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15 August 2017, Volume 19 Issue 8
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Influentce of Production Environment and Condition on Rice Yield in China —— An Empirical Study based on 1 540 Rice Farming Households in Hunan, Zhejiang and Heilongjiang
CHEN Qinggen, WANG Lei, CHENG Shihua*
2017, 19(8): 1-8. DOI:
(919KB) (
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The rice production area in China is widely distributed with great differences in production environment and condition. Changes of different degrees have taken place in farmer household’s annual rice production scale, production input, production environment and conditions. At the same time, the national rice policies were also changed. In 2015, investigation was carried out based on 1 540 farmer households in Hunan, Zhejiang and Heilongjiang Provincies, compared the quota varied differences of each production factor in different years, and studied the effect of rice production environment and condition factors on rice yield, so as to better understand the nature & degree intrinsic effect on rice production. By comparison, it was found that the main factors of rice production presented variation features of different degrees. There were significant correlation between rice yield and whether planting super rice variety, rice production environment and rice production conditions. Among all factors affecting rice production, at P<0.01 level, 3 factors had significant correlation with rice yield: whether rice grower satisfied with rice variety, were they willing to plant super rice variety, were they satisfied with rice policies and measures. At P<0.05 level, besides above 3 factors, there were significant relations between rice yield and 5 factors: rice plantation scale, soil fertility level, basic irrigation and water conservancy conditions, water guarantee of peddy fields and degree of mechanization. Based on analysis and study, this paper put forward conclusions and suggestions for improving rice variety, vigorously developing super rice, improving production condition, and keeping the continuity of policies and measures.
Genome-wide Identification and Analysis of WRKY Transcription Factors in G. arboretum
ZHANG Shuling1§, LIU Ying2§, ZHANG Huimin1, LIU Haoran1, DONG Lijun1,
2017, 19(8): 9-15. DOI:
(6359KB) (
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The WRKY transcription factor family is widely involved in regulating plant development and defense response against various biotic and abiotic stresses. In this study, the gene number, classification, conserved motif of the WRKY transcriptional factors in G. arboretum were analyzed. A total of 109 GaWRKYs were identified in G. arboretum. The coding sequences were 474~3 528 bp in length,and the genes were distributed in 13 different chromosomes. According to the structural feature of WRKY domain and evolution of the protein family, the 109 GaWRKYs were classified into 3 groups (G1, G2 and G3). G1 included 21 WRKY members, among which 18 members had 2 WRKY domains; G2 included 73 WRKY members, and they were divided into 5 subgroups (G2-a, G2-b, G2-c, G2-d and G2-e); G3 had 15 WRKY members. The WRKY transcription factors showed similar motif compositions within each group, but there were variants of WRKYGQK peptide and zinc finger motif. However, the amino acid conserved domains of WRKY members were different among different groups. Phylogenetic trees of the WRKY gene of Arabidopsis thaliana and cotton showed that functional similar genes got together. It indicated that those GaWRKYs together with Arabidopsis thaliana anti reverse function gene were likely involved in plant responses to various stresses. The present results provided theoretical basis for further discovery and mining functional WRKY gene in cotton.
Association Analysis of Island Cotton Fiber Quality Traits
FAN Liping§, ZHU Yafu§, WU Penghao, WANG Liping, WANG Xinyi,
2017, 19(8): 16-24. DOI:
(6920KB) (
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Island cotton is famous for its superior fiber quality. Its fiber is longer, stronger and thinner. This study carried out associative analysis on its fiber quality, hoping to provide theoretical guidance for marker assisted selective breeding (MAS). 214 accessions of island germaplasm resources genome were scanned with 194 SSR (simple sequence repeats) markers. The population structure and association of 8 fiber quality traits were analyzed by MLM(mixed linear model) of TASSEL software. The results showed that: ① STRUCTURE analysis was carried out and 214 island germaplasm resources were divided into 4 subpopulations, mainly distributed in China, United States and former Soviet Union. The chairngorm and resources of its sub-populations had certain association. ② 13 markers and 8 fiber quality traits were correlated analyzed by MLM method. The markers were relatively concentrated in 13 and 17 chromosomes. Among them, some markers were associated with 2 or more traits. This phenomenon might be caused by traits association or “pleiotropy” genetic basis.
Comparative Analysis of Physiological and Biochemical Characters of Glycine soja under NaCl Stress
MENG Qiang1§, JIANG Qiyan2§, NIU Fengjuan2, SUN Xianjun2,
2017, 19(8): 25-32. DOI:
(4181KB) (
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High salinity stress adversely affects plant growth and development. Compared with cultivated soybean, the wild soybean has more salt-tolerant genes in genome because of its broad distribution, the large genetic diversity and the wide adaptation to different environments. The comparative analysis of physiological and biochemical characters of the salt resistant wild soybean ST-335 and salt sensitive one SS-736 were carried out in this study. The effects of some genes mediating Na+ and K+ homeostasis on soybean salt tolerance were analyzed by overexpressing genes in soybean hair roots. The results showed that the content of soluble sugar and the activities of SOD, POD,CAT were higher in ST-335, Na+/K+ ratio was lower in ST-335. The relative expressions of KOR,NHX and NSCC were lower and the relative expressions of SKOR and SOS1 were higher in ST-335 than that in SS-736. The overexpression of SOS1 and SKOR in soybean hair root enhanced the salt tolerance in soybean composite plants, while overexpression of NSCC decreased the salt tolerance in soybean. These results suggested that the oxidative stress tolerance and ion balance in ST-335 were better than that in SS-735. The results of this study provided theoretical basis for deciphering the salt tolerance mechanism and selecting salt tolerant germplasm of wild soybean.
Comparison of Fruit Quality among 4 Malus sieversii Clones
YU Liyang1, ZUO Lihui1, LI Xiuping2, LI Shunhua3, WANG Yupan1,
2017, 19(8): 33-40. DOI:
(2720KB) (
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Taking the ripened fruits of 4 Malus sieversii as material, this paper studied the differences in fruit quality indicators including single fruit weight, fruit longitudinal diameter, fruit transverse diameter, fruit shape index, fruit stalk length, fruit stalk thickness, fruit hardness, soluble solid content, acidity, soluble sugar, peel color, flesh color, aromatic compounds, so as to provide references for reasonable utilization of Malus sieversii resources. The results showed that among the 4 Malus sieversii there were extreme significant (P<0.01)or significant (P<0.05)differences in quality indicators, such as single fruit weight and soluble solid content. There were no significant differences in some fruit quality indicators like fruit shape index. The fruits of 4 Malus sieversii contained 51 aromatic compounds (retrieved through NIST14). The main aromatic components (E)-2-hexenal, 1-hexanol, (E)-2-hexen-1-ol etc. were over 0.5%, representing 97.66% of the total aromatic content. There were differences among these 4 Malus sieversii both in aromatic components kinds and contents. Each of them contained unique aroma components, so aroma was an important criteria for evaluating Malus sieversii. There were also big hereditary differences in fruit quality indicators of these 4 Malus sieversii. Thus, all of them possessed good selection potential, since each of them had its own characteristics.
Study on Behavioral Characteristics of PhotosystemⅡ of Osmanthus fragrans in Winter
SHI Zhao1, HU Yanxia2*, QIN Xiangyang1, ZHENG Caixia3
2017, 19(8): 41-46. DOI:
(2375KB) (
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In order to explore the photosynthetic mechanism of Osmanthus fragrans suffering from cold damage during overwinter period, this study took fluorescence kinetics as means to monitor the changes in photosystemⅡ(PSⅡ) behavior characteristics of Osmanthus fragrans leaves in Beijing region during overwinter period. The results showed that the initial fluorescence (F0), the biggest photochemical efficiency of PSⅡ(Fv/Fm), effective quantum yield of PSⅡ(yield) and electron transport rate of PSⅡ(ETR) decreased with the temperature falling in winter, indicating the light harvesting antenna system of Osmanthus fragrans leaves was destroyed during the overwintering period, therefore inhibited the initial reaction of photosynthesis. The leaves could reduce the excitation voltage of PSⅡ reaction center by decreasing energy captured by the antenna system. In addition, the photochemical quenching (qP) of Osmanthus fragrans leaves was consistently at a high level, indicating that PSⅡ reaction center could maintain a higher degree of openness in overwinter period, so as to reduce the damage of PSⅡ reaction center by excitation energy accumulation in donor side of PSⅡ. While, the non photochemical quenching (NPQ) remarkably decreased with the temperature falling. Thus, it could be inferred that Osmanthus fragrans could resist low temperature stress in winter mainly through the heat dissipation other than the antenna system.
Decision Support Technology for Irrigation Research based on Knowledge Engineering
ZHANG Yubin1,2, WEI Zhengying1*, ZHANG Shuai1, XU Jing2
2017, 19(8): 47-54. DOI:
(7459KB) (
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With the development of modern science and technology research and theory of agricultural water saving,water-fertilizer irrigation are moving towards fine quantization, intelligent. This paper proposed the conception of smart irrigation system based on knowledge engineering(KBE), and developed the decision support using techniques and methods of knowledge engineering, and integrated research results and expert knowledge of water-fertilizer irrigation in a system combining with computer network,intelligent reasoning and artificial intelligence and other modern high-tech. The system included database, model base, knowledge base, intelligent decision, visual query module and so on, combined expert experience and extensive knowledge by computer program,and simulates agricultural experts analysis with reasoning and interpretation mechanisms, under the help of data mining,machine learning and artificial intelligence technology to realize precision irrigation decision to improve the flexibility,accuracy and practicability of irrigation.
Design and Experiment of Vibration Digging Type Potato Harvester
YANG Hongguang1,2, YANG Ranbing1,2*, SHANG Shuqi1,2, LIU Zhishen1, NI Zhiwei1
2017, 19(8): 55-62. DOI:
(1515KB) (
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In order to solve the potato mechanization harvesting problem in hilly and mountainous area, according to the mechanism of drag reduction, this paper designed a vibration digging type potato harvester with the hand tractor as a power source. Working mechanism of vibration digging device and the kinematics and dynamics characteristics of vibration digging shovel were analyzed, and the structure and working parameters of vibration digging shovel were determined. The quadratic orthogonal rotation combination experiment of three factors were carried out with the moving forward speed, the digging shovel vibration frequency and the digging shovel vibration amplitude as experimental factors, the damage rate and obvious rate as experimental index. The mathematical model between the experimental factors and the experimental indexes was established and the variance of test data and regression equation was analyzed using data processing system software. The moving forward speed of 0.85 m/s, the digging shovel vibration frequency of 12 Hz and the digging shovel vibration amplitude of 14.5 mm were the best combination factors by optimization, which leaded to the damage rate of 1.21%, the obvious rate of 98.51%. Verification experiment results under the optimal parameter combination showed that the average damage rate of 1.28%, the average obvious rate of 98.48%, the working performance can meet requirements of potato harvest.
Analysis of Potato Mechanical Damage in Harvesting and Cleaning and Sorting Storage
WEI Zhongcai1,2, LI Xueqiang2,3, SUN Chuanzhu2,4*, LIU Wenzheng1,2, ZHANG Yufan1,2
2017, 19(8): 63-70. DOI:
(1898KB) (
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iming at solving the problems of potato damage during the mechanization of harvesting, cleaning, sorting storage, and grading, this article summarized and analyzed the multiple injury factors, such as mechanical working parts, farmland soil conditions, potato planting habits, etc. and pointed out problems needed to be solved. The paper thought some new anti-damage material and high frequency low amplitude vibration separation technology should be used in potato harvesting. The paper also discussed the theory of soil cutting and pressing, optimized and added the device to reduce the damage, and analyzed the mechanical properties of potato by combining the elastoplastic theory and contacting mechanics model. It was of important significance to develop and improve the warehousing equipment for potato harvesting, cleaning and grading. Based on these, the paper put forward suggestions and measures to further enhance the control ability of damage simulation and detection in various production processes, so as to realize the integrated control of broken peel in mechanization production and reduce mechanical damage. Thus, the paper provided useful reference for achieving low damage harvest and fine chemical cleaning and grading.
Application and Research on Wind-Solar Hybrid Generation System in Different Feeding Apiary
YANG Peng, GENG Zhenglong, ZHANG Yonglei, DANG Hong, WU Qinggan, ZHENG Yongchun*
2017, 19(8): 71-76. DOI:
(1392KB) (
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In colony feeding, due to the restriction of site conditions, production and daily life of bee farmers are difficult to obtain support from the existing electricity exchange. Based on spot bee field survey, the majority of bee farmers at current stage mainly used photovoltaic components to collect solar energy as a source. Bee farmers in outdoor will inevitably encounter continuous rain or cloudy weather, which make them unable to charge the battery. The existing device can not meet the requirements of beekeepers. In view of this situation, this paper analyzed the scenery complementary power generation system as a starting point, studied on power supply problem for beekeepers, and combined wind power with solar power generation, so as to make up the defects of unreliable power supply during continuous rainy days, which ensured users equilibrium and adequate electricity demand. This study provided new theoretical and technological reference for beekeepers in field work.
Research Progress on Composition of Fluidized Bed Biomass Fast Pyrolysis Gas and its Condensation Technologies
BAI Yong, SI Hui*, WANG Xiao, WU Yu
2017, 19(8): 77-83. DOI:
(1072KB) (
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Fluidized bed biomass fast pyrolysis is one of the most potential biomass energy conversion technologies. It can convert low-grade biomass into high quality pyrolysis oil to produce fuel or chemical products. Condensation of fast pyrolysis gas is one of the important steps of this technology, and the corresponding condensing equipment and technologies are concerned by the scholars. This paper introduced the components of pyrolysis gas, discussed and analyzed the mechanism and technological process of heat transfer, and meanwhile, 3 typical cooling and condensing modes were summarized, and the direction of the rapid pyrolysis gas condensing technologies was indicated.
Mineral Chemical Analysis of Different Foxtail Millet (Setaria italic L. Beauv) Cultivars
CUI Jihan1,2, ZHAO Yu1, LIU Meng1, SONG Shijia1, NAN Chunmei1, LIU Fei1,
2017, 19(8): 84-91. DOI:
(934KB) (
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Mineral nutrients are essential components of body construction and life support. In order to investigate the differences in mineral element contents of foxtail millet cultivars, this paper tested the contents of 11 mineral elements including P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Cr, Cu, I, Mn, Zn and Se from 8 foxtail millet cultivars at 3 locations, and conducted comprehensive evaluation on their mineral element contents. The results showed that there were differences in variability of different mineral element contents in millet. The variable coefficient of Na, I, Cr and Se content were bigger(>5%). Except K and Se, there were remarkable differences in the other 9 mineral element contents affected by cultivar. Except Cu, there were significant differences in the other 10 mineral element contents affected by location. Principal analysis were applied for ranking and evaluating locations and cultivars. Ranks by cultivars were Jigu18>Jigu31>Jigu38>Jigu39>Yugu19>Jigu19>12H402>Yugu18. Ranks by locations were Gaocheng >Jingxing >Boshan. These results were of great significance for confirming the mineral nutrition value of millet, and also had better practical value for understanding the differences of mineral nutrients in different cultivars and at different locations.
Studious on Copigmentation of Anthocyanins in Red Wines
ZHANG Bo, ZHU Xia, SHENG Wenjun, MA Tengzhen, HAN Shunyu*
2017, 19(8): 92-104. DOI:
(1390KB) (
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Anthocyanins are the main pigments directly responsible for the color of red wine, and their varieties, statuses, contents and can determine the wine chromatic characteristics and aging potential. However, anthocyanins are highly chemically unstable and vulnerable to the external environment. For this reason, the red wines are characterized by light color and poor chroma stability. It has been reported that the interaction between anthocyanins and copigments (namely copigmentation) can enhance the color properties and lead to increase of anthocyanins stability, being regarded as a natural way to improve the color and lustre of red wine. Therefore, this paper summarized the copigmentation reaction types, the copigmentation reaction mechanism, determination of copigmentation phenomenon and characterization, main copigments of red wine, and influence factors of copigmentation, etc. issues. The paper also prospected the future development direction, hoping to provide beneficial references for further studies on chromatic stability of anthocyanins, and their application in vinification process.
Study on the Grain Filling Characteristics and Their Relationship with Temperature of Maize Hybrids Differing in Maturities
2017, 19(8): 105-114. DOI:
(1127KB) (
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Maize grain maturity was significantly correlated with the heat condition during silking to mature stage. Clarifying the grain filling characteristics of different maize hybrids and their relationship with the temperature of grain filling stage could provide theoretical basis for maize grain development regulation and maturity selection. Field experiments were conducted in Harbin in 2014 and 2015 with 9 maize hybrids to study the grain filling characteristics of different maturity maize hybrids, and the relationship with temperature. The results showed that the maximum grain filling rate(Gmax), grain weight at the time of maximum grain filling rate(Wmax) and average grain filling rate (Gmean) of middle-early maturity hybrids were the highest among the 3 maturity hybrids, while those of super-early maturing hybrids were the second. The active filling stage (P) and effective filling time (t3) increased with the extension of ripening period, and the increase was mainly in the period of late grain filling stage. The active filling stage(P) and effective filling time (t3) was significantly positive correlated with the effective accumulated temperature during middle stage of grain filling period, and significantly negative correlated with the daily average temperature during grain filling stage. The maximum and average grain filling rate were positively correlated with the effective accumulated temperature ≥10℃ during the early stage of grain filling period and daily average temperature during the filling period, which was significantly negative correlated with the effective accumulated temperature ≥10℃ during the middle stage of grain filling period and daily mean temperature during the early stage of grain filling period. In the ecological area with limited caloric resources, the average daily temperature during the late stage of grain filling period of the middle-late maturing hybrids was lower, which was not conducive to grain filling, leading to the grain weight of middle-late maturing hybrids was less than that of the middle-early and super-early maturing hybrids. The prolonged maturity was not conducive to grain weight increase under the condition with limited caloric resources. The middle-early maturing hybrids had obvious advantage in grain filling, and then could obtain higher yield.
Effects of Fertilization Level and Planting Density on Yield and Quality of Summer-sowing Soya in Mountainous Areas of Hebei
LIU Yuan1, LI Wenlong1, LI Xihuan1, WANG Ruixia2,
2017, 19(8): 115-123. DOI:
(1969KB) (
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Because of special climate condition, soybean cultivation technique in mountainous areas was different with that in plain. Through experiments on fertilizer level and planting density in different planting regions of Hebei mountainous areas, this paper studied their influences on soybean yield, yield components and quality of summer sowing soybean varieties. Results showed that there were extremely significant differences in soybean yield, yield components, protein and fat contents between different test sites. Among them the environment and fertility interaction at the north-central summer sowing soybean sites had extremely significant influences (P<0.01)on plant height, node number and valid pods per plant. While, different planting density in the south sites had significant influences on yield and yield components(When proper planting density in Cixian, Neiqiu and Wuan were 225 000 plants/hm2, 225 000 plants/hm2 and 285 000 plants/hm2, respectively, the yield would be the heighest.). Different fertilization level and planting density had bigger influences on protein and fat contents of summer sowing soybean. There was probably positive correlation between plant density and protein content. The complete set of cultivation technology gained from this study for different planting regions would provide crux guidance for yield improvement and quality optimization of summer sowing soybean in mountain areas of Hebei province.
Resistance Identification of Tobacco Varieties to Meloidogyne incognita and Selection of the Resistance Indexes
WANG Yuan, XING Xuexia, LI Xiaohui, ZHANG Mingzhen, LIU Bingyang,
2017, 19(8): 124-131. DOI:
(1541KB) (
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In order to comprehensively evaluate the resistance of tobacco varieties to M.incognita and select the disease resistance index, this study took 20 tobacco varieties as experimental material, measured their relative growth rate and relevant disease resistant indexes 60 d after artificial inoculation with M. incognita by seedling pot cultivation, and analyzed the test data by combining subordinate function with clustering analysis method. The results indicated that there were differences in relative growth rates and disease resistant indexes of 20 tobacco varieties infected by M.incognita. The result of clustering analysis on gall index was very similar to that of the other indexes, and there was less difference from that of clustering analysis on relative growth rates. The results of comprehensive identification on tobacco varieties gained from combining clustering analysis with subordinate function were consistent with the results of the other research method. Synthetically, the gall index can basically reflect the resistant level of tobacco varieties to M.incognita.
Effect of Soil Texture and Age on Soil Exchangeable Calcium and Magnesium in the Early Bearing Walnut Orchard
HUANG Minmin, ZHANG Qiang*, WANG Guoan, NING Wanjun
2017, 19(8): 132-137. DOI:
(900KB) (
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In order to understand the change rule of exchangeable Ca and Mg content under different soil texture and tree-age condition, this paper choose sandy and loam 2 kinds of walnut tree orchard, one in primary fruit period and the other in full fruit period, and tested the exchangeable Ca and Mg contents in soil. The results showed that there were remarkable differences in contents of exchangeable Ca and Mg in different soil texture. Relatively speaking, the loam had strong adsorption and immobilization capacity of Ca2+, and also high Ca2+ content. There were significant differences in contents of exchangeable Ca and Mg between loam and snay soil(P<0.05). Under loam condition, there were also big differences in soil exchangeable Ca and Mg contents between 2 different tree-ages. Soil types had certain effect on the change of soil exchangeable Ca/Mg. Exchangeable Ca and Mg showed significant negative correlation between loam and sandy soil. While under the same soil condition, Ca and Mg showed significant positive correlation. The ratio of exchangeable Ca/Mg was negatively correlated with the content of exchangeable Mg.