Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (8): 148-156.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2022.0077
Chenyang ZHANG1,2(), Minggang XU1,2,3(
), Fei WANG2, Ran LI3, Nan SUN3(
Minggang XU,Nan SUN
张晨阳1,2(), 徐明岗1,2,3(
), 王斐2, 李然3, 孙楠3(
CLC Number:
Chenyang ZHANG, Minggang XU, Fei WANG, Ran LI, Nan SUN. Effects of Manure Application on Soybean Yield and Soil Nutrients in China[J]. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2023, 25(8): 148-156.
张晨阳, 徐明岗, 王斐, 李然, 孙楠. 施用有机肥对我国大豆产量及土壤养分的影响[J]. 中国农业科技导报, 2023, 25(8): 148-156.
地区 Region | 总计 Total | 分布 Distribution | |
地区 Region | 数量 Number | ||
东北 Northeast | 79 | 吉林 Jilin | 2 |
辽宁 Liaoning | 1 | ||
黑龙江 Heilongjiang | 76 | ||
华北 North China | 10 | 河南 Henan | 1 |
安徽 Anhui | 8 | ||
内蒙古 Inner Mongolia | 1 | ||
西北 Northwest | 22 | 新疆 Xinjiang | 14 |
陕西 Shaanxi | 8 | ||
南方 Southern | 8 | 湖北 Hubei | 2 |
湖南 Hunan | 1 | ||
福建Fujian | 5 |
Table 1 Distribution areas of data collected from whole China
地区 Region | 总计 Total | 分布 Distribution | |
地区 Region | 数量 Number | ||
东北 Northeast | 79 | 吉林 Jilin | 2 |
辽宁 Liaoning | 1 | ||
黑龙江 Heilongjiang | 76 | ||
华北 North China | 10 | 河南 Henan | 1 |
安徽 Anhui | 8 | ||
内蒙古 Inner Mongolia | 1 | ||
西北 Northwest | 22 | 新疆 Xinjiang | 14 |
陕西 Shaanxi | 8 | ||
南方 Southern | 8 | 湖北 Hubei | 2 |
湖南 Hunan | 1 | ||
福建Fujian | 5 |
Fig. 5 Yield enhancement effect of soybean with different manure application measuresNote:The upper and lower error line represent the maximum and minimum, respectively; the solid line and squares in the box represent the mean value and median value, respectively; the different lowercase letters indicate significant differences in yield between treatments (P<0.05)。
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[1] | Zhigang ZHENG, Li XIANG, Gongyi LIU, Cai XU, Bin QIN, Weiqin WANG, Huabin ZHENG, Qiyuan TANG. Effects of Nitrogen Application Rate and Density on Growth and Yield of Orderly Machine-thrown Early Rice [J]. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2023, 25(7): 132-143. |
[2] | Yaxuan MENG, Wei MA, Xuhang YAO, Yingqi SUN, Xin ZHONG, Shan HUANG, Qiaoyun WENG, Yinghui LIU, Jincheng YUAN. Study on the Response Factors of Maize Yield to Nitrogen Fertilizer [J]. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2023, 25(7): 153-160. |
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