Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (9): 186-196.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2022.0111
• BIO-MANUFACTURING & RESOURCE AND ECOLOGY • Previous Articles Next Articles
Jing GAO1,2(), Minggang XU1,2, Ran LI3, Zejiang CAI3, Nan SUN3(
), Qiang ZHANG4(
), Lei ZHENG4
高静1,2(), 徐明岗1,2, 李然3, 蔡泽江3, 孙楠3(
), 张强4(
), 郑磊4
CLC Number:
Jing GAO, Minggang XU, Ran LI, Zejiang CAI, Nan SUN, Qiang ZHANG, Lei ZHENG. Effects of Biochar Application on Soil pH: A Meta-Analysis[J]. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2023, 25(9): 186-196.
高静, 徐明岗, 李然, 蔡泽江, 孙楠, 张强, 郑磊. 整合分析生物炭施用对土壤pH的影响[J]. 中国农业科技导报, 2023, 25(9): 186-196.
Fig. 1 Response ratio of soil pH change with biochar applicationNote: M and SE represent the mean and standard error of soil pH change response ratio, respectively.
Fig. 2 Weighted response ratio of biochar application to soil pH under different pHNote: Values in brackets show the percentage increased in soil pH and sample size, respectively.
Fig. 3 Weighted response ratio of biochar prepared with different raw materials to soil pHNote: Values in brackets show the percentage increased in soil pH and sample size, respectively.
Fig. 4 Weighted response ratio of biochar to soil pH under different pyrolysis temperature rangesNote: Values in brackets show the percentage increased in soil pH and sample size, respectively.
Fig. 5 Weighted response ratio of biochar with different pH values to soil pHNote: Values in brackets show the percentage increased in soil pH and sample size, respectively.
Fig. 6 Weight response ratio of biochar application rate to soil pHNote: Values in brackets show the percentage increased in soil pH and sample size, respectively.
Fig. 7 Weighted response ratio of biochar application time to soil pHNote: Values in brackets show the percentage increased in soil pH and sample size, respectively.
Fig. 8 Relationship between soil pH change and soil pH, biochar pH, biochar pyrolysis temperature and biochar pplication amountNote: **indicates significant correlation at P<0.01 level.
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