Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (5): 34-45.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2022.0761
• BIOTECHNOLOGY & LIFE SCIENCE • Previous Articles Next Articles
Daokuan BAI(), Baojian GUO, Yi HONG, Mengna ZHANG, Juan ZHU, Chao LYU, Feifei WANG, Rugen XU(
Rugen XU
白道宽(), 郭宝健, 洪益, 张萌娜, 朱娟, 吕超, 王菲菲, 许如根(
白道宽 E-mail:;
CLC Number:
Daokuan BAI, Baojian GUO, Yi HONG, Mengna ZHANG, Juan ZHU, Chao LYU, Feifei WANG, Rugen XU. Research on Mutagenic Mechanism and Genetic Mechanism of a Yellowing Mutant in Barley[J]. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2023, 25(5): 34-45.
白道宽, 郭宝健, 洪益, 张萌娜, 朱娟, 吕超, 王菲菲, 许如根. 一个大麦黄化突变体的突变机理及其遗传机制研究[J]. 中国农业科技导报, 2023, 25(5): 34-45.
基因名称 Gene name | 基因ID Gene ID | 正向引物 Forward primer(5’-3’) | 反向引物 Reverse primer(5’-3’) |
Table 1 Primer of chlorophyll synthesis, photosynthesis related genes used fou quantitative real-time PCR
基因名称 Gene name | 基因ID Gene ID | 正向引物 Forward primer(5’-3’) | 反向引物 Reverse primer(5’-3’) |
Fig. 1 Phenotypes of ‘YNP5’ and G039 under natural conditionA: Plant at seedling period; B: Extracts of photosynthetic pigments in the seedling period; C: Plant at filling period; D: Grain length; E: Grain width
Fig. 2 Contents of chlorophyll pigments in ‘YNP5’ and G039A: Seedling stage; B: Grain filling stage. ** means significantly differences between materials at P<0.01 level
性状 Trait | 扬农啤5号 YNP5 | G039 |
株高 Plant height/cm | 86.46±5.94 | 72.86±5.42** |
穗下节间长 Internode length below the spike/cm | 30.88±3.36 | 22.38±2.40** |
分蘖数 Number of tillers | 17.82±8.36 | 8.85±3.40** |
穗长 Panicle length/cm | 6.71±0.48 | 5.95±0.66** |
每穗粒数 Grains per panicle | 28.35±2.42 | 25.86±2.23** |
千粒重 1 000-grain weight/g | 41.93±0.34 | 48.04±0.36** |
粒长 Grain length/mm | 6.86±0.03 | 7.62±0.03** |
粒宽 Grain width/mm | 3.05±0.02 | 3.15±0.02** |
Table 2 Agronomic traits of the wild type ‘YNP5’ and mutant G039
性状 Trait | 扬农啤5号 YNP5 | G039 |
株高 Plant height/cm | 86.46±5.94 | 72.86±5.42** |
穗下节间长 Internode length below the spike/cm | 30.88±3.36 | 22.38±2.40** |
分蘖数 Number of tillers | 17.82±8.36 | 8.85±3.40** |
穗长 Panicle length/cm | 6.71±0.48 | 5.95±0.66** |
每穗粒数 Grains per panicle | 28.35±2.42 | 25.86±2.23** |
千粒重 1 000-grain weight/g | 41.93±0.34 | 48.04±0.36** |
粒长 Grain length/mm | 6.86±0.03 | 7.62±0.03** |
粒宽 Grain width/mm | 3.05±0.02 | 3.15±0.02** |
Fig. 3 SPAD values of the ‘YNP5’ and G039 under different temperature conditionsNote:** means significantly difference between materials at P<0.01 level.
Fig. 5 Chlorophyll content of the ‘YNP5’ and G039 under different temperature conditionsNote: ** means significantly difference between materials at P<0.01 level
Fig. 6 Photosynthetic indices of ‘YNP 5’ and G039 under different temperature conditionsA~E: Net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance, water use efficiency and intercellular CO2 concentration are sequentially shown. * and ** mean significantly differences between materials at P<0.05 and P<0.01 levels,respectively
杂交组合 Cross combination | 植株数量 Number of plants | χ2 | P值(0.05) P value(0.05) | ||
F2群体 F2 population | 野生表型 Wild type phenotype | 突变表型 Mutant phenotype | |||
G039/扬农啤5号 | 388 | 297 | 91 | 0.49 | 3.84 |
G039/扬农啤7号 | 332 | 252 | 80 | 0.14 | 3.84 |
Table 3 Genetic analysis of the mutant trait
杂交组合 Cross combination | 植株数量 Number of plants | χ2 | P值(0.05) P value(0.05) | ||
F2群体 F2 population | 野生表型 Wild type phenotype | 突变表型 Mutant phenotype | |||
G039/扬农啤5号 | 388 | 297 | 91 | 0.49 | 3.84 |
G039/扬农啤7号 | 332 | 252 | 80 | 0.14 | 3.84 |
Fig. 8 Expression levels in genes involved in chlorophyll synthesis of YNP 5 and G039 under different temperature conditionsNote: ** means significant at P<0.01 level.
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