Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (1): 65-71.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2021.1110
• BIOTECHNOLOGY & LIFE SCIENCE • Previous Articles Next Articles
Zhiyun CHU1,2(), Hui QI1, Ying LI1, Yibing WAN1, Zhiyu REN2, Chun LIU1(
), Suxia YUAN1(
Chun LIU,Suxia YUAN
褚志云1,2(), 祁惠1, 李颖1, 万一兵1, 任志雨2, 刘春1(
), 袁素霞1(
CLC Number:
Zhiyun CHU, Hui QI, Ying LI, Yibing WAN, Zhiyu REN, Chun LIU, Suxia YUAN. Dynamic Changes of Aluminium Ion in the Sepals and Leaves of Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Bailmer’[J]. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2023, 25(1): 65-71.
褚志云, 祁惠, 李颖, 万一兵, 任志雨, 刘春, 袁素霞. 八仙花‘Bailmer’花萼和叶片内铝离子的动态变化[J]. 中国农业科技导报, 2023, 25(1): 65-71.
Fig. 1 Al ion content in sepal and leaf of ‘Bailmer’ under different temperaturesNote: Different small letters in the figure indicate significant difference at P<0.05 level.
Fig. 2 Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in ‘Bailmer’ leaf under different temperaturesNote: Different small letters in the figure indicate significant difference at P<0.05 level.
处理温度 Temperature/℃ | 株高 Plant height/mm | 茎粗 Stem thickness/mm | 叶长 Leaf length/mm | 叶宽 Leaf width/mm | 花径 Flower diameter/mm |
18 | 320.00±20.00 a | 4.49±0.35 b | 103.55±8.49 b | 66.58±10.41 a | 77.00±4.58 b |
23 | 311.70±10.40 a | 5.05±0.10 a | 120.08±4.88 a | 72.08±3.79 a | 93.00±3.79 a |
28 | 306.70±15.30 a | 4.41±0.30 b | 97.22±2.55 b | 62.55±6.20 a | 59.00±9.02 c |
Table 1 Plant growth index under different temperature
处理温度 Temperature/℃ | 株高 Plant height/mm | 茎粗 Stem thickness/mm | 叶长 Leaf length/mm | 叶宽 Leaf width/mm | 花径 Flower diameter/mm |
18 | 320.00±20.00 a | 4.49±0.35 b | 103.55±8.49 b | 66.58±10.41 a | 77.00±4.58 b |
23 | 311.70±10.40 a | 5.05±0.10 a | 120.08±4.88 a | 72.08±3.79 a | 93.00±3.79 a |
28 | 306.70±15.30 a | 4.41±0.30 b | 97.22±2.55 b | 62.55±6.20 a | 59.00±9.02 c |
Fig. 4 Dynamic change of Al ion content in sepals and leaves of ‘Bailmer’ after aluminum applicationNote:Different small letters in the figure indicate significant difference at P<0.05 level.
Fig. 5 Dynamic changes of Al ion absorption rate in sepal and leaf of ‘Bailmer’ after aluminum applicationNote: Different small letters in the figure indicate significant difference at P<0.05 level.
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