表明,与不施生物炭相比,生物炭施用能显著提高土壤pH,平均增幅为8.70%。其中,以强酸性(4.5<pH≤5.5)和极强酸性土壤(pH≤4.5)增幅最大,分别为15.17%和9.68%;不同原料生物炭对土壤pH的提升效果表现为秸秆类生物炭(10.04%)>壳渣类生物炭(7.02%)>木材类生物炭(6.61%)。不同热解温度下,以≤400 ℃制得的生物炭提升效果最佳,为15.26%;而在热解温度400~700 ℃时,随着热解温度升高,提升效果降低。施用生物炭3个月内土壤pH的增幅最大,之后增幅逐渐减缓。以上结果表明在强酸性(4.5<pH≤5.5)土壤中,优先选用秸秆低温(≤400 ℃)热解生物炭施用能更好地改善土壤pH,结果为生物炭的推广应用提供科学依据。
高静, 徐明岗, 李然, 蔡泽江, 孙楠, 张强, 郑磊. 整合分析生物炭施用对土壤pH的影响[J]. 中国农业科技导报, 2023, 25(9): 186-196.
Jing GAO, Minggang XU, Ran LI, Zejiang CAI, Nan SUN, Qiang ZHANG, Lei ZHENG. Effects of Biochar Application on Soil pH: A Meta-Analysis[J]. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2023, 25(9): 186-196.
图1 生物炭施用后土壤pH变化的响应比注: M和SE分别表示土壤pH变化响应比的平均值和均值的标准误。
Fig. 1 Response ratio of soil pH change with biochar applicationNote: M and SE represent the mean and standard error of soil pH change response ratio, respectively.
图2 不同酸碱度土壤施用生物炭对土壤pH的权重响应比注: 括号内数值分别为土壤pH的增幅百分数和样本量。
Fig. 2 Weighted response ratio of biochar application to soil pH under different pHNote: Values in brackets show the percentage increased in soil pH and sample size, respectively.
图3 施用不同原料制备的生物炭对土壤pH的权重响应比注: 括号内数值分别为土壤pH的增幅百分数和样本量。
Fig. 3 Weighted response ratio of biochar prepared with different raw materials to soil pHNote: Values in brackets show the percentage increased in soil pH and sample size, respectively.
图4 施用不同热解温度范围下的生物炭对土壤pH的权重响应比注: 括号内数值分别为土壤pH的增幅百分数和样本量。
Fig. 4 Weighted response ratio of biochar to soil pH under different pyrolysis temperature rangesNote: Values in brackets show the percentage increased in soil pH and sample size, respectively.
图5 施用不同pH的生物炭对土壤pH的权重响应比注: 括号内数值分别为土壤pH的增幅百分数和样本量。
Fig. 5 Weighted response ratio of biochar with different pH values to soil pHNote: Values in brackets show the percentage increased in soil pH and sample size, respectively.
图6 生物炭施用量对土壤pH的权重响应比注: 括号内数值分别为土壤pH的增幅百分数和样本量。
Fig. 6 Weight response ratio of biochar application rate to soil pHNote: Values in brackets show the percentage increased in soil pH and sample size, respectively.
图7 生物炭施用时间对土壤pH的权重响应比注: 括号内数值分别为土壤pH的增幅百分数和样本量。
Fig. 7 Weighted response ratio of biochar application time to soil pHNote: Values in brackets show the percentage increased in soil pH and sample size, respectively.
图8 土壤pH的变化量与土壤pH、生物炭pH、生物炭热解温度和生物炭施用量的关系注: **表示相关程度在P<0.01水平显著。
Fig. 8 Relationship between soil pH change and soil pH, biochar pH, biochar pyrolysis temperature and biochar pplication amountNote: **indicates significant correlation at P<0.01 level.
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