Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (9): 197-206.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2022.0095
• BIO-MANUFACTURING & RESOURCE AND ECOLOGY • Previous Articles Next Articles
Yuanyuan DUAN1,2(), Xiaohong LIU2, Tao TANG1, Fanfan WANG1, Jingmao YOU1, Xiaoliang GUO1, Jie GUO1,2(
段媛媛1,2(), 刘晓洪2, 唐涛1, 王帆帆1, 游景茂1, 郭晓亮1, 郭杰1,2(
CLC Number:
Yuanyuan DUAN, Xiaohong LIU, Tao TANG, Fanfan WANG, Jingmao YOU, Xiaoliang GUO, Jie GUO. Effects of Planting Density on Growth and Quality of Fritillaria hupehensis[J]. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2023, 25(9): 197-206.
段媛媛, 刘晓洪, 唐涛, 王帆帆, 游景茂, 郭晓亮, 郭杰. 种植密度对湖北贝母生长及品质的影响[J]. 中国农业科技导报, 2023, 25(9): 197-206.
Fig.1 Growth traits of Fritillaria hupehensis under different planting densitiesNote:The dashed line in the boxplot is the mean and the solid line is the median; different lowercase letters in the same sampling period indicate significant differences between treatments(P<0.05).
Fig.2 Photosynthetic pigments content of Fritillaria hupehensis with different planting densitiesNote:Different lowercase letters in the same sampling period indicate significant differences between treatments(P<0.05).
Fig.3 Autioxidant enzyme activities of Fritillaria hupehensis with different planting densitiesNote:Different lowercase letters in the same sampling period indicate significant differences between treatments(P<0.05).
Fig.4 Osmotic regulation of substance content of Fritillaria hupehensis with different planting densitiesNote:Different lowercase letters in the same sampling period indicate significant differences between treatments(P<0.05).
Fig.5 Correlation analysis of physiological growth traits of Fritillaria hupehensisNote:* indicates significant correlation at P<0.05 level, ** indicates significant correlation at P<0.01 level, *** indicates significant correlation at P<0.001 level.
Fig.6 Yield of substance content and peiminine of Fritillaria hupehensis with different planting densitiesNote:Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences between treatments(P<0.05).
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