Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (11): 154-165.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2023.0349
Qi ZHEN(), Guangze YAN, Na TA(
), Zhiyong ZHAO, Huimin YU
CLC Number:
Qi ZHEN, Guangze YAN, Na TA, Zhiyong ZHAO, Huimin YU. Effect of Different CO2 Contents on Temperature Distribution in Potato Storage Room[J]. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2023, 25(11): 154-165.
甄琦, 闫广泽, 塔娜, 赵志勇, 于慧敏. 不同二氧化碳含量对马铃薯贮藏室内温度分布的影响[J]. 中国农业科技导报, 2023, 25(11): 154-165.
Fig. 1 Appearance, size and equipment layout of the semi-underground storage roomA.Exterior view of the potato storage room; B. Front view of the storage room; C. Side view of the storage room; D. Top view of the storage room
名称Name | 材料Material | 壁厚Wall thickness /m | 传热方式Heat transfer method | 温度Temperature/℃ |
东墙East wall | 红砖Red brick | 0.37 | 导热Heat conduction | 1.03 |
南墙South wall | 红砖Red brick | 0.37 | 导热Heat conduction | 0.87 |
西墙West wall | 红砖Red brick | 0.37 | 导热Heat conduction | 0.92 |
北墙North wall | 红砖Red brick | 0.37 | 导热Heat conduction | 1.69 |
顶墙Top wall | 红砖Red brick | 0.37 | 导热Heat conduction | 0.83 |
底墙Bottom wall | 土壤Soil | 2.00 | 导热Heat conduction | 1.29 |
Table 1 Setting parameters of wall boundary conditions
名称Name | 材料Material | 壁厚Wall thickness /m | 传热方式Heat transfer method | 温度Temperature/℃ |
东墙East wall | 红砖Red brick | 0.37 | 导热Heat conduction | 1.03 |
南墙South wall | 红砖Red brick | 0.37 | 导热Heat conduction | 0.87 |
西墙West wall | 红砖Red brick | 0.37 | 导热Heat conduction | 0.92 |
北墙North wall | 红砖Red brick | 0.37 | 导热Heat conduction | 1.69 |
顶墙Top wall | 红砖Red brick | 0.37 | 导热Heat conduction | 0.83 |
底墙Bottom wall | 土壤Soil | 2.00 | 导热Heat conduction | 1.29 |
名称 Name | 密度 Density/(kg·m-³) | 比热 Specific heat/ (J·kg-1·K-1) | 导热系数 Thermal conductivity/ (W·m-1·K-1) | 对流换热系数 Convective heat transfer coefficient/(W·m-2·K-1) |
红砖Red brick | 2 200 | 880 | 1.4 | 21.12 |
土壤Soil | 1 700 | 2 010 | 2.0 | 21.12 |
空气Air | 1.225 | 1 006 | 0.024 2 | — |
水蒸汽Water vapor | 1.240 | 1 007 | 0.025 1 | — |
马铃薯Potato | 1 100 | 1900 | 0.6 | 21.12 |
内热源Internal heat source | 7 790 | 450 | 43.5 | — |
Table 2 Material parameter settings
名称 Name | 密度 Density/(kg·m-³) | 比热 Specific heat/ (J·kg-1·K-1) | 导热系数 Thermal conductivity/ (W·m-1·K-1) | 对流换热系数 Convective heat transfer coefficient/(W·m-2·K-1) |
红砖Red brick | 2 200 | 880 | 1.4 | 21.12 |
土壤Soil | 1 700 | 2 010 | 2.0 | 21.12 |
空气Air | 1.225 | 1 006 | 0.024 2 | — |
水蒸汽Water vapor | 1.240 | 1 007 | 0.025 1 | — |
马铃薯Potato | 1 100 | 1900 | 0.6 | 21.12 |
内热源Internal heat source | 7 790 | 450 | 43.5 | — |
Fig. 8 Temperature distribution in storage room under 0.15% CO2 gas contentA:Temperature distribution at X=0.5, 4.0, 7.5 m; B:Temperature distribution at Y=0.3,1.3,2.3 m; C: Temperature distribution at Z=0.3,2.0,3.7 m
Fig. 9 Temperature distribution of different CO2 gas content in the storage room at X=4 mA:Temperature distribution at 0.00% of the CO2 content; B:Temperature distribution at 0.15% of the CO2 content; C:Temperature distribution at 0.30% of the CO2 content
Fig. 10 Temperature distribution of different CO2 gas content in the storage room at Z=2 mA:Temperature distribution at 0.00% of the CO2 content; B: Temperature distribution at 0.15% of the CO2 content; C: Temperature distribution at 0.30% of the CO2 content
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