Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (5): 192-203.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2021.1054


Effects of Microbial Fertilizer on Growth, Yield and Quality of Continuous Cropping Sugar Beet

Lu TIAN1(), Xiaoxia GUO1(), Wenbin SU1, Chunyan HUANG1, Zhi LI1, Peng ZHANG2, Caiyuan JIAN1, Jia LIU2, Dejuan KONG2, Kang HAN1   

  1. 1.Special Crops Institutue, Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural & Animal Husbandry Science, Hohhot 010031, China
    2.Ulanqab Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, Inner Mongolia Ulanqab 012000, China
  • Received:2021-12-10 Accepted:2022-05-10 Online:2023-05-20 Published:2023-07-13
  • Contact: Xiaoxia GUO


田露1(), 郭晓霞1(), 苏文斌1, 黄春燕1, 李智1, 张鹏2, 菅彩媛1, 刘佳2, 孔德娟2, 韩康1   

  1. 1.内蒙古自治区农牧业科学院特色作物研究所, 呼和浩特 010031
    2.乌兰察布市农林科学研究所, 内蒙古 乌兰察布 012000
  • 通讯作者: 郭晓霞
  • 作者简介:田露 E-mail:
    郭晓霞 E-mail: guoxiaoxia2008@126.com第一联系人:田露和郭晓霞为共同第一作者。
  • 基金资助:


Based on the situation of crop growth and yield inhibition of sugar beet continuous cropping in Inner Mongolia, widely used microbial fertilizer in the prevention and control of continuous cropping obstacles were selected. Five different dosages (0.250, 0.375, 0.500, 0.625, 0.750 kg·volume-1) were set and no using as the control, the growth, yield and quality were studied to screen out the best amount of microbial fertilizer suitable for continuous cropping sugar beet in paper tube in Inner Mongolia. The results showed that the application of microbial fertilizer could raise the survival rate, reduce the incidence rate of root rot and promote the growth of continuous cropping sugar beet. Compared with control, only 0.625 kg·volume-1 in two years could significantly increased survival rate by 8.41% and 11.06% , reduce the incidence rate of root rot by 66.48% and 88.32%, increase plant height by 9.67%~23.51% and 4.48%~31.26%, increase leaf area index by 28.88%~34.62% and 15.24%~38.86%, increase dry matter accumulation of stem and leaf by 11.51%~21.10% and 21.00%~38.76%, increase dry matter accumulation of root by 22.32%~46.13% and 34.80%~68.03%. The effects of other application treatments on the growth of continuous cropping sugar beet were inconsistent between years and growth period. The application of microbial fertilizer could improve the yield and quality, the yield and sugar yield showed 0.625 kg·volume-1 >0.750 kg·volume-1 >0.500 kg·volume-1 >0.375 kg·volume-1>0.250 kg·volume-1. And 0.625 and 0.750 kg·volume-1 showed significant effects in two years, the yield increased by 11.64% and 18.29%, 9.59% and 14.23%, the sugar yield increased by 14.41% and 24.19%, 11.36% and 15.96%. Thus, the planting benefit of continuous cropping sugar beet was improved. In conclusion, by fitting the application amount of microbial fertilizer with the yield and quality of sugar beet, and the combination analysis of sugar beet growth dynamics and economic benefits, the study showed that 0.625 kg·volume-1 was the best amount which applied to continuous cropping sugar beet in paper tube. The results provided an effective way to solve the obstacles of continuous cropping sugar beet in Inner Mongolia.

Key words: sugar beet, continuous cropping, paper tube seedling, microbial fertilizer, growth, yield and quality


针对内蒙古地区甜菜连作生长受抑制、产质量水平受限的生产现状,选取目前连作障碍防控中广泛应用的微生物肥料,设置5个肥料用量(0.250、0.375、0.500、0.625、0.750 kg·册-1),以不施肥为对照,分析连作甜菜生长发育以及产质量水平的变化,筛选适宜内蒙古地区纸筒育苗连作甜菜生产中微生物肥料的最佳用量。结果表明,微生物肥料能够提高连作甜菜成活率,降低根腐病发病率,促进连作甜菜生长。与对照相比,肥料用量0.625 kg·册-1时,2年连作甜菜成活率分别显著提高8.41%和11.06%,根腐病发病率显著降低66.48%和88.32%,株高显著增加9.67%~23.51%和4.48%~31.26%、叶面积指数显著增加28.88%~34.62%和15.24%~38.86%、茎叶干物质积累量显著增加11.51%~21.10%和21.00%~38.76%、块根干物质积累量显著增加22.32%~46.13%和34.80%~68.03%,其余施肥处理在年际间、生育期间对连作甜菜生长的影响表现不一致。微生物肥料能够提高连作甜菜产质量水平,产量和产糖量表现为0.625 kg·册-1>0.750 kg·册-1>0.500 kg·册-1>0.375 kg·册-1>0.250 kg·册-1,施肥量0.625和0.750 kg·册-1处理2年均增加显著,产量分别提高11.64%和18.29%、9.59%和14.23%,产糖量提高14.41%和24.19%、11.36%和15.96%,提高了连作甜菜种植效益。通过微生物肥料施用量与甜菜产质量的拟合,结合对甜菜生长动态和经济效益的分析,0.625 kg·册-1微生物肥料应用于纸筒育苗甜菜连作栽培中具有较好效果,为内蒙古甜菜连作障碍提供有效解决途径。

关键词: 甜菜, 连作, 纸筒育苗, 微生物肥料, 生长发育, 产质量

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