Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (3): 221-233.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2021.0792
Ling YANG1(), Fucang ZHANG1(
), Xin SUN1, Shaohui ZHANG1, Haidong WANG1, Ahmed Elsayed ABDELGHANY1, Zhanfei CHEN2, Yuchuan FANG2
Fucang ZHANG
杨玲1(), 张富仓1(
), 孙鑫1, 张少辉1, 王海东1, ABDELGHANY Ahmed Elsayed1, 陈占飞2, 方玉川2
CLC Number:
Ling YANG, Fucang ZHANG, Xin SUN, Shaohui ZHANG, Haidong WANG, Ahmed Elsayed ABDELGHANY, Zhanfei CHEN, Yuchuan FANG. Effects of Biochar and Drip Irrigation Amounts on Soil Properties and Growth of Potato in Blown-sand Region of Northern Yulin, Shaanxi Province[J]. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2023, 25(3): 221-233.
杨玲, 张富仓, 孙鑫, 张少辉, 王海东, ABDELGHANY Ahmed Elsayed, 陈占飞, 方玉川. 生物炭和滴灌量对陕北榆林沙土性质和马铃薯生长的影响[J]. 中国农业科技导报, 2023, 25(3): 221-233.
Fig. 1 Reference crop evapotranspiration, air temperature, effective rainfall, actual irrigation amount and fertilizer application rate during tomato growth stage
Fig. 2 Soil bulk density and porosity under different treatmentsNote: Different small letters at the same soil layer indicate significant differences at P<0.05 level.
Fig. 3 Soil organic carbon in 0—20 cm soil layer at different periods under different treatmentsNote: Different small letters at same period indicate significant differences at P<0.05 level.
Fig. 4 Soil available potassium content under different treatmentsNote: Different small letters at same horizontal distance indicate 0—20 cm soil layers significant differences at P<0.05 level.
Fig. 5 Soil NO3-?N content under different treatmentsNote:Different small letters at same horizontal distance indicate 0—20 cm soil layers significant differences at P<0.05 level.
Fig. 7 Tomato dry matter accumulation amount under different treatmentsNote: Ⅰ~Ⅴ represents seedling, tuber formation, bulking, starch accumulation and maturity stage, respectively; * and ** indicates significant differences among treatments at P<0.05 and P<0.01 levels, respectively.
处理 Treatment | 块茎产量 Tuber yield/ (kg·hm-2) | 单株产量(g·株-1) Tuber of perplant/ (g·plant-1) | 商品薯重(g·株-1) Commodity tuber/(g·plant-1) | 大薯重(g·株-1) Big tuber/ (g·plant-1) | 水分利用 效率 WUE/(kg·m-3) |
W1B0 | 40 888.89 e | 1 183.75 d | 984.93 c | 726.46 d | 8.63 d |
W1B10 | 45 041.66 de | 1 240.62 cd | 1 051.75 c | 755.29 cd | 9.50 cd |
W1B20 | 56 138.89 ab | 1 653.75 a | 1 398.43 a | 764.55 bcd | 12.49 a |
W1B30 | 57 180.55 a | 1 627.53 a | 1 403.43 ab | 754.86 cd | 12.41 a |
W1B50 | 47 194.45 d | 1 330.26 cd | 1 359.87 ab | 746.79 cd | 10.35 bc |
W2B0 | 44 416.66 de | 1 362.57 bcd | 1 170.86 bc | 742.10 cd | 9.27 cd |
W2B10 | 50 236.11 bcd | 1 463.75 abc | 1 257.19 ab | 798.85 abc | 10.36 bc |
W2B20 | 55 472.22 abc | 1 611.87 a | 1 458.72 a | 821.79 a | 11.22 b |
W2B30 | 58 263.89 a | 1 657. 51 a | 1 436.82 a | 814.70 ab | 11.31 ab |
W2B50 | 49 083.33 cd | 1 599.37 ab | 1 317.62 ab | 765.23 bcd | 9.14 cd |
F滴灌量FIrrigation rate | 3.774 | 5.379* | 1.929* | 15.823** | 2.744 |
F生物炭FBiochar rate | 19.029** | 6.887** | 4.372* | 2.905* | 18.093** |
F滴灌量×生物炭 FIrrigation rate×biochar rate | 0.608 | 1.140 | 0.833 | 0.596 | 3.345* |
Table 1 Tuber yield and water use efficiency under different treatments
处理 Treatment | 块茎产量 Tuber yield/ (kg·hm-2) | 单株产量(g·株-1) Tuber of perplant/ (g·plant-1) | 商品薯重(g·株-1) Commodity tuber/(g·plant-1) | 大薯重(g·株-1) Big tuber/ (g·plant-1) | 水分利用 效率 WUE/(kg·m-3) |
W1B0 | 40 888.89 e | 1 183.75 d | 984.93 c | 726.46 d | 8.63 d |
W1B10 | 45 041.66 de | 1 240.62 cd | 1 051.75 c | 755.29 cd | 9.50 cd |
W1B20 | 56 138.89 ab | 1 653.75 a | 1 398.43 a | 764.55 bcd | 12.49 a |
W1B30 | 57 180.55 a | 1 627.53 a | 1 403.43 ab | 754.86 cd | 12.41 a |
W1B50 | 47 194.45 d | 1 330.26 cd | 1 359.87 ab | 746.79 cd | 10.35 bc |
W2B0 | 44 416.66 de | 1 362.57 bcd | 1 170.86 bc | 742.10 cd | 9.27 cd |
W2B10 | 50 236.11 bcd | 1 463.75 abc | 1 257.19 ab | 798.85 abc | 10.36 bc |
W2B20 | 55 472.22 abc | 1 611.87 a | 1 458.72 a | 821.79 a | 11.22 b |
W2B30 | 58 263.89 a | 1 657. 51 a | 1 436.82 a | 814.70 ab | 11.31 ab |
W2B50 | 49 083.33 cd | 1 599.37 ab | 1 317.62 ab | 765.23 bcd | 9.14 cd |
F滴灌量FIrrigation rate | 3.774 | 5.379* | 1.929* | 15.823** | 2.744 |
F生物炭FBiochar rate | 19.029** | 6.887** | 4.372* | 2.905* | 18.093** |
F滴灌量×生物炭 FIrrigation rate×biochar rate | 0.608 | 1.140 | 0.833 | 0.596 | 3.345* |
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