Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (9): 13-22.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2022.0257
• AGRICULTURAL INNOVATION FORUM • Previous Articles Next Articles
Ning ZHAO1(), Xing LI1, Yong JIANG1, Zhixiu WANG1, Yulin BI1, Guohong CHEN1,2, Hao BAI2(
), Guobin CHANG1,2(
Hao BAI,Guobin CHANG
赵宁1(), 李星1, 江勇1, 王志秀1, 毕瑜林1, 陈国宏1,2, 白皓2(
), 常国斌1,2(
赵宁 E-mail:
CLC Number:
Ning ZHAO, Xing LI, Yong JIANG, Zhixiu WANG, Yulin BI, Guohong CHEN, Hao BAI, Guobin CHANG. Application of Image Recognition Technology in the Field of Chicken Breeding[J]. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2023, 25(9): 13-22.
赵宁, 李星, 江勇, 王志秀, 毕瑜林, 陈国宏, 白皓, 常国斌. 图像识别技术在鸡养殖领域的应用[J]. 中国农业科技导报, 2023, 25(9): 13-22.
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