Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2024, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (9): 34-43.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2024.0198
• BIOTECHNOLOGY & LIFE SCIENCE • Previous Articles Next Articles
Yunxing WAN1(), Ziyang YAN1, Jun YAO2(
), Liming GUO3, Jinzhong ZHU4, Jianning TANG5, Caiyun QIAO5, Haiou KUANG1, Xueyang GONG1, Dan YUE1, Wenzheng ZHAO1(
Jun YAO,Wenzheng ZHAO
万云星1(), 闫自杨1, 姚军2(
), 郭立明3, 朱金忠4, 唐建宁5, 乔彩云5, 匡海鸥1, 龚雪阳1, 岳丹1, 赵文正1(
CLC Number:
Yunxing WAN, Ziyang YAN, Jun YAO, Liming GUO, Jinzhong ZHU, Jianning TANG, Caiyun QIAO, Haiou KUANG, Xueyang GONG, Dan YUE, Wenzheng ZHAO. Study on the Flowering Biology and Pollination Characteristics of Goji Berries[J]. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2024, 26(9): 34-43.
万云星, 闫自杨, 姚军, 郭立明, 朱金忠, 唐建宁, 乔彩云, 匡海鸥, 龚雪阳, 岳丹, 赵文正. 枸杞开花生物学及传粉特征研究[J]. 中国农业科技导报, 2024, 26(9): 34-43.
花瓣展开时间 Petal unfolding time/h | 主要特征Main characteristics | ||
花瓣Petal | 花药Anther | 柱头Stigma | |
0 | 紫色,展开 Purple, unfolding | 浅黄色,未开裂 Light yellow, not cracked | 浅绿色,部分显露 Light green, partially exposed |
12 | 浅紫色,展开 Light purple, unfolding | 浅黄色,开裂 Light yellow, cracked | 绿色,全部显露 Green, fully exposed |
24 | 白紫色,向下弯曲 White purple, bend downwards | 浅黄色,开裂 Light yellow, cracked | 绿色,全部显露 Green, fully exposed |
36 | 浅黄色,向下弯曲 Light yellow, bend downwards | 浅黄色,开裂 Light yellow, cracked | 绿色,全部显露 Green, fully exposed |
48 | 黄褐色,向下弯曲 Yellow brown, bend downwards | 褐化,开裂 Browning, cracking | 绿色,全部显露 Green, fully exposed |
60 | 浅褐色,大幅度向下弯曲 Light brown, significant downward bending | 褐化,开裂 Browning, cracking, | 褐化,向下弯曲 Browning, downward bending |
72 | 褐色,大幅度向下弯曲 Brown, significant downward bending | 褐化,开裂 Browning, cracking, | 褐化,开始脱落 Browning, beginning to fall off |
Table 1 Description of flower color states at different stages of flowering period
花瓣展开时间 Petal unfolding time/h | 主要特征Main characteristics | ||
花瓣Petal | 花药Anther | 柱头Stigma | |
0 | 紫色,展开 Purple, unfolding | 浅黄色,未开裂 Light yellow, not cracked | 浅绿色,部分显露 Light green, partially exposed |
12 | 浅紫色,展开 Light purple, unfolding | 浅黄色,开裂 Light yellow, cracked | 绿色,全部显露 Green, fully exposed |
24 | 白紫色,向下弯曲 White purple, bend downwards | 浅黄色,开裂 Light yellow, cracked | 绿色,全部显露 Green, fully exposed |
36 | 浅黄色,向下弯曲 Light yellow, bend downwards | 浅黄色,开裂 Light yellow, cracked | 绿色,全部显露 Green, fully exposed |
48 | 黄褐色,向下弯曲 Yellow brown, bend downwards | 褐化,开裂 Browning, cracking | 绿色,全部显露 Green, fully exposed |
60 | 浅褐色,大幅度向下弯曲 Light brown, significant downward bending | 褐化,开裂 Browning, cracking, | 褐化,向下弯曲 Browning, downward bending |
72 | 褐色,大幅度向下弯曲 Brown, significant downward bending | 褐化,开裂 Browning, cracking, | 褐化,开始脱落 Browning, beginning to fall off |
Fig. 1 Comparison of flower color, stigma receptivity, and pollen vitality at different flowering stagesA: Changes in flower color at different developmental stages; B: Changes in stigma acceptability at different developmental stages; C: Changes in pollen vitality under different developmental stages of medium culture methods; D: Changes in pollen viability under TTC culture at different developmental stages.
Fig. 2 Stigma receptivity and pollen vitality at different flowering stagesNote: Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences (P<0.05).
Fig. 3 Honey secretion patterns of goji berries at different flowering stagesA: Amount of honey secreted by goji berries at different flowering stages at different times; B: Sugar content of goji berry honey at different flowering stages at different times. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences (P<0.05); at 72 h after flowering, the nectar secretion is 0, so the sugar content of the nectar was not measured
Fig. 5 Comparison of stigma pollen deposition number after single visit by different pollinatorsNote: ** indicates significant difference at P<0.01 level.
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