In order to understand the trace elements content in UHT milk sold in domestic market, and differences among different brands, UHT milk samples of 29 domestic brands, 96 batchs from 17 cities were analyzed. 17 trace elements contents in 28 import brands and 53 batch UHT milk were also analyzed, and the differences in trace element between domestic brand and import brand were compared. By microwave pretreatment and ICP-MS method, the contents of 17 trace element in UHT milk were tested. The spiked recovery was 90.9%~1096%. The results indicated that positive rate of Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Se, Rb, Sr, Cs and Ba were all 100.00%, while that of V, Cr, Co, Ni, Ga, Ag, Tl and U were 2.08%~88.54% and 1.89%~92.45% in domestic brands and import brands, respectively. The differences in concentration of Cu, Zn, Se, Ni and Sr between domestic and import brand were significant (P<0.05), while that in concentration of V、Cr、Mn、 Fe、Co、Ga、Rb、Ag、Cs、Ba、 Tl and U were not significant(P>0.05).